Who knows, but just in case...


Hi all,

I've checked into this board several times in the past few months as we've been waiting to start "trying." I'm posting now because last night was our first official try! I have been following the Fertility Awareness Method for several months now and know that I am ovulating at any moment. Who knows whether our try will be a success. Anyway, I'm wondering if strenuous exercise inhibits conception. I work out with my beloved Cathe tapes (primarily the cross train xpress series) 3-4 times each week and attend yoga classes. Should I lay low while trying to get pregnant? I feel like all that jumping and intensity will make it a scary environment for fertilization to occur. I know it sounds dumb, but I feel like I should just lie down and wait for that 18th day of high temperatures before I move!

Any information would be appreciated as I am much the novice.
I'm no expert, but I am newly pregnant

Well, I'm 20 weeks, so not really all that "newly" anymore! Anyway, I didn't cut down on my exercise/intensity when trying to conceive but I also didn't go out of my way to really push myself extra hard, either. In other words, I kept running but decided that it wasn't necessary to try to run faster at that point in time.

The only advice I'd give, though, is to try to make sure you don't get overheated during that post-ovulation stage. So drink lots of water and try to work out in the a/c.

Lots of luck! I know it's both an exciting and stressful time, but I really found it fascinating to learn more about how my body works -- I hadn't paid much attention before TTC and boy did I learn a lot!

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jun-21-01 AT 12:42PM (Est)[/font][p]I have been lurking on this board and reading alot of the old posts trying to get information also. My husband and I want to start trying for our second child this fall. I didn't exercise much during my first pregnancy and had a hard time so I really want to do things differently this time.

Anyway, Im pretty much a novice too but I did come across this post in the history. Sheila gave some very interesting information about heart rate during preconception and early pregnancy that I thought might help answer your question. It was a post I actually copied for myself as well.

Good luck to you and I hope we will be hearing good news from you soon! I too will look forward to hearing responses to your post to learn as much as I can.

Take care :)

Don't fret...

You are just like me! I also worried about such things when I was trying to get pregnant. I have to say that it's highly unlikely that your workouts will interfere with your fertility...but to be safe, I'd do things in moderation. Less impact doesn't mean less intensity...just don't go overboard. Stay hydrated, don't get overheated and don't workout to the point where you are breathless. And remember...those days off to let your body recoup are just as important!

I'm in my third month and truly believe that working out consistently now (as well as before I was pregnant) helps IMMENSELY with my sanity and how my body feels.

Good luck and please keep us posted!!
Hi there-
I am not an expert, but just to throw my 2 cents in-- I was pretty hard core as far as exercise (6 days /week high intensity cardio and heavy weights) and I got pregnant right away. (We were lucky, it happened in the first month.)
From what I understand, if your body is used to exercise, your hormonal levels /ovulation has adjusted to it.. I would think if you are menstruating regularly, and eating right, the exercise is just a "bonus" !
Good luck.. I hope it happens soon for you!
Thanks everyone! I actually read that post from Angela back in November--I know, I thought that we were similar when I read it as well! I went off the pill around the same time.

Hopefully I'll be joining you all "officially" soon...

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