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  1. S

    help! how do i add a new workout to my calendar based on a dvd?

    trying to add "workout I'm doing today" to My Calendar -- having problems -- new to the new site, been away for a little while. can anybody help please?? :) thanks.
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    most effective ARM/LEG segment?

    thanks for all the suggestions guys! i think i'm gonna kick it up a notch and try PUB tonight. :):) and maybe i'll revisit the L&G this week too. ugh. why can't effective weight training just be eaaaasy? no pain, no gain, i guess... [heavy sigh] :)
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    most effective ARM/LEG segment?

    by the way, i have just abt everything of Cathe's except the Slow and Heavys.
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    most effective ARM/LEG segment?

    Hey ladies... long time since i've posted, but i've still been faithfully hangin out with my cathe dvds :) question - which segment(s) do you feel are most effective to get my arms/legs sculpted for summer. i've got two months to get to the next level... goin on vacation end of June...
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    Hi again Cathe, Sassyella here! :)

    Oh she's just delightful. I've been fortunate to meet and work with some really cool people in my lifetime -- and you know many times the ones that have the room to boast the most turn out to be the coolest. That's my take on Cathe after just a few minutes of chatting. Genuine, nice, real...
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    Hi again Cathe, Sassyella here! :)

    Hi Cathe, Just checkin in to let you know what a pleasure it was to meet you today. It's been so long since I've actually been in a real live class with other bodies besides my couches to keep me company. :) Whew! So many other forms of torture available when you really have the room to...
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    live nearby can i come to the tapings???

    Hi Jean. My weight loss success is still so very surreal. I, like you, was asking for all kinds of advice from anyone I could find who'd reached or were close to reaching their goals. it's soooo encouraging to hear that you really can do it from others just like you isn't it? anyway, i have...
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    live nearby can i come to the tapings???

    thanks for the quick repsonse Cathe. Always an honor to hear from you, especially with such a busy schedule. i will definitely come to a class soon, and will take your advice to email ahead of time. it will probably be for a Friday morning step class or something. (Was also happy to hear that...
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    live nearby can i come to the tapings???

    Cathe, or anyone involved, do you know if the taping are closed or if maybe we lucky ones who live nearby can come to a taping or a rehearsal?? ironically, i was going to come to the gym and take a class this Friday, and I see on the website that you're finally going to begin taping this...
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    200 walking lunges sub? Need dvd suggestions...

    OMG, crying through Slow Motion Lunges! I was truly seeing stars! Ouuuch! :)
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    200 walking lunges sub? Need dvd suggestions...

    thanks mattea. that's just the tip i needed. i'll play around with those segments and sandwich 2 together. happy fire in the thighs is right! i just finished GS Legs, and my legs feel like spaghetti, so hopefully i'll have what it takes to get through tomorrow's challenge. :) thanks...
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    200 walking lunges sub? Need dvd suggestions...

    Help anybody. i'm doing Butts and Guts rotation, but i really need a sub for the 200 walking lunges that Cathe throws in every now and again. I just don't have the discipline to do them on my own without having the marvelous Cathe as inspiration to push me. Anybody know which segments of the...
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    loose skin on tummy 7 mos after DS and big weight loss...

    thanks for that Lisa! I'm not really into a six pack either, like you, i just want flat tight abs. (of course if Mr. Six Pack knocks at the door, I'll let him in LOL). anyway, i realize it will take a while, it just really helps to hear that it really can go away from others who've...
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    loose skin on tummy 7 mos after DS and big weight loss...

    anybody else have this? i lost over 70 lbs since beautiful DS was born 7 mos ago. have a little skin on lower abdomen. still some flab there too, but no where near as much. i'm eating clean and working hard... just started butts and guts rotation to see if i can make a difference. just...
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    Butts and Guts?

    thanks for the reply Kali. good to know you've got good results. actually i've started it, (but man, i just couldn't finish the arms in Body Max yesterday. it was low energy day and it wore me out!) anyway, i'm so tempted to abandon it and do fitnessfreak's circuit rotation, cuz it looks so...
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    Butts and Guts?

    Hello all. it's that time again when i need to make the difficult decision of what to do next. i've decided on butts and guts. who's done it? how'd you like it? good results??? i'm guessing it must be a popular one, since one of the new dvd's bares the same name... lemme know what u...
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    anyone results from Get Ready for Summer Rotation?

    oh yeah... to answer your other question, right now I follow phase 2 on SB. if i notice weight loss slowing down though, i'll limit my starches to one a day at breakfast and maybe one fruit per day and load up on veggies. the other suggestion is plan, plan, plan. there are days that i...
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    anyone results from Get Ready for Summer Rotation?

    hey connie, there's a super fit member named Debbie that has been putting out a lot of cool rotations monthly, just like Cathe. I did some searching one day, saw that a lot of people have had results with her rotations, and thought i'd try one for myself. The Get Ready For Summer one (which...
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    anyone results from Get Ready for Summer Rotation?

    thanks guys! i'm goin for it. i actually started this afternoon with the first one, PP upper body 3 set premix. had to stop to feed DS, so i still need to do the abs from C&W. i'll let you know what happens! :) thanks for chiming in... i'm psyched now!
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    anyone results from Get Ready for Summer Rotation?

    also... do u think floor work from leaner legs or Legs and Glutes would be a good sub for floor work in GS Legs? So many more DVDs I want to get, but I've gotta show SOME restraint.... don't I?? :)