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  1. M

    Helloooooo EctoChicks! 10/21-10/27

    Thanks Angela! I don't have CTX...just S&H and PS right now. I've been looking at the CTX DVD - I think I'm just going to have to bite the bullet and order it. I used to be an "underweight skinny girl." Sigh. Had trouble keeping the weight on and was sick of everybody always telling me how...
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    Helloooooo EctoChicks! 10/21-10/27

    Would you all mind if I joined your checkin? From the name I gather it's for us overweight skinny girls? I've lurked here at the Cathe forum for quite awhile now, asking questions every now and then but that's about it. I'm (re) committing to my eating/exercise program today and I need some...
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    Embarrassing weight loss moments...................

    LAST EDITED ON Oct-17-02 AT 09:58AM (Est)[p]oops...dbl post - sorry!
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    Embarrassing weight loss moments...................

    I'm with Anna, windmillgirl....reading your story made me laugh so hard I cried! Thanks - I needed a good chuckle! :7 Malissa
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    OT - London anyone?

    Babs, Oh, so you live in London! Thanks for the info on the Eye...sounds like a must-do. Is the Frog Tour expensive? Where do you get on? Boy, that would really stink if we couldn't get around London by tube...we're flying into Gatwick and then out of Stansted to Ireland and from what I...
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    OT - London anyone?

    Hi Babs! Nope, it's not too late - I don't leave until Sat. What's the London Eye?
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    OT - London anyone?

    Sharon, I'd be happy to email you after I get back and fill you in on how the trip to Ireland went. I'm getting excited! :-jumpy
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    OT - London anyone?

    Thank you, Sharon! You make it sound wonderful and I wish we were going to be there longer, but Ireland is our main destination this time. Wow, a map for Harrod's? Must be some store! I hope we can at least take a peek inside. Thanks again! Malissa
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    Sense & Sensibility - the one with Kate Winslet and Emma Thompson. Oh boy, I LOVE that movie and could watch it every single day! Malissa
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    OT - London anyone?

    Hi there! Me and my sisters are going to be in London next Sunday, arriving at 9am and leaving the next morning (we're going to Ireland). Anybody have any ideas for must-sees that can be done in 1 day - besides the obvious stuff, I mean? Also, is the euro used there or just the pound or what...
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    BODY RX???

    RE: BODY RX??? For Mindi Thanks Mindi! :-)
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    BODY RX???

    RE: BODY RX??? For Mindi LAST EDITED ON Sep-20-02 AT 01:19PM (Est)[p]Mindi, I have another question for you, if you wouldn't mind. I've had the Body RX book for a couple of months and thought it looked like a great plan and then I just forgot about it. After reading everything you (and everyone...
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    Fad Diets and Factoids--Where They Come From

    RE: Another question for Maribeth Thank you!! :-jumpy
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    Fad Diets and Factoids--Where They Come From

    Another question for Maribeth Maribeth, Thanks for all that great info...what to eat, when to eat, how much to eat, what to avoid, etc. is all so confusing. The information you've presented has helped me to see all of this much more clearly. My question is, what is your take on the whole...
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    When to eat carbs?

    naughtoj, thanks for some very interesting info! I always get confused about this, though, and I'm hoping you can give me some insight. Ok so say you plan to get up in the morning and do S&H Legs&Shoulders. Can you give me an example of what you eat the night before, if, when and what you eat...
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    Kristina, where do you get the Retinol? Thanks! :-)
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    Interval Training Audio Tape?

    Thanks, Freda! I was wondering if any of the "fitness gurus" made tapes like this...I'll check it out! :-cool
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    Interval Training Audio Tape?

    Thanks Kim and Annette! I'll check out your suggestions. :-)
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    Interval Training Audio Tape?

    Does anyone know of an interval training audio tape or cd that can be used with a treadmill or running or any type of cardio for that matter? Something where it maybe plays music and cues you when to increase your speed/incline or heart rate? Does such a thing exist? As I start out with interval...
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    What ?!?!??! No results yet?!?!??!

    Missy, I'm certainly no expert but I think you're doing GREAT! You've lost 3lbs and 2% body fat in less than a month ...those are terrific results! Slow and steady is the best way, in my opinion. And how funny, you are using the EXACT same workouts I am...PS + TT with cardio, except that I do...