RE: BODY RX??? For Mindi

Thanks for being understanding. As I get in better shape I may start bragging about my stats. LOL

I do Taebo twice a week still simply because I love it! Gotta have my Billy fix too! Dr. C says you don't HAVE to do cardio but you can if you wish. I just make sure I don't do too much of it to tire myself out for the week so I can't lift efficiently.

As for the food, don't let it scare you! In Cycle 1, I've not gained a bit, in fact I've lost 8lbs and I'm never hungry. But my eating has improved so much now! Plenty of quality protein and fiber and very little of the refined stuff makes a BIG difference. Read the part about partitioning carefully.
RE: BODY RX??? For Mindi

Update for you:

I weighed today, I usually do it once a week, I'm down another 5lbs which makes my Cycle 1 weight loss at 9lbs, in 6wks. I'm finishing Cycle 1 this week and am very happy with my results, considering one isn't expect to lose weight during this cycle.

My overall measurements have decreased by 2.5" and I noticed my clothes are a tad bit baggy.


Cycle 2 here we Come!

RE: BODY RX??? For Mindi

Hi Mindi! After reading your post about your 9# loss my eyes bugged out and all I can say is YOU GO GIRL! What a great accomplishment plus the 2.5" body loss. You must be on cloud 9. Keep up the great work and let's keep in touch, Kathy
RE: BODY RX??? For Mindi

Thanks Kathy. I feel really happy and hopeful that this program is right for me!
RE: BODY RX??? For Mindi

That is awesome Mindi!!

If you don't mind me asking, what was your diet like pre-Body Rx?? Even though I am choking down alot more protein, my diet is not very different, sans the sweet treat after dinner!!
RE: BODY RX??? For Mindi

I ate the traditional low fat, high carb diet. I ate protein but not nearly enough and not the high quality I do now. I ate frozen meals like Lean Cuisines, WW's, and now I rarely eat much processed foods. I worried myself sick over calories! Ya know, the usual. Now I don't even count them.

This change has made all the difference in the world!
RE: BODY RX??? For Mindi

I hear ya Mindi!! I watched my calories/fat like a hawk and ate nothing but frozen entrees, and I would be hungry an hour later, and not want to eat...knowing I just had my 300 calorie lunch. And the kicker is this: I was doing Cathe 4-5 times a week...strength and cardio and for the past 7 months or so and nothing happened!! I think maybe part of it was that since I was not really getting enough protein or calories, I was probably in "starvation mode". But after 3 weeks my husband has noticed that I am finally losing that little baby pooch on my lower abs! Well, it is about time after doing this fitness thing for 3 years!! I have no cravings for high carb snacks, now instead of the pretzels or rice cakes, I just grab some roasted turkey! Maybe it is just the "clean eating", maybe it is the Body RXing, but all I know is that I have finally found something that works for me. And you go with that 9 pound loss in cycle one!!! Take Care, Donna.
RE: BODY RX??? For Mindi

NO cravings!!!!

Well, I wish I could say I was there yet. Almost "fell off the wagon" tonight. Was really tired and just wanted some chicken wings. But my wonderful husband saved the day and had grilled chicken waiting for me when I got home!! I did however, not eat my fourth or fifth "meal" today. Only at 4 times. My bad!!!!

Do you guys buy deli meat?? Not the prepackaged kind, but the kind at the counter??I could not remember whether Connelly says this is OK or not. Too much sodium???
RE: BODY RX??? For Mindi

Hey there! I think the deli meat thing is okay, although I think there is too much sodium. I don't have too much of a choice. I work in a bagel store, and since I am manager I eat for free, and we have turkey for sandwiches, a portion of turkey makes a nice quick meal. I lost amother pound this week, and at this point that is not even my goal! I can not begin to say enough about this way of eating.....I have only "fallen off the wagon" once in three weeks, on my anniversary(a glass or two of wine)...I have never been able to stick to any kind of "plan"....even edits for more than a couple of weeks. I am working on a month of this and can not believe the difference, once you get past the "horror" of actually eating and not counting the darn calories. Food is not something to be avoided in my mentality. It is fuel for all those muscles! Hang in there! Donna.
RE: BODY RX??? For Mindi

I bought some deli turkey last night, its on sale and yes its ok. It IS a bit high in sodium but its pretty much fat free and its easy to take along when I'm on the road so much.

You guys been packing your food to take w/you? To work, etc? Every day I go off w/a big cooler full and people are like WOW you're gonna EAT all that? LOL

I do!
RE: BODY RX??? For Mindi

Hi Mindi! Yes I pack up all of my food the night before. I'm in an ideal situation where right across the street from where I work there's a supermarket and we have a refrigerator here at work so I keep my cottage cheese and cheese sticks in there so that I don't have to pack up too much food when coming into work. I find the meals very quick and easy to do. What protein shakes are you using? I'm using Dave Draper's and I'm using Carb Solutions for my protein bars. Do you have another recommendation? Protein bars are the one thing that stumps me. Tried MetRx and hated them; also Protein Plus hated those too.

I had one co-worker that said I looked like I was bringing in a suitcase full of food!

Happy eating and talk to you later, Kathy
RE: BODY RX??? For Mindi

Kathy I'm using Labrada Lean Body Shakes now, 42gms of high whey protein! Log onto netrition to check em out! I don't often eat bars cause most of them are HORRID and the only one I like, Low Carb bars by EAS, cookies and Cream flavor, is TOO easy for me to a candy bar. You know? I get a few when I know its going to be tough for me to get the protein I need in other ways.

Breakdown on the Labrada is:

Supplement Facts
Serving Size: 1 packet (62g)

Servings Per Container: 20

Amount Per Serving % Daily Value*
Calories 230 .
Calories from fat 15 .
Total Fat 1.5g 2%
Saturated Fat 1g 5%
Cholesterol 25mg 8%
Total Carbohydrates 12g 4%
Dietary Fiber <1g 2%
Sugars 1g .
Sodium 160mg 7%
Potassium 660mg 19%
Protein 42g 84%
Amount Per Serving % Daily Value*

Vitamin A 50%
Folate 50%
Biotin 50%
Vitamin D 50%
Vitamin K 40%
Thiamin 50%
Niacin 50%
Phosphorus 50%
Manganese 90%
Selenium 60%
Pantothenic Acid 60%
Molybdenum 100%
Chromium 100%
Riboflavin 60%
Vitamin B12 100%
Vitamin E 50%
Iodine 100%
Copper 50%
Magnesium 45%
Vitamin B6 60%
Vitamin C 50%
Calcium 60%
Zinc 60%
Iron 50%
*Daily value not established

Breakdown on the EAS bars is:

Calories 250
Fat Calories 50
Total Fat 6g
Saturated Fat 4.5g
Cholesterol 15mg
Sodium 180mg
Potassium 170mg
Total Carbohydrate 3g
Dietary Fiber 2g
Sugars 0g
Protein 29g
RE: BODY RX??? For Mindi

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Sep-20-02 AT 01:19PM (Est)[/font][p]Mindi, I have another question for you, if you wouldn't mind. I've had the Body RX book for a couple of months and thought it looked like a great plan and then I just forgot about it. After reading everything you (and everyone else) has said about it I want to give it a real try. My question is, you said you used S&H for week 1 of cycle one. Did you modify it at all, i.e, did you just do 6 reps for each of the 3 sets instead of 8? Did you break the 3 workouts into 4? What days did you do them? Thanks for your help! I turn 40(!) on Wednesday and although my goal was to be in the best shape of my life on that day, I'm going to have to settle for that year instead. :D
RE: BODY RX??? For Mindi

Hi Malissa!

I used S&H for the entire cyle 1 six weeks..mostly. sometimes I did my own thing, but I liked feeling like I was working out w/'someone.' :) I followed S&H in the order of the book, like day one=chest and bi's, etc, and I did do the 6 reps or as much as I could do cause I went as heavy as I could naturally. While Cathe and crew were finishing out their reps, I rested and watched. It also taught me some form tips that I may have missed by watching too. Personally I think modifying is the key to any success, we're all unique and what works for one, may not work for another.

Sometimes I did the weeks workout in 4 days, sometimes in 3 or 5, depending on my time and how the body felt. I'm 47 so I pay attention to the old body. :)

I'm working on that year timetable too. We can do it! :)
Okay, all of you people who were posting about starting BodyRx back in September, let's hear how it's going!!!! I'm dying to know.
This is my last week in Cycle 2, then ON to Cycle 3! I'm pysched! Hope I can make it through Thanksgiving and Christmas w/out TOO much of giving in to treats! I'm sure I'll have a few tho..I'm not perfect but hey, I want a lifestyle, I don't want to be a bodybuilder. :)

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