OT - London anyone?


Hi there! Me and my sisters are going to be in London next Sunday, arriving at 9am and leaving the next morning (we're going to Ireland). Anybody have any ideas for must-sees that can be done in 1 day - besides the obvious stuff, I mean? Also, is the euro used there or just the pound or what? Sorry for my ignorance, but this is the first time to London for me. Also, we're booked at a "tourist" hotel for the night...what kind of amenities can we expect, i.e, bathroom, in-room hair dryer, etc. Thanks!

Of course, you have to see Buckingham Palace. It's an amazing sight. Westminster Abbey is absolutely beautiful. Trafalgar Square is beautiful as well. The architecture in the whole city will take your breath away. You can take the tubes to just about any place in the city. You'll notice how everything is covered in flowers and greenery. We were told the people there spend more on landscaping and gardening than anything else. The food is great, the people are so nice and friendly. You'll notice the men in particular pay special attention to the ladies, very blatant with looking. If you get to Harrod's, that's a day trip in itself. They give you a map at the door to get around the store. Have a great time. Oh, I think they still use the pound. We have friends that live there and I think I remember them telling us they didn't change to the Euro. You may want to double check that.

Thank you, Sharon! You make it sound wonderful and I wish we were going to be there longer, but Ireland is our main destination this time. Wow, a map for Harrod's? Must be some store! I hope we can at least take a peek inside. Thanks again! Malissa
I'd love to hear about Ireland when you get back. I've heard it's beautiful as well.
Yes, Harrod's is huge. The map is actually like a booklet. I've never seen anything like it.
Sharon, I'd be happy to email you after I get back and fill you in on how the trip to Ireland went. I'm getting excited! :-jumpy
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Sep-30-02 AT 06:34AM (Est)[/font][p]I hope I'm not too late but I would recommend the London Eye.

Great views of the city. I think most the larger shops will take the Euro but every else its the £ and pence.

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Sep-30-02 AT 10:10AM (Est)[/font][p]Hi Malissa

I see the London Eye every day from my office window its literally a big wheel with capsules it goes round really slowly and you get to see London its in Westminister not far from the Houses of Parliament. You get views of the Thames, Westminister, Buckingham Palace all within walking distance. I would also recommend a tour bus there is what is called the Frog Tours which allow you to go on land and on the Thames (it was a vehicle used in the WWII).

Go in the morning when the queues are less then you could go the houses of Parliament. Its a pity its such short notice I have a friend who does brillant walking tours of London he's very down to earth and has a wonderful knowledge of London's history. Oh try and visit St Paul Catherdral, Westminister Catherdral is quite nice but not a spectacular.


P.s. Its a good thing you are coming on the weekend there a tube strike on Tuesday evening and Wednesday all day it would have made your tour of the city a nightmare.
Babs, Oh, so you live in London! Thanks for the info on the Eye...sounds like a must-do. Is the Frog Tour expensive? Where do you get on? Boy, that would really stink if we couldn't get around London by tube...we're flying into Gatwick and then out of Stansted to Ireland and from what I understand these two airports are quite far apart. Malissa
Right my suggestion if you are staying in London at Gatwick you can get a train to Victoria (Buckingham Palace is a short walk from there you can also visit the late Queen Mothers House). The tubes will be running so that will be fine American tourists will always have maps. Also we don't have a block system here our streets are named and don't always make sense (they often refer to various bits of history).

The Frog tour is £15 per adult; London Eye is £10.50.

Stansted is very far from London going towards Cambridge they maybe a train or coach connection (I don't use Stansted for that reason it was bad enough getting to Gatwick before the train service improved).

I'm with babs (as a fellow Londoner)

Personally, I would avoid Harrods like the plague, and head for Covent garden and the streets around, just to hang out there and soak up the atmosphere. They have markets there on weekends, and it's great to loiter, try some of the eateries, hear some hip music, see some street entertainers.

It's more a flavour of london than Harrods!!!! Who wants to see what the artificial people (i.e. rich and famous!!! and probably more tourists also than real Brits!) do with their money?!?!?!?!?!?

Also, a word of caution! Use a street map, walk rather than taking the tube, you'll see much, much more. Buy an A to Z complete street guide asap when you get there and don't be afraid to use it and look like a tourist: even Londoners use the A to Z. It has street cred.. Also, if you do stop anyone to ask for directions, nine times out of ten, thety are also tourists and cannot help you!!! hence, get an A to Z!!!!

And have the funnest fun!

Say hello to my home town for me...

Actually I should have said in my message to Malissa that remembering when I worked in Harrods Saturdays was the worst day as it mainly had tourists in there I worked in the foodhall which is where most people came to buy something (small and cheap) so that they could get the Harrods bags. The thing I did like was that because the managers knew this they made sure we had lots of bags we would even put chocolate bars in bags for customers.

Covent Garden is a good choice not sure what the weather is going to be like so have some indoor choices.

I spent two years working & living in London.I loved Notting Hill gate.There is fabulous market which is so much fun and is in central London.There is so much to do but just spend time walking and observing the old architecture-a fascinating city with so much history but expensive.I can't get over the cost of flats(apts)
I was in London for 1 day too and I'd recommend Westminster Abbey, Tower of London and Tower Bridge. Shopping is shopping so I don't see the point in going to Harrod's. When I was there in October, there were no tours of Buckingham Palace so you may want to skip seeing it because you only get to see the outside, but the changing of the guards was neat. Walking by Paliament and Big Ben was cool to see also. The architecture is just so beautiful, you may just want to walk around with you head looking up all day long! :)


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