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  1. J

    Random annoyances...

    I couldn't believe my eyes yesterday when I saw a woman talking on her cell phone while riding a bicycle on the sidewalk! It looked ridiculous, not to mention dangerous.
  2. J

    Recipe help for someone who hates eating beans???????

    RE: Recipe help for someone who hates eating beans?????... One more suggestion in case you still can't tolerate the beans in these recipes. I also hated beans, but I taught myself to like them by starting with what I could tolerate, which was lentils, because they're so much smaller than beans...
  3. J

    Eniva products

    A friend of mine takes 2 oz. of Vibe everyday, and says it has made an amazing difference in her life. Her energy level is higher than it's ever been. It's quite pricey, but she says it's well worth it.
  4. J

    What Did She Say???

    Gotta add this: Cathe always stops counting after the "eight...two..." Just once I'd like to see her follow through with her number sequence. It would go like this: "8,2,6,4,4,6,2,8". I think I like it! Maybe the reps would be easier if we're confused about what number we're on, or how many reps...
  5. J

    What Did She Say???

    It always makes me smile when Cathe is doing an 8-count and she starts out "eight...two..." You'll notice Cedie always smiles when Cathe does this!
  6. J

    Last Workout Of The Year

    I want to remember 2005 fondly, so I'm going out with my very favorite - Imax 2, and I want to start the new year with something new, that I haven't even taken the wrapper off of yet - Hardcore Extreme.
  7. J

    Biggest Loser

    Jeez, what a sob-fest! If it's not one of them crying then it's the whole lot of them. They're just like home-sick children at summer camp. Grow up! I don't know if I can watch anymore, I just want to smack them. The only part that's enjoyable anymore is when they show the ones that got voted...
  8. J

    Desperate Housewives

    What I couldn't believe was that during Gabby's conjugal visit, her husband (Carlos?) had no hair on his chest! He's got great hair on his head and face, but then his chest is bare like a little boy's! Total turn-off. On the other hand, Lynette's husband is getting better and better looking...
  9. J

    10-degree tilt overuse

    Thanks for the great suggestions! I'm going to try them all, and I can't wait to see if it helps!
  10. J

    10-degree tilt overuse

    Hi Everyone! In my line of work my body is in the 10-degree tilt position for about 5 hours a day, and the result of this is pain in my middle back, to the right side. Does anyone know some exersizes or stretches that would be beneficial to this area?
  11. J

    Nutrition/allergy/intolerance to new food question

    There's a great book that covers this subject called "The False-Fat Diet", I can't remember the author. It explains how to start with a toxic elimination diet, then gradually introduce the problem foods and beverages back in. Some foods you may have to eliminate for up to 6 months, then begin a...
  12. J


    Re: Soy Milk - The brands I've tried that taste good and have the consistency of milk all contain Guar Gum, which has been proven to cause cancer. The brands that don't contain Guar Gum seem very watery and thin. I'm not one to fall for the latest cancer-scare, but the evidence on this one...
  13. J

    Step Blast premix with blasts between combos?

    I looked at that link, and saw that a lot of premixes said "insert card". What on earth does that mean?
  14. J

    How often does your stability ball need to be inflated?...

    I had to fill mine up every other time I used it too. Now, when I'm not using it I make sure it's resting on the "thing", you know, the part where you put the air in. It's really helping to allow less air to escape, and I only have to fill it up about every fifth time I use it. I think we have...
  15. J

    Ladies, Muscle and how much is too much?

    A little O/T, but did anyone happen to watch that awful Madonna movie "Swept Away"? I know she's probably worked very hard to achieve her definition, but it just looks awful! Not sporty or healthy-looking. Maybe it's that macrobiotic diet she eats...
  16. J


    Just IMHO, but if I wanted people to watch me workout, I would go to a gym. My neighbors leave their blinds wide open 24 hours a day. I could see almost anything they do if I wanted to, but I think they're in their 70's, so if there's a voyeur in me it's not interested in seeing this...
  17. J

    I met DebbieH!

    RE: Joey! I've heard of Amargosa. Way dinkier! Mesquite is 90 miles from Vegas, so I thought maybe you were rounding up. But the way you said that no one is much into exersize in your town, it sounded just like Mesquite. There's 13 thousand people here and it seems like I'm the only one who...
  18. J

    I met DebbieH!

    RE: I miss DebbieH Hi Andrea! The dinky little town 100 miles from Vegas - is it Mesquite? That's where I live!
  19. J

    If fitness is a journey...

    What happens when you reach the end of the road? Let's say you're in great shape, you can't lift any heavier without injuring yourself, and you're facing the prospect of being stuck in maintenance mode for the rest of your life. You would have to come up with new goals, right? Can anybody share...
  20. J

    DVD player question

    I don't know if I have enough jacks or not. I haven't really looked into it. But as long as I don't have to keep messing with the connections, then I'll be happy. Thanks!