10-degree tilt overuse


Active Member
Hi Everyone! In my line of work my body is in the 10-degree tilt position for about 5 hours a day, and the result of this is pain in my middle back, to the right side. Does anyone know some exersizes or stretches that would be beneficial to this area?
I am a dental hygienist and I tilt quite a bit too. One thing is to stretch the chest several times a day- whenever you can. I usually use a doorway and stretch one arm at a time because it's too conspicuous, and feels tender sometimes, to just abruptly do both at once.

Also every hour or so, stand up, reach to the sky, arch your back slightly and look up. Do shoulder rolls going backward (circle to the back). I'm doing them all now because this is my lunch break at work!

Sit as straight as you can and take breaks often. Even 3 seconds out of the tilt can regenerate you.

Another thing is not to neglect back strength, and do all the midsection (Cathe style abs, Pilates) you can, up to 3 x a week. Get plenty of cardio and full body strength work.

Hope this starts to help.
I have suffered back pain quite a bit and I find back extensions help most of the problems I have, whether its lower back or middle back.

Lay on your stomache on the floor and push yourself up to your elbows. Relax your butt muscles. I usually stay in this position for a few minutes, until the pain subsides.

Then I use my hands and push myself up a little higher then the position my elbows had me at (kind of like "Cobra" or "Up Dog" in yoga terms, hold for 1 second and then lower down for one second and then repeat. I do this 10 times. By the time you get to the 8th or 9th one, you should be able to push yourself up with your arms straight. If not, don't force it, it will eventually get that way the more you do this.

When I was having a lot of back pain, I did this every two hours. If you can't find a place to just get down on the ground and do these extension, you can do them standing but they are not as effective. I now do them twice a day just to keep my back flexible.

Hope this helps!
Debbie in OH
Hi! I've had a lot of episodes of back pain as well - from sitting at a computer, driving a lot, etc. In addition to all of the great stretches described here, I highly recommend a massage! A good massage therapist can help a lot in "getting out the knots" and helping relax the muscles. Hope this helps!
Thanks for the great suggestions! I'm going to try them all, and I can't wait to see if it helps!

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