

Ok, I dont' know if you all remember my spooky experience with meighbors watching me when I work out. But they do, they have admitted it and I've caught them too. Anyway, it's really dark outside today, I don't have any shades for the front window, and I want to workout. I started, but then I just couldn't stop looking outside wondering if anyone is watchind and it bugged me so badly I got throught the first interval and stopped. Should I just put up a blanket and that way they can't see me for the time being? I'm so bugged and mad at myself for not going through with it anyway I coudl just scream!

Thanks for letting me vent on you, I'm through now.

Wow, that's kind of freaky! I'd put a blanket up myself. It would give me the chills to know someone was watching me like that.

Yes. Put up the blanket. What strange people. Have they no shame? That would totally freak me out.

take care
I did it!

Ok, so I put up the blanket, and I did IMAX 2 in it's entirety, can you believe it! I haven't been able to do that for months, I am so proud of myself, I could just hug myself. I want to call everyone I know and tell them, aren't I a dork. But seriously, I did put uf a blanket for the time being. It really does freek me out, as you could tell. At least the lady that admits that she has watched me, has moved away. Plus she lived behind me, and I have blinds on that door, just not up front. But I have caught those neighbors watching before i knew them when I first moved into this neighborhood. Haven't seen them watching since then, but who knows who may be watching, I trust no one. Just because of what I've experienced.
Anyway, I am going to go celebrate with a big bowl of ice cream (Just kidding!).:) But I am going to go tell DH, not that he'll be as happy for me as I am, but at least I can show how proud of myself I am.

RE: I did it!

Ha! You are too funny Kathy. Go ahead and give yourself a big OLE hug!!! Oh heck, eat the ice cream too!!! I would be intimidated if I knew someone was watching me. Glad the blanket did the trick. Maybe the neighbors will figure it out once they see your window covered??? Yipeee on Imax2. Isn't it the greatest tape? Keep your blanket handy for EVERY day. Have FUN!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
If you don't want people watching, you've got to make it impossible for them to do so (unless their really hard-core window peekers, then they would try to look in through a slit in the window, but we're not talking about those kinds). It's just human nature to want to watch. My neighbor (whom I think is odd because of this), keeps her blinds open late into the night, when it's very dark outside and she's sitting in her living room eating and watching T.V. How do I know this? Because when I drive by to go home (actually, backing into my little deadend to be able to easily get out of my driveway the next morning) I can't HELP but look. In fact (I AM posting anonymously here, right :) ) I once ran into a light pole while backing in because I was so intrigued by someone who would not think anything about leaving their huge picture window uncovered while people can see in and they can't see out.

When I was a kid, we almost ritualistically closed the blinds and curtains when it got dark out.
Oh, I understand why people would look in, heck I like to look into open windows just to see the colors of peoples walls, and see how they decorate. But, I just get wierded out when I'm exerisizing, especially doing IMAX2, mainly becuase I get so tired towards the end I don't look very graceful.:) If we're just watching t.v., people can go ahead and look, I don't care. WE will be purchasing blinds in a few weeks here. I just needed to vent at the time.
RE: I did it!

Good for you, Kathy! (By the way I can't wait to try IMAX 2, I've put it in next month's rotation--my knee is kind of tweaky, but I think I can modify)

take care:)
gosh, it bothers me when my curtains blow open a little with the wind from my ceiling fan! I put an ankle weight on the sill to hold down the curtain!

Kathy - if you need/want inexpensive curtain ideas - you can get a cheap rod at like Target and put an old sheet over it (dark color - of course!) Something else we did that I liked better than the cheapie rod (because they are not too hardy) is little screws with rings on the ends and a dowel rod going through them. :) We have a big old sheet over our bedroom window because the curtains I made are a little too light in my opinion....
Kathy, I'm sorry I was just giggling to myself as I was thinking of you doing your workout with the music "somebodies watching me" - michael jackson and I can't remember which Cathe vid this is maybe PLB or PUB. Hope this all works out for you.

Just IMHO, but if I wanted people to watch me workout, I would go to a gym.
My neighbors leave their blinds wide open 24 hours a day. I could see almost anything they do if I wanted to, but I think they're in their 70's, so if there's a voyeur in me it's not interested in seeing this.
My first and only thought about this was that these 70-year-old people were exhibitionists, but then someone clued me in that maybe they are from "the country" where there's no need to close your blinds or curtains because there's no other houses around. I can grasp this, but wouldn't they realize that now there ARE other houses around???
It bothers me because it makes me feel like THEY'RE watching ME! What's more - I have a 6-foot fence and the man is over 7 feet tall, and the woman is over 6 feet!
If there's anyone reading this who leaves their blinds open 24/7, will you please explain why?
RE: I did it!

I agree - hug yourself AND eat the ice cream - LOL! Can you save up and buy some kind of window covering for the front windows? Do you know these neighbors well enough to speak to them about this? If they're watching deliberately they need to stop. It's very intrusive. You're entitled to your privacy, as we all are in our homes.

I really feel a lot of it has to do with how you grew up as well. Our houses are set back about 45 feet from the street, so even when our neighbors across the street leave blinds open in their windows (they're both from rural areas), we'd have to have pretty good eyesight to see much from about 100 feet away. We close the drapes in our bedrooms that face the front of the house once it starts to get dark, but our dining room windows and family room windows have the drapes open all the time. Same with the kitchen, which faces the back of the house and a freeway. The two back bedrooms (which also face the freeway), always have open drapes, but one is my office and the other is the room where I workout. I suppose if someone were standing in my backyard at night, or parked on the freeway, they could see me workout if I did so at night, but that's about it. I grew up in inner city Cleveland, where we were lucky to have ten or twenty feet in between the houses. You had no choice but to keep blinds down and curtains drawn, and even then it was hardly private. My mother was almost obsessive about having the windows covered all the time, even in the daylight. Our house was always dark and closed-up looking. THAT freaked me out. I like light and sunshine and fresh air. I guess I don't worry about people watching, and we do close the drapes in the bedrooms where we sleep. But, we're all different, and we each have to do what makes us most comfortable in our own homes.


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