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  1. K

    What kinds of protein bars to you all like?

    Kathryn-i just wanted to tell you that you have me hooked on larabars. i really try to limit myself to one a day but i don't feel bad about eating them since there isn't anything "extra" added to them. now if i could just find a replacement for chocolate:-)
  2. K

    Where can I find CTX Upper Body dvd/tape?

    Thank you sue!
  3. K

    Where can I find CTX Upper Body dvd/tape?

    I just got back from vacation and I'm attempting to do the July 2003 rotation...I need to lose some "vacation pounds"! The first work out is CTX Upper Body but I can't seem to find which dvd/tape this is on. Does anyone know? Thanks for your help.
  4. K

    clean eating a flying

    Thanks to everyone for all the info. i'm going to start planning my meals tomorrow. it's very hard going back home and trying to eat clean. i'm determined though. i've almost completed the first 2 weeks of The Ultimate NY Body Plan and i have to say my clothes are fitting much better and i'm...
  5. K

    clean eating a flying

    Thanks everyone for all the helpful ideas. i'm actually packing now for my friday morning flight. i can't say i'm a nervous flier but i'm always anxious that i'm going to miss my flight hence the packing and triple checking everything before friday. i'm definitely going to have my little...
  6. K

    clean eating a flying

    thanks for the great ideas! with all that talk about the organic peanut butter i just have to try it!
  7. K

    clean eating a flying

    I'm going on vacation next friday and on wednesday i will have completed the 2 week ultimate ny diet plan diet so i've been eating super clean. i'm just not sure what to bring on the plane so i don't starve. It's a 6 hour flight. i probably won't be able to eat before i leave since it's an...
  8. K

    Organic peanut butter....clean or not?

    I'm so glad to hear the organic peanutbutter is clean! i LOVE LOVE LOVE peanutbutter. I switched to laura scudders (i think that's the name) but i heard from another friend that trader joe's is the best. my only problem is not having more then i'm suppose to.:9
  9. K

    burning fat

    Thanks for all that info. I really learned alot! I used to workout in the morning before I had my son but now it's pretty much impossible since I know sleep is very important too. I'm going to try and make sure now though that I eat a couple hours before my workout at night.
  10. K

    How old are fitness finatics

    I am almost 42 and have been exercising since I was 16. It all started when our high school would give us credits to take aerobic classes at the local health club. Anyhow, I have exercised all my life and the only time I really stopped was right after my son was born 2 1/2 years ago. I've had...
  11. K

    Cathe Compendium

    Thank you Carole!:D
  12. K

    Cathe Compendium

    Could someone please email me a copy too. I'd really appreciate it. Thanks. [email protected]
  13. K

    I want a nice tan!!!

    Hi Lisa-I've been a tanner for many years and still go to the tanning salon, altho I do cover my face which probably doesn't make sense. Anyhow, I have done the professional airbrushing and just loved it. I've done it before a couple of weddings I've been in and it really comes out nice. The...
  14. K

    Day 2

    Day 2 of the Ultimate NY Body Plan diet and my headache is alot better...not completely gone tho. Didn't get to workout last night because I had to work late but I'm determined today. Just my luck that it was my turn to bring the donuts into work so I had to smell krispi kremes the whole ride...
  15. K

    I'm new here and have questions

    Ok I found the June rotation. thanks I have such a headache from this detoxing that it's going to be a struggle to workout tonight.
  16. K

    I'm new here and have questions

    Thanks for the info. I need to get that dvd player now. I just started The Ultimate NY Body Plan 2 week diet today and boy do I have a headache. I guess between the no caffeine and no sugar my body is in shock. ;(
  17. K

    I'm new here and have questions

    A friend at work told me about Cathe's show on fit tv about 2 months ago and now i'm addicted. Since I've found this message board some of my questions have been answered but I still have a few. This one is probably so basic but....what is a rotation? ....Are her tv workouts pretty close to the...
  18. K

    Cathe-with so many choices I need your help

    Thank you so much Debbie for the info. I'm so glad I found Cathe's dvds and this message board.
  19. K

    how to lose wieght and inches in 3 weeks??

    I'm going to start is 2 week plan but I've never tried protein shakes before. Could you please recommend one that you think is good? Thanks.
  20. K

    Cathe-with so many choices I need your help

    Hi Cathe-Just before I had my son I bought a treadmill because I knew I wouldn't have time to go to the gym since I also work full time. I've only recently been introduced to your classes on fit tv through a co-worker who's lost 30lbs. I'm now addicted. However, with so many choices I'm not...