clean eating a flying


I'm going on vacation next friday and on wednesday i will have completed the 2 week ultimate ny diet plan diet so i've been eating super clean. i'm just not sure what to bring on the plane so i don't starve. It's a 6 hour flight. i probably won't be able to eat before i leave since it's an early flight and i have a 2 1/2 year old. any suggestions?
I am a clean eater too and this is what I bring on my long flights (which I do at least once per month):

* a couple of peanut butter sandwiches. I use sprouted grain breads and organic peanut butter. This is fine for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Also, children like these, too. :)

* A couple of apples
* Bottled water

I usually have some protein bars in my bag as well.
Hope this helps.
I would bring food bars, like Larabars or Vega bars (both raw food based), some apples, maybe some nuts or a homemade munchie mix with nuts and dried fruits as well as some bottled water.
Hi -

I travel quite a bit's some of things that I like to bring on trips

Bottled water


Peanuts, soynuts, almonds


protein bars

carrot sticks (my favorite travelling veggie as that at room temp they don't taste too bad)

peanut butter wraps ( peanut butter on a whole grain or low carb tortilla) I find that these don't get squished as easy as bread

Trail mix

Take care, and safe travels!! Lynn M.
Thanks everyone for all the helpful ideas. i'm actually packing now for my friday morning flight. i can't say i'm a nervous flier but i'm always anxious that i'm going to miss my flight hence the packing and triple checking everything before friday. i'm definitely going to have my little munchie bag with all clean foods from the suggestions you've given me. thanks again.:)
I don't know where you are going, but be careful with the fresh fruit and veggies. Some places don't allow that kind of stuff. My sister, who lives in Washington state, was in Hawaii. She bought an apple (from Washington) to eat on the way home and a fruit sniffing dog accosted her packback and her apple was confiscated.
Larabars! I buy them by the box, and always keep a few in my desk at work for those days when things get hectic and I don't have time for a "real" lunch. They have saved me many times! You can buy them by the box at
I make my own trailmix with a 2:1 ratio of nuts and seeds to dried fruits. I use almonds, hazelnuts, peanuts, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, raisins, dried cherries, dried apricots...whatever nuts and fruits you love, then I measure out individual servings (1/3 cup each) and put them in snack-size ziplock bags. I always take several little bags to enjoy for snacks during my vacation. They come in handy in the middle of an afternoon of sightseeing.
Another item I pack is a shaker and protein powder. Great pick-me-up when you're hungry and want something "light." I just ask the flight attendant to fill up my shaker with water. It worked out well on my last flight. It's also useful when you're at your destination, too. I drink these (or I have a bar or apple) when others are eating their cookies.
Hi Lorrayne-

Just an fyi.. be careful w/ the water that the flight attendants will bring you.. if they are using the same tanked water that they make coffee /tea with, well, its not always so safe. Not sure if this is an "urban legend" or not, but supposedly people have gotten sick because that tanked water didn't get hot enough to kill the pathogenic organisms that were living in it, And if this was in the "hot" water to make coffee, there could be a world of hurt for you if you asked them for that same water to make your protein drink that has been sitting at room temp in that tank.

Of course, if its bottled water that they are bringing you, you'd be fine.

Take care, Lynn M.

I fly quite a bit and always pack lots of water, fresh fruit (usually apples and oranges), nuts, and peanut butter (organic, of course) sandwiches. These items always tide me over.
Thanks to everyone for all the info. i'm going to start planning my meals tomorrow. it's very hard going back home and trying to eat clean. i'm determined though. i've almost completed the first 2 weeks of The Ultimate NY Body Plan and i have to say my clothes are fitting much better and i'm feeling much better. :)
>Larabars! I buy them by the box, and always keep a few in my
>desk at work for those days when things get hectic and I don't
>have time for a "real" lunch. They have saved me many times!
>You can buy them by the box at
I just looked at the website, the Larabars boxes are on sale now, Too!

Hi Lynn,

Yes, I'm aware of this. I believe the Today Show had a story on this a couple of weeks ago? It's frightening, isn't it?

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