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  1. empaloalto

    So Sad - am I missing it all??

    Thanks! Thanks Dela & Janie for your help! Out her by myself, it's easy to think I'm alone, but you're right - so many people will be starting at different times. So hard to stay paitent while the beautiful DVD's are staring at me.... I even brought the instruction book in to show my PT...
  2. empaloalto

    So Sad - am I missing it all??

    Hi Cathe ~ I pre-ordered STS as soon as I could last year. (feels like it was a year ago??!!) All year, I waited anxiously, checking all your posts, telling all my friends, talking about it... By the end of 2008 however, I ended up with some strange tendonitis in my shoulder (the bicep...
  3. empaloalto

    Addias Microbounce?

    Forefoot Cushioning Hi - I am so happy you started this thread. I can never find good aerobics sneakers. It seems it takes me months to find one that is actually for aerobics?!! Both of the sneakers referenced here look great! Can anyone comment on the forefoot cushioning on either the...
  4. empaloalto

    Cathe: Dr. Oz?

    Soo funny you guys say this!! After I met Cathe at the road trip last summer, I DID submit a suggestion to Oprah!! (And I hardly watch her show) I just thought that Cathe needs MORE visibility to share her spectacular-ness, and Oprah's audience would be perfect for her! I think all those women...
  5. empaloalto

    Has anyone tried the BodyArt Cookbook?

    Hey Liz! Thanks for the response! I'm having a blast looking through your website links. You look fabulous!! What an inspiration! (and ps, my neighbor is from Australia as well!) I'm no where near competition, but any help with lean recipes is always appreciated! Thanks! Erin
  6. empaloalto

    Has anyone tried the BodyArt Cookbook?

    Hi ~ I did a search on cookbooks, and wasn't able to find a post since 2005, so I thought I'd ask you all. Has anyone tried the BodyArt cookbook by Tanya? It sounds great, as does her Alignment Secrets book - but given that I'm a die...
  7. empaloalto

    A Late RT Thank You (long)

    AH Cinderellie!! I never expected you to write back!! Where do you find the time?? You truly never cease to amaze. I’m so glad the warm fuzzies came through the cold web page :) Thanks for answering my questions!! You even cleared up my wonder about the little black band!! I thought...
  8. empaloalto

    A Late RT Thank You (long)

    Dear Cathe ~ First let me apologize for my late thank you to your most generous Road Trip. I have no real good excuse other than life got busy. So let’s just pretend this arrived via snail mail. (then it’s not so late!) Anyway - You know how at Disney World, when Cinderella comes out...
  9. empaloalto

    Compilation of Cathe RT 2007 Video Clips & Photos...

    OmG Cyndi!! You are the bEST!! I figured out how to upload my videos to YouTube, but never had the time to send out the links! I can't even believe you *found* them AND posted them!! haha!! That is so great! THANK YOU!! :) Lara sent me a note saying she saw my You Tube clips - and I thought...
  10. empaloalto

    Does anyone use Cathe's Calender?

    Hi nkuangel ~ I know you've received a lot of different feed back, but I just wanted to add my 6 cents :) I have the 2007 calendar & absolutely love it. I worried about using it at work (ie. is it appropriate to have women in workout bras on the wall of my cube in my conservative company?)...
  11. empaloalto

    Meecher's Road Trip Pix

    Hey Meecher! those were great! thanks for sharing! (i even found myself in one!) & thanks for re-living the saturday step class for me too! I loved that one! Erin
  12. empaloalto

    My Roadtrip Pics

    Hi Cheryl ~ I'm glad you liked them! it was so great to meet you too! I just had to post these when I got home.... uploading & showing my husband was the easiest way to explain EVERY detail of the weekend :) And besides, I knew so many RT & non-RT's alike would be wondering what our weekend...
  13. empaloalto

    My Roadtrip Pics

    Hey Robin! I'm so glad you could view them all & even find yourself! :)
  14. empaloalto

    My Roadtrip Pics

    Hey Marcy ! I'm so glad you felt like you were there! I was hoping that these would help everyone who couldn't make it - "feel the vibe". Next year!! It's an experience of a life time! Erin
  15. empaloalto

    My Roadtrip Pics

    Hi Everyone! I thought I'd post my pictures from the weekend here. I hope this link works. If it doesn't I'm sure someone will let me know! :) I took a lot... so bare with me. I didn't want to miss anything! And after my 7 hr ride home, I'm pretty sleepy too - so I apologize for the...
  16. empaloalto


    Will do! I'm glad to hear I'm not alone ! :) Thanks, Erin
  17. empaloalto


    wow... am I that transparent?? :) You must know me already!
  18. empaloalto


    Hi Everyone! I was just reading through Cathe's original note about the RT weekend, where she notes "While you’re resting between classes, awesome guest expert speakers will talk to you and answer your questions about a variety of fitness and wellness-related topics" I'm a "write it...
  19. empaloalto

    Morning low back tightness

    ooh! I've never heard of those! interesting!
  20. empaloalto

    Morning low back tightness

    perfect thanks! I'm going to try this in the morning!