Cathe: Dr. Oz?


Hi Cathe! Have you been able to catch one of the Dr. Oz shows on Oprah??? Just curious;-) I love his shows and am so glad Oprah has him on! He really knows his stuff, that's for sure! Another curious question (pardon my curiosity! ;-) ), have you ever been approached by Oprah and/or her staff to be interviewed on her show??? If not, you certainly should be, and I'll be the first (if someone hasn't already beaten me to it!:p ) to HIGHLY recommend you!:7 This is probably a very dumb question to ask because I'm sure you would have calmly (}( ) accepted the offer!:7
I think that all the time, too. She always has diet people on but never fitness people. I think it's because, as she says whenever Bob Greene is on, "I HATE exercise." If she feels that way why would she?
Soo funny you guys say this!! After I met Cathe at the road trip last summer, I DID submit a suggestion to Oprah!! (And I hardly watch her show) I just thought that Cathe needs MORE visibility to share her spectacular-ness, and Oprah's audience would be perfect for her! I think all those women (and men) would benefit from hearing from her. I'm afraid I didn't do Cathe justice with my submission though, because the word # was limited, and all I could do was gush. So if anyone else wants to try it - I think the more requests to have her on, the better her chances will be!

(oops - Cathe I hope you don't mind I submitted you!!)
I was watching Oprah one day and thought the same thing. I used to hate exercise until I discovered Cathe. Now I own almost all of her videos/dvds and get cranky if I can't find the time to do them.

Maybe we should collect e-mail addresses of people who would like to see Cathe get an invitation to Oprah (Cathe, we hope you don't mind!) and submit the list with a letter. I just love that exercise is fun with Cathe--from step to kickboxing to boot camp--and women working with real weights and strength is wonderful! I think Oprah's audience would be really interested. Oh, also, I've been impressed by the range of ages of people communicating on this form. Really, I think Oprah should have her as a guest! There's also the NY Times article that could be attached to get Oprah's attention.

Have a great day!
I think we tried something similar right before the '05 road trip - thinking how cool it would have been for the Oprah show to be aware of these crazed 105 people from all over the world coming to spend a couple of days exercising. We thought that would get them at least aware of Cathe. I think someone at the time had a connection to a producer or something like that. It never went anywhere, but if Cathe's game I think it would be awesome to try it again. And like you said - her following has grown since then.


I totally agree. Maybe one way to do it would be to contact Dr. Oz about her. You know he has a radio show on Oprah's radio station on XM I believe. Maybe he could have her as a guest, which might lead to Oprah's show? He endorses strength training as a means for women to fight osteoporosis and other ills. I know that Oprah also believes strongly in strength training and being healthy above being skinny. And I love the way Cathe talks about being healthy and strong and never talks about shedding pounds for vanity sake. She has such a great empowering perspective for women that I think should definitely get more press!! Also, maybe a letter to O Magazine...

Cathe: don't you love the way we take over your "Ask Cathe" board to devise this plan!? We just love you and want the whole world to know how fabulous you are!!
This is amazing, friends!:7

Glad to see so many others having the same thoughts!;-) After I posted the OP, I was triggered to post something over in the OD forum to help Cathe become recognized by Oprah, and hopefully, have her on the show! Out of respect for Cathe, I wanted to wait for her to respond with her wishes. Although, something tells me that she probably doesn't mind being recognized by Oprah}( Tee hee!

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