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  1. J

    Want Some More Videos - Need Advice

    Jennifer, Keep in mind that even if you want DVDs later, you can buy the tapes and resell them later on eBay! I'll look forward to those suggestions on strength gain/weight loss. Jen
  2. J

    ? for those who've had success with lifting "heavy"

    Hi Cheryl, Thanks for the encouragement! It feels great to be on a "losing streak" again. I do love the 2 upper body PH that I have, just don't have the lower one, and I don't have S&H yet. FIRMS: I have Standing Legs and Tough Tape (also my favorites) and TT2, Firm Strength, Firm Cardio...
  3. J

    ? for those who've had success with lifting "heavy"

    Cheryl, Thank you SO much!! I was so excited to see your reply so soon. I don't have power hour or Cardio Kicks yet. Do you recommend them above the rest for maximum inch loss? I'm a typical pear, so really want to shrink the bottom half and tone the upper half. I already have the CTX DVD...
  4. J

    ? for those who've had success with lifting "heavy"

    Cheryl, Can you please tell me what videos you've been using??? You're results sound wonderful, and I want the same!! Do you have a set rotation? I've been thinking about emphasizing the weight training more, but realize I may need more videos to do so. I would love some suggestions...
  5. J

    Anyone using eDiets?

    Thanks Athene - I'll have to check out that book. Covert Bailey seems to be respected. And thanks for the reminders about clean eating. I KNOW what I should eat, I just don't always do it! ;-) Jen
  6. J

    Anyone using eDiets?

    Hi Christine, Thanks so much for your reply - it was very encouraging!! I want to lose about 20 lbs, so it's good to know it can be done. I'd be perfectly happy to have it off by the end of the year - I'm not in a rush, as long as it's consistently coming off. I'm glad to hear you weren't...
  7. J

    Anyone using eDiets?

    Hi Janice, Thanks for your reply and insight. I do know about nutrition, but lately I've felt like I just need new ideas and to not have to think about it so much. I'm so busy, it would be great to just have a plan laid out for me. I found in the past that I did much better when I made up...
  8. J

    Anyone using eDiets?

    Hi there, I am considering joining eDiets, and I'm wondering if anyone has used them, and could tell me about their experience. Was it successful?? I would like to lose 15-20 lbs. Thanks for any insight! Jen
  9. J

    SNM Music, Slow & Heavy

    I don't have Rhythmic Step yet - can you please describe the music? Is it something familiar?
  10. J

    Exercise in the heat

    RE: Ha, Jeanne! Thanks to everyone for their great suggestions!!! I've been using several. Debbie & Jeanne - You're welcome to joke about atmosphere - you should see my basement!:-wow:-wow We're not just talking lack of decor, we're talking uneven concrete floor that gets damp in spots when...
  11. J

    Exercise in the heat

    Jeanne, I also try to work out early when I can - sometimes I have to work too early and can't get up any earlier. I have the treadmill in the basement, and it is somewhat cooler down there, but the ceiling is rather low to do anything else and it's all concrete - not much in the way of...
  12. J

    Exercise in the heat

    Hi Annette, Thanks so much for your quick reply and the good reminders. It is frustrating, but I know I don't want to hurt myself. That was interesting info about how the humidity affects your ability to cool off - I never fully understood that before. The idea about a washcloth submerged in...
  13. J

    Exercise in the heat

    Hi everyone, I was wondering what everyone does about exercising in this terrible heat. I don't have an A/C, just lots of window fans, and it seems like for the past two weeks I can barely get through 20 min. of any video without losing steam because I'm overheated. Is this anyone else's...
  14. J

    CTX series

    Hi Annette, May I ask why you suggested specifically Interval Max, Cardio Kicks, and MIS and/or S&H in addition to CTX? I'm also interested in getting leaner and just got CTX, but don't have the others you mentioned. The only others I have are Step Heat, Wedding, and the 2 Pure Strength...
  15. J

    Just Curious......

    Thanks for the response! I will print that out, and hope to get the same results. Keep up the good work! Jen
  16. J

    Weight loss/strength training confusion

    Thanks PR - it's good to hear that you've been able to do both at the same time. Interesting thought about adding intensity to your cardio by adding heavier weights. That makes sense. I appreciate your taking the time to answer. If anyone else has anything to add, I'd love to hear it. I'm...
  17. J

    Just Curious......

    Jillybean - those are inspiring results!! Two sizes in two months! May I ask whether you did the CTX as is, one aerobic segment and one body part per day, or did you do something different? I would LOVE to have the same results. Thanks.
  18. J

    Weight loss/strength training confusion

    Hi to the educated crowd: I would like to lose about 15 lbs. and tone up my "pear" section, and I'm a little confused about whether I should be concentrating more on aerobics or strength training. I know muscle burns more calories than fat, so it's good to add muscle. But I've also heard that...
  19. J

    Weight loss/strength training confusion

    LAST EDITED ON Jun-26-02 AT 04:06PM (Est)[p]LAST EDITED ON Jun-26-02 AT 04:06 PM (Est) Sorry - double post.
  20. J

    ? re CTX

    Oh well - too bad! You do rather look forward to seeing her - she does look happy. Anyway, thanks for answering.