Just Curious......


Active Member

I've been lurking around this forum for a few years now, off and on, I also posted this on the Firm Ya Ya's, I wanted to know.....has anyone lost weight doing Cathe's CXT? I know about the classic's success stories, but what about the CXT? I am about to start a rotation w/ them and was just curious.


I ordered CTX in Feb and went from a size 14 to a size 10 by April. I just loved CTX and I didn't add any extra workouts either. Unfortunately, I didn't clean up my eating at all or the results would have been much better. Each cardio portion has intervals in it (some more than others) that just spiked my metabolism and the weight work was really great for my body too. None of that 8 tricep dips followed by 8 lunges followed by 8 bicep curls like The Firm, just straight up lifting: 8-16 reps, 3 sets of one body part per workout. And because of LL I actually tuck my shirts in now. I used to always leave them untucked or tie a shirt around my waist to cover my butt before. I still have a ways to go, but CTX did wonders for me! It is a great series and I have used a part of it in every rotation I have done since then. I have also purchased every Cathe DVD since then too! Have fun!
Jillybean - those are inspiring results!! Two sizes in two months!

May I ask whether you did the CTX as is, one aerobic segment and one body part per day, or did you do something different? I would LOVE to have the same results.

Jillybean, wow you had awesome results! Congrats! I'm starting my rotation this week. I've had the CXT since they came out but I never really did it consistently. Wow, thanks for the reply!

I did the cardio as is, but did each body part twice a week.
Sat. Step Intervals Chest & Shoulders
Sun. Power Circuit Back & Biceps
Mon. 10-10-10 Triceps
Tue. All Step Chest & Shoulders
Wed. Kickbox Back & Biceps
Thu. Leaner Legs Triceps
Fri. REST!
Have fun!!!!
OMG ! Jillybean ! I can't believe you went from a size 14 to a size 10 in just 2 months doing CTX series ! I know this is an old thread, but I am speechless - I have to get this series.
Well done ! you have inspired me to keep going !

many thanks
RE: I love CTX

I just want to say I LOVE the CTX series. I just started it up again yesterday. It is so much fun, a great work out and the music is very motivating.
Oh thanks Anna! Here is some more inspiration (i.e. bragging) starting in May, I added Imax to my rotation 1x per week. A year ago, I was a person who couldn't stand to walk around the block mind you. In June, I climbed Half Dome in Yosemite (which they say in the brochure takes an average of 10 hours to do). I climbed it with 3 men and finished 1st, in 8 1/2 hours. I have so much more cardiovascular endurance and lung capacity now. It really is great to be fit. It's not just about being thinner, but healthier. I love it! Now if I could only clean up my eating! But thanks for the congratulations!
RE: I love CTX

great story Jillybean!!! Good for you!!

I am so SCARED of this set. I mean it looks SO high impact. For some reason I am always troubled with shin splints lately. Didn't notice it so much until I stopped taking anti-innflamatories for my back. Since then, I have all these aches and pains!!LOL!! Took me awhile to trace it back, but I think that is it. Cathe's impact is just many times too much for me. Even more so than running. This series just looks so intense. I always think of someone here who said, "CTX is a stress fracture waiting to happen". Very scared!!:)
RE: I love CTX

I have the same concerns. I have all of the CTX tapes except for 2 (missing Step & Intervals and 10-10-10) and I've hesitated to buy the other two and start a CTX rotation becaue of the impact. I've been trying to do at least one low impact, i.e. non-Cathe, cardio tape each week to give my poor shins a break. But I do love the CTX cardio tapes I have and try to use at least one a week.
Wow Jillybean, I'm impressed. If you don't mind me asking, how did you handle all of that impact? Did you experience any aches and pains from doing high impact every day?
RE: I love CTX

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Sep-26-02 AT 00:05AM (Est)[/font][p]Count me in as well! The series seems sooooo high impact it scares the heck outta me - however - I would love to get CTX upperbody and Leaner legs on DVD only.....

Kali :)

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