SNM Music, Slow & Heavy


I just want to say I really enjoyed the music in Slow and Heavy. Particularly at the start of the 2nd set of Pullovers in the Back and Chest part.

It's a remix or rearrangement of a SNM theme and it really pumps me up all by itself. Thank you to the music composer and editor. You all work together to create a great product.

A happy exerciser,
I really like the music in the second full routine of Rythmic Step (starts with step touchon top to the up and back), especially the part it opens up with. Jeanne

That is my favorite music part in S&H too! It just fits sooo perfect at that point. I can really squeeze and contract because the beat just matches so well. That also is my favorite exercise Cathe does for the back. (I feel it great in my triceps EXTRA bonus!) I hope she uses it again.

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!

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