? for those who've had success with lifting "heavy"


I was reading one of threads about losing inches while lifting heavy and it got me thinking.

Does lifting heavy mean you are lifting what's heavy for you or are you lifting so heavy that you need a spotter?

When I read posts about people being a size 4 because they lift heavy I wonder if you need to use heavy weights to tighten your body if you're pear shaped. Is your own body weight enough? What about floorwork? Anyone had good results using only floorwork for their lower body?

If you didn't have a lot of weight to lose(don't know if that matters or not but I really only need to lose maybe 5lbs) how long before you noticed inches lost while lifting heavy? How often did you lift?

I'm about to order the Slow&Heavy series so I'm really interested in whether it will slim me or bulk me.

Thanks for all responses,
How's this for an example of what heavy weights will do:

In 1996, I was a size 10, and since then have gone down to sometimes a 4, depending on the cut. It was all due to weights....I'd walked for years and saw no changes in my shape. I learned from the very beginning to use heavy weights, and to increase my weights. My weight has not changed that much, certainly not enough to explain a drop of that many sizes.

I keep giving away pants that got too big to my daughter-in-law who doesn't want any part of weight lifting, and she cant' wear them because most of them are too small. I'm 52 (53 in November) and she's 29.

So there's my real life personal example of what lifting weights can do.

I've been getting great results with lifting "heavy".

I've been working out steadily for almost two months. I've lost almost 6 lbs and so far I've gone from a tight size 8 to a loose size 6.

My actual weight loss has slowed down but my body shape is REALLY changing. I know that this is because of the weights.

I don't use a spotter. I started off using the Firm videos, but lately I've been doing mostly Cathe videos. I lift enough weight to keep me challenged....meaning I've been gradually increasing the amount of weights I lift. I lift no where near as much weight as Cathe or some of the wonderful ladies on this forum (at least not yet :D). I just pay close attention to how my body's feeling and go from there.

As for diet, my eating is very balanced and I don't deprive myself of any foods. Last week was a serious PMS week for me so my eating was not the greatest. I got on the scale yesterday and lost a 1/2 lb.

But really...since the inches have been coming off so steadily I don't even focus on what the scale says.

For those of you that are losing inches and weight with heavy weight.....are you also doing cardio and if so, how much and how often? Also, what weight tapes are you using? I have seriously been thinking of trying to lift heavier and cut out some cardio to see if it helps me.

I've done high impact and low impact, high intensity and low intensity, HiLo, Step, Kickbox, Cardio Machines, walking, you name it, and I PERSONALLY seem to have the best results with low impact stuff. I try to do somthing 6 days a week, and sometimes that's only 20 minutes a day.

Keep in mind that my weight training sessions are not that time consuming, either, so I can fit all this in. I don't do any weight training tapes right now....I'm going to the Y and using their Cybex equipment for upper body (I work there part time, and they like my to work out there, too). I have been doing two exercises per body part for upper body, and lifting HEAVY.

You really have to play around with this, and find out what works for you. I experimented for YEARS to find out the perfect mix for me. I'd say you can find out in 6 weeks or so whether a method will work or not work for you.

With all that in mind, you still must keep an eye on your food intake, and keep a food journal. All the cardio and weights in the world won't help if you don't watch what you eat, but that does NOT mean starve.
RE: Honeybunch and Cheryl

When I work out at home I use like 25 lb. dumbbells for bicep curls, and 35 lbs for two handed overhead tricep extensions, for example, and 30 lbs. for one arm rows for back. When I do T-bar rows I go really heavy and use over 60 lbs.
RE: Honeybunch and Cheryl

Wow Honeybunch!! You're doing great! After reading the amount of weight you can lift, maybe I shouldn't say that I'm lifting "heavy". :):) I'll just say that I lift a "challenging" amount of weight..that sounds better :D

MadnNatsMom, let me give you a little history about myself :).... when I started working out in early July (after a really long period of inactivity and not-so-good eating habits), I was doing the Firm videos and was lifting the really low....3 to 8 lb dumbbells. If I used a barbell it was only 10 lbs (no plates added)

Now I'm lifting 10-12 lbs dumbbells for biceps curls, 8 lbs for triceps extensions, 15 lbs barbell for lying tricep extensions, 10 lbs dumbbells for shoulders presses, 5-7 lbs for side laterals, 12 lbs for bentover rows, 15 lb barbell for chest press (for some reason this is a weak area for me). 8 lbs for chest flyes. For leg work I use 10-12 lb dumbbells and a 20 lb barbell. I use mostly Cathe tapes now.

Right now I do 2 cardio sessions per week.
Hi Valerie! I had started a rotation called the "Tank Top Arm Rotation". This works upper body 2x a week concentrating mostly on shoulders, tris and bis and working lower body 2x a week. I did this rotation for 7 weeks and saw wonderful results. I'm now doing the Slow & Heavy series and I can lift far heavier than Cathe does in her tapes but only use this rotation for 3 weeks. I've cut down my cardio from 5x a week to 3x a week alternating between hi/lo, kickboxing and step and on my weight lifting days I increase the protein. I'll try to consume 100 grams for that day. I'm a size 2 sometimes a 4 depending on the cut and I'm 48 yrs. old (soon to be 49) and 5'2" tall. I think it would be very hard to bulk up using these tapes. We used to have a woman by the name of "competition bound" on the forum (Aimee) and she used Cathe's tapes and entered a fitness competition and had placed second!! She definitely did not bulk up; her physique was beautiful. She emailed all of us her picture. So go for it. As Cathe says "heavy weights will do nice things for you." Good luck! Kathy
Sorry, just did a search for the TTR and had to post again. Just wanted to say that if women could see how their muscles were shaping up UNDERNEATH the fat while doing a "heavy" rotation, I think there would not be the fear of "bulking". If you could see your muscles under the fat, you would be very pleased. Sometimes, I feel extra "bulky" but I know that is more a fat-over-the-muscle problem (an eating problem) rather than a weight lifting issue. I never take down weight poundages, even if I feel "bulky". If anything, I will add extra cardio and try to watch my food more. This is the real secret I think. Just be extra careful when lifting heavy that you eat pretty clean. And if you don't, be aware that when that "bulk" happens, it might be due to adding muscle and losing little to no fat. In the short term, I suppose this would add "bulk"...

Ok, I am off my soapbox!!!

Good Point!!!! I get SO-O-O-O tired of reading those posts about fear of "bulking!" You really, really have to watch what you eat and don't kid yourself. Keep a food journal for best results.

Cathe is very small, and we KNOW she lifts heavy! She also preaches moderation with eating habits.

Out of curiosity, and since I know you lift heavy and are "small", do you think there is a point in which you will start to get "bigger". I mean, say I diet down, get pretty lean, such as yourself...so that I know I no longer have "bulk" as a result as fat. Ok, well lets say then that I keep on with my very heavy lifting routine. Shouldn't at some point, I expect to GAIN inches?? Muscles do GROW and I know it is logical at first to lose inches because of the fat over the muscles, but eventually you would want to start gaining inches if you are into muscle building, right?? I mean, would I not be working against myself if at that point I was still dieting down and not gaining inches??? I would like your take on this??

Also, for everyone out there that feels "BULKY": Remember, you might have a little extra fat over those muscles and you might get mad that you are lifting heavy and apparantly getting "fatter", but remember....even if you are not LOSING fat..if your diet is anywhere near reasonable you are probably not GAINING fat but you are gaining muscle. So, in the long term, even though you do not like the way you look or think you should look leaner, you are still adding muscle mass. This is a GOOD thing. It will help you burn more calories down the line. I notice with myself that even though I am not as lean as I would like, and that I am sure many of you would see me as "bulky", that since I have been lifting heavy I have gained weight BUT have a flatter stomach...meaning I have lost fat there. And since we all know fat does not come off only in one area...well, that means that pretty much I have gained muscle while losing fat which in my opinion can only happen from taking in extra calories to build the muscle( hence the weight gain) and then now, after I have established the muscle, even though my diet is not super clean, I have still run into a calorie deficit. Even though I have not changed my eating really, I am now burning more calories sitting here typing this.

I am sorry to go on. I just feel bad for everyone that feels since they are getting "bulky" that there is no accomplishment there. Don't cut the weights. Up the cardio, SLIGHTLY take down calories. And then, maybe 6 months from now, you will find you are losing fat with alot less effort because it is now that extra 3 pounds of muscle that is burning off that can of soda pop.....not the cardio you are doing......


Can you please tell me what videos you've been using??? You're results sound wonderful, and I want the same!! Do you have a set rotation?

I've been thinking about emphasizing the weight training more, but realize I may need more videos to do so. I would love some suggestions.


I'd be happy to share.

I don't have a "set" rotation because everytime I create one I don't stick to it :D. I can tell you though, that I've gotten really good results using Power Hour. This week, I'm doing this "rotation":

Sunday - Power Hour (done)
Monday - Super Cardio Sculpt (a Firm video)
Tuesday - CTX Upper Body (OOOWEE!)
Wednesday - Rest (YAY)
Thursday - Cardio Kicks
Friday - Power Hour
Saturday - Rest

I think that if you continually increase the amount of weight you're lifting, you will continue to get results. This has really worked for me.

I was planning on doing a rotation with the PS series, but I think I'm going to try in S&H series next week just to see what happens.

Another thing, I make sure that I follow a balanced eating plan, but I do allow myself treats (especially Edy's Light S'mores and More ice cream....yummy!. :) I just watch my portions.

Speaking of results, I had on a pair of jeans yesterday and kept having to pull them up because the were so loose. I think that they're a size 6 or 7 (Gap jeans). Now that's what I call results!

I hope this helps you out!


Thank you SO much!! I was so excited to see your reply so soon. I don't have power hour or Cardio Kicks yet. Do you recommend them above the rest for maximum inch loss? I'm a typical pear, so really want to shrink the bottom half and tone the upper half.

I already have the CTX DVD, so that's covered. I love the Kickbox on CTX, but it does leave me breathless! I also have about 10 FIRMS <g>. You don't find it too much to do a FIRM the next day after PH?

I have the two upper body PS series, but I don't have S&H yet. Do you recommend getting S&H too, or should I concentrate on PH and CK first??

As far as eating, I'm doing well with that, using eDiets. It's nice and balanced and healthy. I've lost 5 lbs in the last 5 weeks without starving, so I'm happy. I have probably another 15 lbs to go. But I'm more concerned with losing inches, and your results are very inspiring. I wanna wear size 6 jeans too!! ;-)

Thanks so much for your help.
Hi Jen,

Wow...you're doing great! 5 pounds in 5 weeks in great!

I'm the opposite of you...I'm an apple. :) I get results in my lower body very quickly. My upper half (especially my torso)needs the most work.

I do highly recommend Power Hour and Cardio Kicks regardless of what body type you are!

I haven't done the PS series yet, but I've heard nothing but good things about it from others...and from reviewing the videos myself, I think they are worth having.

What Firm tapes do you have? My favorite Firm tapes for lower body focus are Tough Tape and Standing Legs. You can't go wrong with those.

I do think that strength training is definitely the way to go for maximum results.

Hi Cheryl,

Thanks for the encouragement! It feels great to be on a "losing streak" again.

I do love the 2 upper body PH that I have, just don't have the lower one, and I don't have S&H yet.

FIRMS: I have Standing Legs and Tough Tape (also my favorites) and TT2, Firm Strength, Firm Cardio, Time Crunch, Upper Body, Tough Aerobic Mix, and a few others I can't recall.

I'll make sure to get PH and CK - now the big decision will be whether to splurge on a DVD bundle, or just buy them separately! :-hmmm

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Sep-11-02 AT 06:30PM (Est)[/font][p]Hey, Janice,

Please refer to the post Maribeth did about muscularity. I agree about what she has to say....so much rides on genetics.

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