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  1. J

    Weird Dreams

    All these dreams are so funny! I have this very involved, recurring anxiety dream (I am 29): I dream that I find out one day that it turns out due to some fluke, I never actually graduated from high school, which in turn makes my Bachelors Degree null and void. So I have to go back to high...
  2. J

    does this irritate ANYbody else, but me?

    Me neither, and I do RS all the time...I'm usually concentrating so hard on not tripping and falling during those moves that I guess I don't hear the music in that part... I LOVE the music on RS though.
  3. J

    Pets & exercise

    My roommate's cat Lou always sits against this one portion of my wall and stares at me like, 'what is she doing? What a freak!' while I workout. When I do pushups, he comes and curls up under my chest so that every time I dip down I squash him. And does he take the hint and leave? No! He also...
  4. J

    Does anyone else hate cardio machines?

    I loathe those machines, I sometimes go to the gym to keep my roomate company (instead of doing a Cathe tape) and the only perk is that there are individual tv sets in all the cardio machines so you can watch tv while you plod along on the treadmill. Plod plod plod. I'm totally with you. Why do...
  5. J

    Hey, ectomrphs!

    LAST EDITED ON Jul-24-02 AT 06:23PM (Est)[p]LAST EDITED ON Jul-24-02 AT 06:20 PM (Est) Hi Jen, I just wanted to add some support for this less cardio = more fat loss. Because of schedule changes at my tae kwon do studio at the beginning of summer I could no longer do cardio kickboxing twice a...
  6. J

    Sorry to rant...

    I don't think any of these women who have posted are ungrateful for their mothers, but some people's relationships with their moms are worse than others. I think it is ok to rant and rave about the insensitive and sometimes subtley cruel things mothers say to daughters, and possbile to do so...
  7. J

    exercise in public....

    RE: Walk It Down, Talk It Down Also Donna I would guess that most people who see you will think "Man, I should be doing that..." and drive off feeling guilty...not thinking bad things about you. You'll be an inspiration!
  8. J

    O/T: Domestic Violence Info

    oh my gosh Donna the more I read about you the more you are my hero. You are such a wonderful role model for taking charge of your own life. GOOD FOR YOU!!!!!!! You see a problem and you FIX IT - maybe not right away but better late than never and you come out stronger - literally and...
  9. J


    LAST EDITED ON Jul-11-02 AT 01:40PM (Est)[p]I read something on the Powerstrike web page and the Italian woman is a blackbelt in karate, a brown belt in another martial art and also studies kickboxing, so she is definitely an expert in form. I LOVE Cathe but would say that her form is more for...
  10. J

    How was I to know that Circuit Max....

    RE: Falling In Love Again With Circuit Max . . . Hey Cyberfit, I do CM and CK in a pretty small space, I just don't do all the traveling moves. You can do them without a lot of space. I do them in my bedroom, you can modify enough to make up for lack of space... Thought I'd give you hope ;)
  11. J

    Cardio and weights FWIW

    Very interesting, thank you! I wonder when they'll do a study on women? Jill
  12. J

    SNM Music, Slow & Heavy

    Me too, I sing along while I step!!
  13. J

    Shopping for jeans does CUSTOM MADE jeans!! their regular jeans are excellent too.
  14. J


    Hi Janice, I don't have a lot of muscle, I have that spoon shaped body, I'm 5'6" and about 130 lbs, give or take a few...small upper body...I thought about this all weekend and realized that I do have lower back pain, it isn't severe, but I notice if I walk a lot or carry my million pound...
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    LAST EDITED ON Jun-28-02 AT 02:57PM (Est)[p]Hi Janice, I could totally be you, minus the back pain. I can touch my toes well (like you) but that is it - that is the only area where I've seen major flexibility improvements, the hamstrings. What is REALLY bad for me is my inner thigh/hip/groin...
  16. J

    Abs and Nausea

    hi - I'm not sure if this is quite the same thing, but if I do pilates type ab work, I get a sort of dizzy/nauseated fact because of this I avoid those types of workouts. never as bad as what you described though, yikes!
  17. J

    Weight Gain on pill?

    LAST EDITED ON Jun-25-02 AT 12:46PM (Est)[p]Hi Rachel, I'm on Alesse, I had heard the same thing and asked my doctor and she said these days the hormone levels in the pill are so low side effects are very minimal. I have not gained any weight on it and I've been on it for about 3 years. Also it...
  18. J

    Break-ups and staying motivated . . .

    Hi Lynne, Ugh I know just what you are going through, that happened me to almost exactly a year ago. Anyway the day I found out (over EMAIL - MEN) that my relationship was over, I was so upset I had to leave work for the day, BUT I happened to have a tae kwon do belt test the next day so I HAD...
  19. J

    Which is better jogging or cycle classes??

    Hi Trevor, Thanks. Practice sprinting. I was hoping you wouldn't say that ;). After reading your post I realized that I do take smaller steps when sprinting short distances because I worry about not being able to stop and change direction to do the sprint on the way back. I'll give your...