

Active Member
Ok, due to the powerstrike addiction post, I am going to order a video. So which one should I get?
Millenium 1 or 2? What are they like? How do they compare to Tae-Bo or Cardio Kicks?
I like 2 just a little better than 1 (but I would get both if I were you). They are great workouts. I am always surprised at how sweaty I am by the time I am done. I think they are tougher than Cardio Kicks in terms of nonstop intensity, they don't take up as much space, and they are low impact. I don't know about Tae Bo, so I cannot compare. Oh--and the Italian woman looks like a real martial arts professional and her form is extraordinary. Cathe's tape is great, but I think she says at the beginning that she is not a professional kickboxer and doesn't expect her audience to be either.
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jul-11-02 AT 01:40PM (Est)[/font][p]I read something on the Powerstrike web page and the Italian woman is a blackbelt in karate, a brown belt in another martial art and also studies kickboxing, so she is definitely an expert in form. I LOVE Cathe but would say that her form is more for safety in the workout rather than for actual kicking and punching effectiveness (as she mentions in the beginning.) CK is a fantastic workout!
Do you know they are coming out with Powerstrike Mil 3? I think this one supposed to be a high impact one, not low impact like Mil 1 and 2. Powerstrike Mil 3 will also be on DVD. The best way to order all 3 is via www.cksales.com. You probably have to call them to order... I don't think they update their web page regularly.

Hey Cari (me again :) )

Both tapes are awesome and you may want to bite the bullet and order both to save on S&H which is a little pricey cause they use Fed-X. If I was being tortured and HAD to chose only one it would be Mil 2. Mil. 2 has a little more kicking and uppercuts. But Mil. 1 is also a total blast. I enjoy these tapes much more than TaeBo. The instructors, Ilaria and Patricia, are really cool and fun. These vids are high intensity but low impact and use a lot of punch combinations so you feel like you're Evander Holyfield. You work your entire left side first and then the right side so there's no cheating and quitting early. IMO they are totally different from CK because it's more punch combinations and kicks but not a lot of aerobic style moves as in CK (which I also love).

You're gonna love them!

Mil 3 - WOO-HOO!!! :-jumpy I'm so excited I can hardly contain myself!! Thanks for the info, I'm gonna check this out and see if I can order it.

RE: Powerstrike #3

I have to tell you guys that I had the privilege of taking Powerstrike at the IDEA convention in San Diego the weekend before last. I am still reeling from the experience of meeting them. They are incredible in person. Their rapport is exactly like on the videos - completely natural, spontaneous and fun. Excellent instructors in person. What you see on the video is really how they teach. It is/was awesome!! I am not an instructor - I just went to meet them basically - that is how sick I am okay? Anyways about Mil 3 - Patricia and Ilaria told me that the workout we did there was basically the workout for #3. It was incredibly intense - I was sweating big time but I was on such a high I felt no pain. I just want you all to know you will not be disappointed. BTW - no higher impact than any of the prior videos. I, for one, cannot wait!

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