Weird Dreams

Of all the dreams here, I can identify with yours!! I also have the dream of being back in high school and forgetting my locker number, And I can't find my class schedule and can't find the room my next class is in. The school is usually the one I went to Junior High in. A long time ago!!

Then I have the Big House dream where I try to go up and down different staircases and some of them have obstacles and some have elevators that are tricky and scary. I sometimes end up in the cellar or a big warehouse with no way out. I also have the Small House dream where there are rooms I never saw before in my house that I'm afraid to go in. This house pops up about once every 2 weeks in my dreams

Then there's the plane dream, tornado dream, etc etc.......always the same fears I guess.
I have always had strange and bizarre dreams. In fact a few are so strange that I have remembered them even years later. During my sophmore year of high school I had a dream that my math teacher (who was a total witch by the way) was playing a violin while sitting on top of the flagpole. In my dream I was standing at the base of the flagpole trying with all my strength to shake her off. On the less violent side, I also had a dream once about attending my own funeral. In the dream I died in a car accident and became a ghost. When I got to my funeral I was very upset because they were going to bury me in a hideous orange dress with lace and ruffles. They also had shaved my head. Finally, I had a great dream a while ago were I could fly, like superman. In my dream I flew over the city on my way to work and gloated at being able to miss an incredible traffic jam. Glad that some of the rest of you also have very active imaginations while sleeping!
All these dreams are so funny! I have this very involved, recurring anxiety dream (I am 29):

I dream that I find out one day that it turns out due to some fluke, I never actually graduated from high school, which in turn makes my Bachelors Degree null and void. So I have to go back to high school to take a full course load(with all the teenagers). So I go to summer school but apparently its been so long since I've attended the classes (like I was supposed to be going all along) that I can't remember where they are or when they are supposed to take place, I don't have a class schedule and can't find the office to get one. So I'm wandering around with no idea where to go or what to do.

I have this dream every few months or so. Another related one is that I'm back in college and I realize during finals week that I had a 5th or 6th class that I'd totally forgotten about and I don't have the book and I have to take the final. So scary. I guess school stress never really goes away, no matter how many years its been!

RE: Mariela, Kathy & SunsetBeach!

I think its more of a "fear of aging dream" since I really don't like being in my forties.:) I think we all tell little white lies all the time.
For the last three nights I have been having weird dreams.It isn't so much that they are weird but they are things that have already happened through out the day or I am dreaming about the extended version.And then I sit straight up in bed and look out the window.Then when I am not doing that I am looking at my husband(half a sleep) and wondering who in the world is in bed with me...5 I am ready to get up and stay up but then 8 i sleep in.I am hoping tonight to get a good night sleep...wish me luck

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