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  1. J

    I am so angry!!!!!

    LAST EDITED ON Dec-10-02 AT 08:30PM (Est)[p]OH MY GOD I would be SO ANGRY!! What the heck?? You totally deserve to be upset! What was she thinking??? And ok I missed the part about her THROWING THEM AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I agree with everyone, she needs to return those PRONTO!!!
  2. J

    Full-body Pushups....

    oh my God Briee do I hear you! HA HA. I actually structure my weight workouts around my tae kwon do classes so that I never work my chest the day before a class becasue I NEED to be able to do the pushups just in case! I never want to be the one who has to quit and then the whole class has to...
  3. J

    Guess what I can do?

    RE: OK... This whole pushups vs. bench pressing thing is a total mystery to me. I can do a lot of man pushups but can't bench press very much weight. I remember the first time I tried weight lifting about a year ago, I thought I'd be able to bench a lot of weight because of the pushups, but 45...
  4. J

    Full-body Pushups....

    Hi, It took me about a year and a half of doing lots of knee pushups before I could do full body ones, this was before I started weight training and I couldn't even do one pushup on my knees. I had/have to do them in my tae kwon do classes and they warned us that once we got our red belts...
  5. J

    Which new Cathe will you do first?

    I can't wait to try Boot Camp! And Imax 2! Woo hooo!!!!!!! Jill
  6. J

    How much and how long?

    Hi Anna, I'm doing a long S&H rotation because I LOVE to train that way and I love what it does to my body. I'm on my 4th week and I am not bulking, I don't bulk anyway I have a hard time gaining muscle, but S&H just makes me stronger and more defined...its perfect for my body type which is no...
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    I stupidly chose RS to be my first Cathe step tape (and actually one of the first step workouts period) and it took me about 5 or 6 times of doing it to even just sort of get it. Now I can do it at about 95% accuracy, I LOVE IT. Hang in there it is definitley worth it. I'm on an S&H rotation and...
  8. J

    Scale Haters Unite!

    I'm with you Annette, I don't even own a scale, I get weighed every year at the doctors, and sometimes I weigh myself at my sister's house (maybe twice a year). SO MUCH less stressful becasue you don't see the day to day fluctuations. I just stick to my goals, check out how I feel, how my...
  9. J

    If you could thank Cathe...

    Well I agree with what everyone has said and would also like to add personally - Thank you Cathe for providing a challenging workout I can do at home. My fitness level is the highest it has ever been. I use your workouts to supplement my martial arts training, I'm in class with mostly...
  10. J

    The S+H Blues...

    RE: The S H Blues... Hi Kathy, I'm having the same problem, I was starting to freak out but then I just told myself my weeks didn't have to be monday - sunday weeks, I'd just count out doing each workout 3-4 times and when I'm done, my rotation is done. I just finished my 3rd cycle and am...
  11. J

    5th Element Clothes.....

    OMG me too - once I emailed my favorite online shopping store to ask why they did not carry A cup bras, and do you know who emailed me back? the SPECIAL NEEDS department. SPECIAL NEEDS! AGH! I get so angry when bra shopping. Your choices are either heavily padded, or something that looks like a...
  12. J

    Birth Control Pills and weight gain

    Hey this is great, my insurance coverage has changed its prescription drug plan and the birth control pills I've taken for years are no longer covered (Alesse) but I see from the list that Yasmin is covered. I think I'll ask my doctor to change my prescription. Thanks you guys, I've been...
  13. J

    A Good mascara......

    Another vote for ColorStay, I tested it out before going to a grappling seminar, which is rolling around on the floor basically wrestling and sweating up a storm. With normal mascara if I sweat a lot I get little lines on my eyelid from blinking. The ColorStay did not budge at all. The only...
  14. J

    MIS Lite... WHOA!!!

    Personally, I think Cathe has springs in her body where the rest of us just have bones and cartilage!!
  15. J

    video with little equipment required please...

    What a fantastic idea!!! A tool chest! I just leave my weights out in a corner of my room but it looks horrible.
  16. J

    Plain yogurt recipes?

    Hi - you could mix some jam in it...I use an all fruit type of jam, no sugar. Then it would be just like a flavored yogurt but without the sugar. Also you can usually substitute plain yogurt for sour cream in any recipe.
  17. J

    Good Hi/Lo Vids?

    I'll second Karen Voight's Power Packed Workout, that one is a killer. A wee bit dated, but still high intensity and fun. I used to do that 5 days a week back when I was 22, it would kill my joints now!
  18. J

    Embarrassing weight loss moments...................

    LOLOLOL!!!! Sorry but that is soooo funny!! I'm glad you got the job too!
  19. J

    Birth control pills

    I asked my Doctor about weight gain and she said the new breed of birth control pills have such low levels of hormones in them that the side effects are much more minimal than they used to be (although of course everyone reacts differently as we see from these posts). I have had good luck with...
  20. J

    Fitness as a hobby

    LAST EDITED ON Sep-20-02 AT 01:01PM (Est)[p]Oh my god, sometimes I just WATCH the tapes, like late at night if nothing is on TV. I TOTALLY classify working out as a hobby. Two years ago my birthday fell on a night I usually went to a cardio kickboxing class, and my coworkers said, 'So are you...