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  1. J

    Anyone been to a chiropractor?

    Hi, I've been going for a year now, I go every other week usually although sometimes more often if my body is reacting to stress badly. ITs been very helpful and I'm always surprised at the broad area of help she can give me, not even just back pain, but help with anxiety, sleeplessness etc...
  2. J


    Wow, what timing - I'm going through this myself at the moment, I have always been a worrier and have had insomnia because of it but its gotten OUT OF CONTROL this year, with a first time home purchase alone, big promotion at work and along with that came a lot more pressure at work and things...
  3. J

    How do you handle getting dizzy?

    Hi there, I do tae kwon do and spinning kicks make me very dizzy too. I also can't do summersaults. I just have to stop and take a breather when we're doing the kicks. Not much help I know but you're not alone! Jill :)
  4. J

    Fun Topic - Pet Names

    Hi! I have two cats, a very silly 10 month old female kitten, white with orange tabby markings named Poppy (Pop, Pop-Pop, Hop on Pop or sometimes Poopy when we're having litter box issues) and a 3 year old black and white female who I just got two months ago, named Frances. She doesn't have any...
  5. J


    omg I totally get scared too when the music changes before Interval 9 in IMAX2? Also the first time I did Bootcamp and heard that REALLY FAST music for the warmup I made this really nervous giggle out of fright! Gotta love Cathe!
  6. J

    Muscle Endurance Express Workout

    Wow you sound just like me! I just did ME last night, and like you I could barely get through the bicep curls - I had worn myself out already before doing ME with another workout, but I think even if I hadn't I would have had trouble. I didn't even do the dips. And I could barely do the pushups...
  7. J

    Leg waxing info?

    Hi Aquajock, I get my eyebrows waxed and oh...the PAIN...the woman I go to is good, she is an esthetician, but for safety reasons she will only wax once (rather than going back over again to pick up the hairs she missed) and then tweezes the strays OH MY GOD does that hurt. Now that is just...
  8. J

    Anyone suffer from insomnia?

    Hi there, I can totally relate to you, I am a horrible sleeper, it takes me at the VERY LEAST 1 hour to fall asleep (and that would be on a good night, it can take up to 3 and it doesn't matter how exhausted I am, how little caffiene I've had, how long its been since I exercised, etc) and I...
  9. J

    Cathe~fun thread

    omg it took me so long to do turn back step back power scissors in C&W. I finally realized that if you do EXACTLY what she says it works. But that was after A LOT of tries ;) Jill
  10. J

    Need some advice from ya all...

  11. J

    Cathe~fun thread

    TOTALLY the boxed lunges, over face in over (WHA??? was what I used to think) The shuffle from RS, and the piece de resistance, the quick taps from IMAX2. I still have to count when I do them and I fell off the step and landed on the floor sitting cross legged once doing that one!! Soooo...
  12. J

    IMAX-2 too difficult??

    EXACTLY - I used to get down on myself when I couldn't do all of IMAX or had to modify in others and suddenly I realized - how many people could do ANY of this? We are all awesome for even trying! :7
  13. J

    Way O/T, but need some feedback...

    OMG YOU ARE KIDDING! That made my jaw DROP! I am at work an just said out loud OH MY GOD YOU ARE KIDDING. Donna that woman is a horrible, ignorant person. HORRIBLE HORRIBLE HORRIBLE. I don't even know what else to say. HORRIBLE!!!!!!!!!! You are my hero and that woman is...
  14. J

    Are there any PM exercisers out there?

    Hi Kathy, I am totally with you, I have ALWAYS been an evening exerciser, I don't sleep well so if I were to get up really early to exercise I'd get about 4 bad hours of sleep a night, and lucky me, the more exhausted I am the worse I sleep, so I don't even think my body would get USED to...
  15. J

    Slow and Heavy: reps?

    RE: hey mikkame! oooh I'm glad to hear that, I've just come off of about 2 months on PUB and started S&H again last night, I was wondering what the effect would be. S&H is my definite favorite. I did notice I could handle more weight last night thanks to PUB, I'll see what I can handle on Chest...
  16. J

    Slow and Heavy: reps?

    Hi Mikkame77, I believe the format is 3 sets of 8 reps - at least for the upper body portions, I am not sure about the lower body part. Jill
  17. J

    The Body Blast Series

    Wooohoooooooooooooooooo! I am turning 30 this month and this is JUST the bithday present I need to buy for myself, happy birthday to me! the Intensity Series was what finally pushed me past my body reshaping/fitness plateau and now a whole new series? Hurrah!!! Besides, the money you spend...
  18. J


    Hi there, I think I'm in the minority for not working out in the mornings - when I get home from work, I have a little snack and then I workout before my momentum goes away. I can not get up early to workout that just doesn't work for me. Maybe it doesn't work for you either? Not everyone is...
  19. J


    how about the "unstability ball" thats how I feel on it! Unstable! ;)
  20. J

    I'm BAD and BUMMED

    I don't have any advice but thought I'd commiserate, I fell off my step last week doing IMAX2, the 6th interval blast. I wound up on the floor indian style next to the step. I guess it was my body's way of not crashing into the tv set, to sit down! I was only temporarily hurt though, I'm sorry...