Anyone been to a chiropractor?


I'm seeing a chiropractor on Monday for off-and-on lower-back pain. Does anyone see a chiro regularly, or have you been to one in the past? Was the treatment helpful?

I've been going for a year now, I go every other week usually although sometimes more often if my body is reacting to stress badly. ITs been very helpful and I'm always surprised at the broad area of help she can give me, not even just back pain, but help with anxiety, sleeplessness etc, exercise safety etc. it is whole body wellness!

I was a skeptic but I was in so much pain I decided to try it and I love it!

Hi! I went to a chiropractor about 20 years ago. I had been hit by a car and fractured my right femur. After surgery, and all the physcial therapy one can take, my doctor noticed that my right leg was shorter than my left (only by a hare). Anyway, my mom took me to a chiropractor, and he worked with me every week for about a year. Eventually, everything evened out. I remember that the bed that you lay down on is scary because he would crank it up, then press, and it would make a loud sound, but nothing hurt. Good luck!
I once fell off a horse (actually, the horse fell, and I fell with him), and was in excrutiating pain. The regular doctor did a few cursory tests and said there was nothing wrong. Then I went to a chiropractor, and he showed me in my ex-rays that I had several areas in my spine that needed adjustment. I felt SOOOO much better.

I now go to a chiropractor when I feel the need for an adjustment. Sometimes a headache or back pain can be alieviated very quickly. I sometimes wait a few days before going, then immediately regret it because by the next day after the adjustment, I feel SOOO much better.

Chiropractors do wonders for back pain as well as the neck and head area. But just as there are good chiropractors, there are some "not so good" ones. I once went to a chiropractor who had me coming back really often, and putting me on machines that I didn't need (I found out later) and charging an arm and a leg. Now, my chiropractor basically told me to come iin when I feel like I need an adjustment.

Usually, when you go in for an initial treatment, they will take xrays of the spine (several views) and set up a treatment schedule, usually 10 sessions over the course of 2 or 3 weeks. ONce things are going well, you'll need to go iin less frequently. One nice thing about chiropractors, many of them offer free initial visits, including the x-rays.
I go to a chiropractor for several reasons. The chiropractor was able to solve my shoulder impingement problems much quicker/better than physical therapy (I did physical therapy first). If I have something wrong with me physically such as an injury/back pain, I call my chiropractor first and then my other doctor(s). I don't get adjustments regularly but would feel comfortable doing so if I felt I needed one. I swear by my chiropractor but there are some who are not so ethical I guess.
Hi Allison,

I started seeing one for lower back pain about 12 years ago. I was working a job as a machinist at the time and would be frequently lifting heavy objects at odd angles, etc. Initially, I think he had me come in for three visits to alleviate this bout (included in that was the thorough "work-up" with X-Rays, etc. that Kathryn described). My back felt great!

After that, he suggested that I come in for maintenance when I felt like I needed an adjustment. While working that job, I needed a tune-up every 2-3 months. My current job is much less stressful on my back so I usually end up going every 9 months to a year -- usually right after ski season.

As long as your seeing a good, reputable chiropractor, the treatment should be very helpful. My chiropractor was recommended to me by several colleagues at the time. Take care.
Thanks, all, for sharing your stories - my lower back has been bothering me on long car trips and plane rides. Even given the fact that car/plane seats are uncomfortable, I have way more pain and more lingering pain than your "average" traveler. I thought a chiropractor would be good to see if I need adjustments. It's great to know so many of you had good experiences!
I just started two weeks ago. I have tingling and numbness in my left leg all the way down to my toes. This Dr did not charge for the x-rays and initial visits. He also has been willing to listen to me. The first type of treatment was not working. I was feeling worse. This week he switched tatics and it has been much better. That told me he was not just doing a standard thing, he listened and reacted to what I told him. Both my husband and I were skeptics, but now my husband is thinking of going in for long time neck pain. When I get done with the frequent visits in July, he is going to go in. Insurance pays up to 80% of 50.00 per visit, but I am also having ultra-sound treatments which make it 55. So We cannot afford to have both of us on the frequent schedule.
I have a wonderful chiropractor who actually comes to my house!! He will do my whole family, and we will all just roll off the table and lay on the floor for a few minutes. Off an on over the years I have seen a few different doctors, and some can kind of seem a bit "over the top" for me in terms of them being able to fix everything wrong with you by adjustments. Maybe they can, but I have never taken it that far. I do know that when I go out, usually from sleeping wrong, I can be in pain for sometime 6-8 weeks if I don't call him. It is the wierdest thing. I am a "tough it out" kind of person, and I have definitely learned on this particular neck issue to call right away. All I have to tell him is that I am heading for the Advil and he will say "No!!, I am on my way!" and within a few hours I am better.

The key, if you have never gone before, is to relax. It is not really painful, but it can be a bit intimidating to have them crack you.....especially the neck. Just breath when they tell you and enjoy. You will feel better in no time:)
I have also done the ultra sound thing, but I can also tell you that another great basic (and FREE) treatment is good 'ol ice. I don't know what you need it for, but sometimes the simple things are still the best. I also have a gel I use, email me if you are interested. I will get the name of it for you.
Thanks again for everyone's stories and support. I had the appointment this morning and my chiropractor seems like a good one - asked me all the right questions, listened to me, showed me exercises and stretches I can do at home. He wants to see me three times a week for three weeks, then we'll re-evaulatue - thank goodness insurance is paying for it! Today's appointment was a lot of gentle manipulation and stretching - after he reviews the x-rays with me tomorrow, we'll go from there. And I got the heebie-jeebies when he cracked my neck :p but it didn't feel bad - but the SOUND....
And I got the heebie-jeebies when he cracked my neck
>:p but it didn't feel bad - but the SOUND....

I always get my neck cracked by my chiropractor and it's an odd experience. I keep thinking movies where a very similar move is used to kill someone...though my chiropractor assures me that he wouldn't know how to do that. Once, when my regular chiropractor was on vacation, his brother filled in for him, and it was even weirder. He cocked my head into an even more extreme position and I just imagined my head breaking right off!
I used ice, I used heat, I used topical muscle relaxers, I stretched, I rested. None of it worked, this was a last resort for something that continued to get worse and worse for weeks(about 8), so I needed something more than ice, and it is working.
I've been seeing a chiropractor for the past month now. Tomorrow hopefully will be my last visit. I have shoulder impingement and having the chiropractor realigned my bones is very helpful. Having him crack my neck is quite nerve wrecking as well, but if I take deep breathes and relax, it helps him with his cracking and I always feel much better afterwards.

Last year I caught a cold in my back and couldn't even walk and was in great pain. I was visiting friends in another city at that time and had to go to the local chiropractor. A week later my back was healed.
i started going to a chiropractor back in february and at first he was making me feel better, i was having a lot of neck pain from an injury back in 1997.

on the other hand, that one i went to was just in it for the money because he had me coming in 3x a week for almost four months. cranking on someones neck like that three times a week for that long is bound to cause an injury and it did. i have since gone to a new chiropractor and he knows how apprehensive i am so he is very thorough in telling me what he's doing and listened to me when i told him i was only coming in once a week. my boyfriend, who lives out of state, is also a chiropractor and he had my first chiropractor pegged from the get go.

i like my new chiropractor very much and i've noticed not going in three x a week has made my neck feel much better.

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