Slow and Heavy: reps?


Is there a set number of reps in the S & H series? I am thinking about purchasing the set and would like to know this before doing so.

Hi Mikkame77,

I believe the format is 3 sets of 8 reps - at least for the upper body portions, I am not sure about the lower body part.

With just a few exceptions, the whole series is the same, 3 sets of 8 slow reps each. She does 2 counts on the eccentric and 6 counts on the concentric for an 8-count rep, then does 8 reps, rests a minute, then does another set for a total of 3 sets. Did that make sense?

The only difference for the legs is that she does pre-exhaust sets at a faster speed with light weight before each leg exercise.

And some minor muscles get only one set, like forearms.

For calves she does two sets of 25 raises. For tricep dips she does only two sets of 8 slow reps. For shoulder rotator she does only two sets. For lunges she only does 2 sets to each side instead of 3.
hey mikkame!

Just wanted to let you know that I've just started doing a S&H rotation for the first time and I absolutely love this series. It's super tough and I've already seen great results! You won't be sorry with this one!

RE: hey mikkame!

Michele! Me too! I love this series! I did a 6 week Pyramids rotation followed by a 3 week S & H rotation (for the first time) and was surprised at the change in the shape of my muscles. They are larger and more shapely. Now, I'm back to the Pyramids for 6 weeks.

You will be very happy with your purchase!
RE: hey mikkame!

oooh I'm glad to hear that, I've just come off of about 2 months on PUB and started S&H again last night, I was wondering what the effect would be. S&H is my definite favorite. I did notice I could handle more weight last night thanks to PUB, I'll see what I can handle on Chest and Back tonight!

RE: hey mikkame!

Hi Barbie,

How many times per week were you doing each of these series. For instance, were you doing S&H combined with another tape or by itself? Were you doing Pyramid twice a week or combined with another tape, or just once a week by itself?

RE: hey mikkame!

This was my S & H rotation,

Sat: S & H Legs & Shoulders + Imax 2
Sun: S & H Back & Chest + Rythmic Step (or another step)
Mon: S & H Biceps & Triceps + a step tape (usually part of MIC hilo and all of MIC step)
Tues: Some cardio- usually step or Bootcamp
Thurs:Cardio & Weights
Fri: off (usually do abs)

When I started the 3 week S & H rotation, I upped my workouts. In the past I would have NEVER done 2 workouts in one day. But I figured,I'd pretend that I'm "in training" and go for it. I was surprised at how well it went. Yes, I did sleep more and yes, I totally let the house go to heck,but I feel like a got a great jumpstart to my fitness program.

This is my pyramids rotation now:
Sat: Pyramid Upper (I don't always do the stability ball) + Imax 2
Sun: Pyramid lower body + Rythmic Step
Mon: CTX Upper body & a few ab sections
Tues:One of the Terminators
Wed:Imax + abs
Thurs:One of the Terminators
Fri: off (usually do abs)

I'm still doing 2 workouts on the weekends. The Pyramids don't tire me out like S & H, but if I do feel tired in the future, I'll cut out the second workout. I actually think I'm feeling stronger rather than tired. I started doing CTX Upper body when I tried Marlene 123's tank top arms rotation and I LOVE it - so I'm always trying to fit it in to my rotations.

I am really flexible with this. I only just started using the Terminators a few weeks ago. They really are more fun than I expected.
RE: hey mikkame!

There are 3 different workouts on the dvd. Look at the dscriptions on Cathe's dvd page. I would classify them as mostly cardio, especially Imax Xtreme. But they all definitely keep my heartrate up there!

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