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  1. L

    Question about Bun & Thigh Rocker

    i have alot of catching up to do........... this bun and thigh is a good thing? when i see honeybunch and debbie h. giving it a thumbs up i think i have been missing out on something good. where did everybody order their's from and how much was it? i have an ultra-glide which is like the...
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    need encoragement

    hello all, i have not posted for sometime. i have not worked out for about 21/2 months because life was occurring. i moved into a new house ( actually combining 2 households ) and am finally all organized and ready to go. i know what i need to do but am feeling a little overwhelmed because i...
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    ordered new vid's

    hi lori, i have one of their step tapes and it is pretty fun but in some sections they spend too much time breaking the moves down so you (me) kind of lose some of your heart rate. i think it's called breakthru cardio step. it does have some fun combos.
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    Most Hardest/Grueling Ab Workout? (poll)

    has any one seen or tried the winsor pilates series? i saw it advertised on an infomercial. i keep hearing more and more about pilates for the abs and it sounds like a refreshing alternative which seem to be getting positive results. so has anyone tried the winsor pilates tapes?
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    hi honey bunch-- i thought debbie h was the only other one on this forum from akron/cleveland/canton.(i live in parma but grew up in akron) . i am with you about the donuts, though: give me a chocolate covered cream stick over a glazed ANYTIME (well, almost anytime.)and then i can walk to...
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    Cathe Has Baby!

    best wishes to you and your family. hope you are feeling well. can't wait to see the first pictures.
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    DebbieH, are you back?

    RE: Awww!!! hi debbie, i know right where you're at!! i grew up in akron and my boyfriend has family in green!! so if anyone else is in the area it would be fun to hook up. take care, lisa
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    DebbieH, are you back?

    RE: Hi Lisa! hi debbie, iwas wondering when you were coming back because i realized i hadn't seen your signature line at the bottom of your posts. glad you had fun!! i'll be heading to myrtle beach in about 6 weeks myself. just curious-- i'm from ohio, too. the parma/cleveland area. where...
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    Clean eating...what does this entail?

    just bumping--interested in all the clean eaters stratagies.
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    suggestions for advanced hi-lo videos

    RE: not dancy at all.... try thanks robin, luckily i read your post at my bf's house who has a printer!! i am on my way. if only i worked out in real life as much as i did in my head!! thanks again. lisa
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    need help to lose weight

    hi jilly, i have seen you post this rotation before and was wondering if you think it's enough work for the legs because they are only getting worked once with leaner legs? i have been considering this rotation but breaking up leaner legs throughout the week. any thoughts? thanks
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    suggestions for advanced hi-lo videos

    RE: not dancy at all.... try hi iam not stalking (yet) but was wondering if you could post the fat blasting rotation?.. with all the changes at work and 6wks to get ready for a trip to myrtle beach i need a little jump start. thanks in advance
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    Too much cardio detrimental to muscle gain??

    hi, also interested in reply. thanks
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    body bar

    hi there, i also have a 15lb body bar and to add more weights i use ankle weights- the kind that wrap around-- and i can add 20lbs no problem. it works for me and may be a temporary solution for you.
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    Check-in for week 3-18 to 3-24

    hi honeybunch, i borrowed the three mile walk from a friend and i don't think it's intense at all. don't get me wrong , you'll feel something but it's not like what you're used to with cathe. i will say that it's good for something to do on a light day or if you weren't feeling your best.
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    How long?

    just 2 more cents to add: it's definitely helpful to preview the tapes first. it really can make a difference. that way if you spot any areas that look like they may be tricky you can practice them first!
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    Late night workouts - myth or fact?

    mogambo, i am with you. i once made a new years resolution towork out in the morning so i could make sure to get it in and all it did was make me want to puke!! my hat's off when i hear people say they do power hour at 4:45AM?!?!?
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    Weight Loss Checkin

    RE: Donna... what a sad story!! i don't have any children yet but when i hear a situation like that it just really hits you. hopefully peace and relief willcome to you all soon. take care.
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    Workout Question

    hello. in my humble opinion,and if you are so sore that you are in pain, you know...PAIN, then definitely take a rest so your muscles can recouperate. i read once somewhere that muscles grow during rest. maybe some gentle stretching may be in order? i hope you feel better soon.
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    Help a novice-Catheite?

    hi diane, i can't believe that i am the first to post to your question !! i just did circuit max last night and as usual that tape kicked my butt. i am not sure how progressd you are but if you have been working out for a year i am sure you would have no problem with the wedding video or mis...