DebbieH, are you back?


I can't wait to hear about your visit with your sisters. It's just not the same around here without you! Hope you had a great time.

Hi Lisa!

How sweet of you to ask! We had a GREAT time!!! I got to spend Easter with both of my sis's! :) We had some photos taken of the three of us while there. That was fun. We laughed sooo much we were SWEATING in front of those camera hot lights!! We drove a total of 2,500 miles in a twelve day period. We also visited an old instructor friend of mine in Beaufort, SC and then to Charleston and finally to Myrtle Beach to meet up with my husband's family who was on vacation at a condo. We didn't stay in one place too long but it was nice. The weather was wonderful every day but one. We froze in MB the one day.(40ish) Guess I can't complain since we drove out of a white-out in Ohio the day we left and back into one the day we returned! Thanks so much for thinking of me! I have had no time to post the last few days since I have 12 days worth of laundry, plus my new session of aerobics started Monday. Wasn't sure I was ready to teach after playing for almost two weeks, but classes went very well. Again, Lisa, thank you for asking. I missed you all!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Hi Lisa!

hi debbie, iwas wondering when you were coming back because i realized i hadn't seen your signature line at the bottom of your posts. glad you had fun!! i'll be heading to myrtle beach in about 6 weeks myself. just curious-- i'm from ohio, too. the parma/cleveland area. where are you from?
Hi Debbie

Isn't it Super Sweet that when someone doesn't post for a while they are missed??

You WERE certainly missed! Glad you had a great time with the "fam".

hey, Deb..

was gonna mail you tonight anyway. Welcome back--and I'm glad you had a great time!! Glad the classes are going well. all ok here. Murph

You guys are the best!!! Thanks so much for the warm welcome back. I truly did miss you all. I will NEVER catch up on all my reading here. There are sooo many posts red-flagged that it is a bit overwhelming. I have two classes tomorrow so I will try to post with you all the day after or this weekend.

Murph~How are you??? Are you healing well? I have thought of you often.
Laura~Yes, it was nice to feel missed. THANKS!!
To my friend in the Parma/Cleveland area~I live in Akron,(Green Township)right off 77 South. We are probably only about an hour from each other!!! My daughter lives in Avon up near you. There are four gals that I have met here on Cathe's site that I have met with. Let me tell you, Cathe's place attracts a lot of super nice people. We'll have to make it a point to meet up someday with you. Let me know if you want to try to get together. Well, it's midnight. I best get these peepers closed. Have a great week everyone.

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Awww!!!

hi debbie, i know right where you're at!! i grew up in akron and my boyfriend has family in green!! so if anyone else is in the area it would be fun to hook up. take care, lisa
Great, Lisa! (Hey Murph!)

I'll be in touch with you. There are a few of us that have planned to go to SugarCreek (Amish Country) as soon as the weather breaks which is pretty much from now on. Do you work during the day, have certain days off, etc??? Just let me know and we will contact you. Also, if you don't mind posting your E-mail, when the time comes, I can give you all the details. My E-mail icons on this site don't work for me. No sure why?? BTW, my address is [email protected]. E-mail me any time. Hey Murph, can you come to town when we go???

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
I'm In.....

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Apr-12-02 AT 08:41PM (Est)[/font][p]as long as the Amish can find some chardonnay somewhere!!.......

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