suggestions for advanced hi-lo videos


Hi all :)

I have CardioKicks/MIC/CTX, and that just about does it for any Cathe hi-lo, and I'm wondering what other hi-lo comes close to the intensity of Cathe?
I'm looking to really be able to rotate/balance my cardio between step, kickboxing and hi-lo, and I've got the step and kickboxing well covered, but I'm low on hi-lo workouts, and I'm looking for advanced as far as intensity but not choreography. All my previous hi-lo is intermediate at best (Donna Richardson/Crunch:Master Class Aerobics/Gilad), and I'm looking for the intensity of Cathe, but not too complex choreography.
Any suggestions?
My suggestions would be CIA 9905 with Franny and CIA 9803 with Greg Twombly. 9905 has two workouts - one hi/lo and one step. The hi/lo is pretty intense and has a short kickbox section. I've never gotten through the step portion because I couldn't follow the choreography. 9803 also has 2 workouts - the first is hi/lo and the second is a double step routine - I've never done that one either, but the hi/lo is pretty basic and intense.
Also, Mindy Mylrea has some hi/lo workouts that are very athletic and intense. Her Ultimate Bootcamp workout is really tough and has military drills and moves that are very different from other workouts - it's not really a hi/lo video and has strength moves and lots of push-ups as well as cardio. I also like her Action Packed and CIA 2101 Extreme Intervals workouts. They both have a step and hi/lo section. Her cueing isn't the greatest and she is very chatty, but her workouts are very athletic and tough.
You know, this is an oldie but goodie - Karen Voight's Power Packed Workout, I think she made it in 1991, the first time I watched it I was in college and I burst out laughing and thought she must be on speed (jk) because I thought no one could do such a workout but after about 3 tries I got it down and LOVED it, I used to do it all the time. I recently dug it out and did it to see if it was still challenging and it is, right up there with Cathe. There is no strength training in it, just abs at the end. Its fast paced, and fun. She even has some power moves a la Cathe. :)
I recommend Christi Taylor's new "Totally Hot Cardio". She demonstrates her moves at the end of the video plus has girls in the back doing easier moves. Initially she can be difficult to follow but you will learn the moves. Her workouts are fun but probably a notch or two below Cathe in intensity. You still get an excellent workout. Christi is fun, the music is great and you'll feel like a dancer at times.
I too, have been looking for hi-lo for my rotation. So far, I have tried Christi Taylor and Kari Anderson. Both are dancier than Cathe. Personally, I preferred Kari Anderson -- I think she cued a little better and higher intensity than Christi. She layered the twists and turns pretty well and makes it easier for you to follow. I got about 80% of Sweat Express the first time through. Still a notch under Cathe though. I have Kari's Sweat Express and Danceworks. Danceworks is lower intensity than Sweat Express. I am thinking of getting Two the Max -- which is in a similar format as MIC (step and hi-lo). Some people in VF thought the hi-lo is comparable to intensity as Cathe's. From this thread, I am also thinking of getting K.Voight Power Packed.

Nothing compares to Cathe's hi-lo though!

RE: not dancy at all.... try

Gin Miller in Reebok's Intense moves. It is truly hi-lo. The hi lasts 1 minute and is grueling; the recovery lasts two minutes. The recovery is where she teaches the next hi combo. There are 10 intervals plus a warm up and cool down. She does show you modifications, and the cuing is great. This is advanced, but the choreography is simple.

Take time to enjoy those who matter most to you & do all things in moderation :)
RE: not dancy at all.... try

Gin Miller in Reebok's Intense moves. It is truly hi-lo. The hi lasts 1 minute and is grueling; the recovery lasts two minutes. The recovery is where she teaches the next hi combo. There are 10 intervals plus a warm up and cool down. She does show you modifications, and the cuing is great. This is advanced, but the choreography is simple.

Take time to enjoy those who matter most to you & do all things in moderation :)
RE: not dancy at all.... try

Hi getnfit. I second the Mindy Mylrea suggestion (love her) and also suggest Super Cardio which is a Firm workout. I did SC this a.m. and it's tough.

BTW, I'm at the end of week two of your "Fat Blasting" rotation and I already see changes. LOVE IT!!

Have a great day. Robin (Your Friendly Stalker)
RE: not dancy at all.... try

hi iam not stalking (yet) but was wondering if you could post the fat blasting rotation?.. with all the changes at work and 6wks to get ready for a trip to myrtle beach i need a little jump start. thanks in advance
RE: not dancy at all.... try

I just want to clarify that Intense Moves is a step interval routine, not a floor aerobics ( aka hi-lo) tape.
RE: not dancy at all.... try

thanks robin, luckily i read your post at my bf's house who has a printer!! i am on my way. if only i worked out in real life as much as i did in my head!! thanks again.

Karen Voight Power Packed Workout

I tried Karen Voight Power Packed Workout for the first time today. I loved the warm-up, cool down stretching and abs. However, the hi-low was hard to follow; her cueing is poor - she was already into the move and the move was almost over before she gave a hint of what was happening. Maybe this takes a long time to get into, I dunno, but I probably won't be doing this one much unless there's nothing else out there for high impact cardio. - Kath
RE: not dancy at all.... try

but this Reebok video is a step video!!!! I know, i've got it, and it's excellent!


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