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  1. C

    Running question

    Just a quick question for you runners out there.....I have been training for a Half Marathon using a combination of itrains and outdoor running. I run about 4 times a week varying the workouts between sprints, hills, distance, etc. The question seems that I am regressing and getting...
  2. C

    Rotation Help 4DS w/ Running

    Thank you so much for your input!
  3. C

    Rotation Help 4DS w/ Running

    I need your help....I just finished training and completed my first 10k run! I was running at least 4 days a week with 2 little weight training. I have purchase the 4DS DVD and want to incorporate this program without regressing in my running gains. What would be a rotation that would best...
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    Anyone from the Pac. NW in WA?

    I live in Federal Way, WA...went to high school in Bellevue. Hey did any of you guys race in the Mercer Island Half Marathon on Sat?
  5. C

    Step Blast

    Thank you all for your feedback! I LOVE Step Blast! I was clapping and "cheering" so much that my 5 year old daughter came into my workout room and joined me!!! She loves Cathe almost as much as I do! Thanks again!
  6. C

    help with Imax 3

    Thanks, Karin! This information is going to be very helpful! Let me know if you come across anymore!
  7. C

    Step Blast

    Hello all, I just recieved Step Blast & Step, Jump &Pump in the mail. What do you all think of these workouts? Difficulty?Fun factor? How difficult is it to master? Suggestions to modify for knee issues? Any feedback would be great since I am just getting back into the "game!"
  8. C

    help with Imax 3

    To all you Cathe experts: I had knee surgery last August and I am finally able to work out with Cathe again! I have no problems with most of her workouts, but need help with ideas to modify the blasts in the Imax 2&3! I have read that some of you have come up with modifications and was...
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    running w/ weights rotation help

    Carole, This roatation looks great! Thanks again for your input and time! I will start on Monday! Carrie
  10. C

    running w/ weights rotation help

    Carole, Thanks for your response! I want to seperate the running and weight training. I usually run on my treadmill for 4-5 miles. I want overall definition, but really have problems with my core! Currently I train my core 3-4x's a week using different workouts! I am one that trains better...
  11. C

    running w/ weights rotation help

    I need help creating a rotation that incorporates running and weight lifting. I have all of the Intensity and Hardcore series. I have been running at least 4-5 times a week and need advice on how to work weight work in. My goals are to lose about 15 pounds and add definition. I do better when I...
  12. C

    Lunacat's Compendium

    Lunacat, Could you send me a copy as well? [email protected] Thanks! Carrie:7