running w/ weights rotation help


I need help creating a rotation that incorporates running and weight lifting. I have all of the Intensity and Hardcore series. I have been running at least 4-5 times a week and need advice on how to work weight work in. My goals are to lose about 15 pounds and add definition. I do better when I follow a rotation, but like I said, need help! Thanks for your help!

I am a runner but don't really follow any rotation. Do you want to do weights along with the running, or separate them? Do you want the definition overall or are you wanting to target certain areas...more info would help me...:)...Carole

Thanks for your response! I want to seperate the running and weight training. I usually run on my treadmill for 4-5 miles. I want overall definition, but really have problems with my core! Currently I train my core 3-4x's a week using different workouts! I am one that trains better with a set schedule to follow!

Again thanks for any advice you might give!

I didn't ask if you wanted to do any other cardio so I am going by running 4 times a week and doing ab/core 5 times a week as abs are in the total body weight workouts. You can always add another cardio on one of the lifting days. I'll tell you that Imax2 will help with running...:)

M-Run, ab/core workout
W-Run, ab/core workout
Th-PUB, no abs
F-Run, ab/core workout
Su-Run, ab/core workout

Follow that for 2 weeks then on the 3rd week:

M-Run, ab/core workout
W-Run, ab/core workout
Th-Timesaver premix of both GS C&T and GS BSB
F-Run, ab/core workout
Sa-GS legs
Su-Run, ab/core workout and one of the StretchMax...

Do that for 2 weeks and then go back to the 1st 2 weeks.

I didn't know if you wanted a rest day so I didn't include one. You could do a semi recovery week after 2 or 4 weeks and then just run 4 days and do 4 days of ab/core work and some Stretchmax, and if you feel like it some other cardio...let me know if you have any questions...:)...Carole
I am relatively new to Cathe. I have her Gym Series but I am looking to add more DVD's so that I can add variety. I am a long distance mountain trail runner looking to become stroner and leaner. I read the discussion and suggestions you had for this runner but I am unfamiliar with the acronyms that you listed in the rotation. I am not much on step aerobics with a lot of dance moves. I am too clutsy but I do like a challenging step routine. Can you suggest which DVDs I should buy to supplement my running. There are so many and some sound like they are very similar. I appreciate your input.

>M-Run, ab/core workout
>W-Run, ab/core workout
>Th-PUB, no abs
>F-Run, ab/core workout
>Su-Run, ab/core workout
>Follow that for 2 weeks then on the 3rd week:
>M-Run, ab/core workout
>W-Run, ab/core workout
>Th-Timesaver premix of both GS C&T and GS BSB
>F-Run, ab/core workout
>Sa-GS legs
>Su-Run, ab/core workout and one of the StretchMax...
>Do that for 2 weeks and then go back to the 1st 2 weeks.
>I didn't know if you wanted a rest day so I didn't include
>one. You could do a semi recovery week after 2 or 4 weeks and
>then just run 4 days and do 4 days of ab/core work and some
>Stretchmax, and if you feel like it some other cardio...let me
>know if you have any questions...:)...Carole
Happy to help another trail runner rundinarun! I prefer trails myself. The only step aerobic tape I mentioned was any of the 3 Imaxes. Yes they are step with intervals which can benefit a runner. But if you don't like step you can pass. The other workouts I mentioned were weight workouts from the Intensity and Hardcore series as that is what Carrie had. I'll break down the initials and put them in the right series to help:

Intensity Series:
ME=Muscle Intensity, overall body weight workout
PUB=Pyramid Upper Body, upper body weight workout
PLB=Pyramid Lower Body, lower body weight workout plus floor work

Hardcore Series:
MM=MuscleMax, overall body weight workout
GS C&T=Gym Style Chest & Tricep (timesaver is a shorter version of the original workout)
GS BS&B+ Gym Style Back Shoulders & Biceps (once again the timesaver version)
GS Legs=Gym Style Legs, lower body weight workout plus floor work incorporating the dynaband)

As a runner I have always believed in weight workouts to get me strong. Upper body strength in a marathon has its benefits the last 6 miles! I can work my legs ALOT but not many runners agree with this. So you kinda have to experimant to see what helps. Any of the weight workouts along with running can help you get strong and lean. As you have the Gym Styles you might want to add some weight workouts from the Intensity Series. Hope this helps....:)...Carole
>Intensity Series:
>ME=Muscle Intensity, overall body weight workout
>PUB=Pyramid Upper Body, upper body weight workout
>PLB=Pyramid Lower Body, lower body weight workout plus floor

Carole, did you mean ME=Muscle Endurance?

I also wanted to thank you for suggesting this rotation. DH has started a running program in the last few months and I have recently been attempting to join him a couple times a week. I'd like to up the running frequency, as well as encorporate some strength/endurance workouts, so this rotation is a perfect step towards my goals!

Carrie, you and I have similar goals, though I am hoping to lose about 25 pounds. I guess it's time for me to clean up my eating, too :eek: Anyway, good luck with the rotation! :)
>>Intensity Series:
>>ME=Muscle Intensity, overall body weight workout
>>PUB=Pyramid Upper Body, upper body weight workout
>>PLB=Pyramid Lower Body, lower body weight workout plus floor
>Carole, did you mean ME=Muscle Endurance?

Yes I sure did....:)....I never even noticed that....thanks and good luck with your running...:)...Carole
I am getting back to running after being off for 9 months. This discussion is right up my alley. I had only been running 3 miles 3x a week and I wanted to up my cardio with Cathe step/kick box work. I did all of the Hardcore series/Intensity series and Blast. I love the results but I hate being tied down to a TV/DVD and need to add running back in so I can travel and workout when I won't have weights.
I'm going to Ireland for 2 weeks in Oct. and I'm starting my walk/run all over again this week.
I am 52, mother of an 8 year old, work part time and would like to limit my workouts to 1 to 1 1/2 hours 6 days a week.

You gals will be my inspiration to get my runnng back. I plan to run greater distances and don't know how to make my rotation work and not lose the cardio I've gained from Cathe. I'd love for her to have a download for an IPod of motivaitonal music coupled with her sayings. "Work Work" "I know your tired but "run farther/faster".
Anyway. I workout better when I have a rotation plan for the month and I get frozen trying how to get running back, keep strength and cross train with step to avoid injury.

I will incorporate your ideas.

Colleen :7

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