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  1. R

    Healthy Eating 1/14/05

    Lori, I am trying the follow BFL as closely as possible but I know there are things I am eating that are not authorized but I figure if I can keep it down like I am I should start seeing some weight loss. I am also trying to keep my "fat foods" to the weekends. Not totally pigging out but...
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    What's up with the CTX Upper Body Split?

    Hi Melissa, At first I didn't understand your question but I am guessing you have the full CTX series and not just the upper body. I went and bought the CTX - upper body on VHS and enjoy it. I don't do it often but it is a very thorough upper body workout. She takes each section that is...
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    Healthy Eating 1/14/05

    Morning everyone, 4:10 CTX Upper Body B - cottage cheese w/yogurt and english muffin S - cheese, LF Triscuits L - Chicken soup S - BFL bar D - ?????have absolutely no clue Have a great weekend everyone Rhonda
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    I did CTX Upper body. Haven't done this one in a while and those bi's and tri's got me. Hope everyone has a nice weekend. Rhonda
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    High Step Question

    Hi Samantha, I also have the high step and original club step on carpet and I have no problems. Rhonda
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    Anyone ver tried Gliding (Mindy Mylrea)?

    I enjoy it. I even have used the discs in other workouts, such as Cathe's BootCamp, when she was doing the side lunges I jumped on the discs and did them that way. I seem to be able to do them better on the discs. I figure they can also be used when she does alternate lunges and what not...
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    Healthy Eating 1/13/05

    Here is the Fettuccine Alfredo Recipe from Cooking Light 1 T margarine 2 small cloves garlic, minced 1 T all-purpose flour 1-1/3 C skim milk (I use 2%) 2 T light process cream cheese (I use the Neufatchel-not sure how to spell it) 1-1/4 C Parmesan Cheese 4 C cooked fettuccine (I use...
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    Healthy Eating 1/13/05

    Hi Everyone, 4:20am 30 minutes HIIT on the bike, KS abs from LWTLW2 B - english muffin w/lf cream cheese, cottage cheese mixed with yogurt S - Either cheese w/lf triscuits or Balance Go Mix L - salad w/grilled chicken S - BFL bar D - venison, veggie, carb which neither has been decided...
  9. R

    January Rotation 01/13/2005

    I didn't do MIC, instead I did 30 minutes HIIT on the bike. I have to be careful with my knee which bothers me when I step at times so I figured I would stick with the bike. Cannot wait to let the lower body rest tomorrow. I think it needs it. Looking forward to CTX upper body. Hope...
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    Dell - Anyone else have trouble with service?

    Well the saga continues... Hubby called Dell yesterday to find out where to send the computer back for a new one and the lady on the phone was pleasant and said it wouldn't take long she just had to do a couple of things and kept asking have you talked with our technical staff - well yes but...
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    Healthy Eating 1/12/05

    Shopgirl, If I remember I will try to bring it to work with me and post it. It is fairly easy. Of course it is anything like the fattening stuff in restaurants but hubby enjoys it to that is a plus. Rhonda
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    KPC/Legs & Glutes DVD

    >Hi Rhonda, > > > >HTH >Aila Thanks Aila, this helps a lot. Rhonda
  13. R

    Healthy Eating 1/12/05

    Hi everyone, 4:10am Bootcamp. Would like to go home and do some gliding (lower body workout) and stretching B - english muffin w/neufachetzel (I know I spelled that wrong) cheese, and cottage cheese S - cheese, lf triscuits L - fettucine alfredo (from cooking light) w/crab S - BFL bar...
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    Hi everyone, Did Bootcamp this morning. I do like this workout but rarely do it. Tonight I plan on going home and doing some gliding, maybe the lower body workout and stretching. Rhonda
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    Dell - Anyone else have trouble with service?

    Well Dell called back last night but unfortunately hubby was on the phone so they left a message with a phone number. Hubby called and had to leave a message for them. We know the modem is bad because we called the internet company and they tried stuff on their end and also said the modem was...
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    KPC/Legs & Glutes DVD

    Can someone tell me the premixes on this DVD? I am wanting to change my VHS to DVDs and I looked at the description and didn't see any premixes. Thanks Rhonda
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    Dell - Anyone else have trouble with service?

    We are just encountering this. We received our Dell yesterday and the modem isn't working correctly so my hubby called and it was a foreign person. They are trying to tell us that it is our internet provider giving us problems not the new modem. We can hook the old computer up and have no...
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    Jan Rotation Check in 01/11/05

    I didn't want to hurt my ankle again so I did HIIT on the bike and then finished off with a nice 10 minute stretch. I plan on going home and doing more yoga/stretch. My body is needing it after yesterdays PLB and then I did gliding and sliding. While Mindy was doing the aerobics on got on my...
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    Healthy Eating 11/11/05

    Morning everyone, 4:15am - 30 minutes HIIT on bike, 10 minutes of stretching Tonight I want to go home and do a nice yoga/stretch tape B - cottage cheese mixed with yogurt S - cheese, lf triscuits L - salad w/ crab S - BFL bar D - no clue at the moment Hope everyone is having a...
  20. R

    Which Hardcore DVD are you going to do first?

    I love previewing new workouts when I am walking on the treadmill or riding my bike. Seems to make the time go by faster. Not sure which one I will preview first. I am curious though about Low Max and how Cathe did this one. As everyone else has said, it all depends on where I am in my...