Dell - Anyone else have trouble with service?


We bought a new Dell PC but the order had the wrong drive in it and I am having a hard time getting this worked out with them. I have called and emailed. Every response is a different person and a new case number. Now I have multiple case numbers and multiple drives and multiple opinions from them on which is right. Also note that none of the 3 drives that I have are the one their catalog says I should have to Burn DVDs and CDs. I am so frustrated!!!!! Has anyone else had problems or have ideas on how to deal with them? Or would it be easier to send it all back and tell them to forget it!
Are other computer companies as impossible to deal with????x( x( x(

I have a Dell also and have to agree with you. Every time I call either they don't speak well enough english or they pass me on from person to person. It is very frustrating!! I recently had an incident with a virus and it was nothing but trouble trying to deal with this company. I just ask for a supervisor or some type of management to help me. That's the only way I can deal with them. I really do love my Dell and rarely have any problems with it. It's a good thing because I can't stand their service.

I have a dell and I had a dell before this one but the service I got was pretty good, They determined that the motherboard wasn't working and in just a few days I had a new motherboard installed, but after that I can't seem to talk to one person that speaks enough english (not to be rude) but could not solve our computer problems. I think what you need to do is ask if there is someone else you can talk to that can help you better.
I just bought three of their cheapest laptops for my kids for school...I homeschool and we switched curriculums to software based...anyway, we had had a problem with one of them. My daughters computer would turn on but would just be "blank". I called them up on a Monday and they sent a box that I got Tuesday. I sent it back on Wednesday and had my computer home and working perfectly on Friday! Five days total, which I thought was amazing!

I hope that your situation is resolved soon and is not the norm.
I understand what you are saying regarding the ability to speak and comprehend English of the people they have working for them. That was why I tried email but that hasn't been any better. Sorry you are having a problem and here is a case number but no answers even when the people responding say they are Supervisors. Tech Support says I need to talk to Customer Care and Customer Care refers me to Tech Support. Then they tell me that the drive that is listed under our model in their catalog won't work with our model. I have no confidence in anything anyone there tells me and totally frustrated with them. I am still trying but also wrote a letter to the CEO asking for him to assign someone to assist with this. He was the only name I could find and no way to even call and get a person at the US Headquarters to ask for a Customer Service name. One of the latest response said they are a global company with offices in many locations. So why do I only get the offices outside the US? }(
We have been buying from Dell for a long time. We have never had a service problem. Anytime there has been a problem they took care of it really fast. I hope you can get it cleared up.
Diane Sue
I have a relative that works at a Dell call center in Twin Falls, Idaho. I will call tonight and find out if his location has a direct call number so you can (hopefully) get an American who speaks English. I will post if I find out a direct number to that location.
>I have a relative that works at a Dell call center in Twin
>Falls, Idaho. I will call tonight and find out if his
>location has a direct call number so you can (hopefully) get
>an American who speaks English. I will post if I find out a
>direct number to that location.

Thanks! They do sortof speak English but comprehension seems to be a bigger factor - as well as knowledge of their products. It would wonderful to have this resolved and feel confident that I have the correct drive.:)
I've had mixed results. When I emailed about a problem I was having (the message "X has encountered a problem and will be shutting down" appeared on my screen every time I turned the computer on), the person who emailed me back said I had to reinstall the operating system and all the software and reboot in order to solve the problem. After downloading about 100 pages of info on how to install the various components, I waited a while before doing it, because it was such a daunting task.

Right before I did it (finally!), I called the customer service number, and the person who answered showed me how to fix my problem, not by reinstalling every gosh darn blessed thing! but by simply checking a "do not report" box.

I had to call again recently (I will NEVER email!), because my keyboard suddenly stopped working. The man I spoke to was very helpful, and told me how to rebood the system by taking out the battery and pressing the power button for 15 seconds. Problem solved.

FYI: MANY of the computer service tecs are actually in INDIA, which is why their accents are rather thick, and there is sometimes a comprehension problem.
I got some information for you, but I don't know if it will help. To reach the facility I mentioned, you have to purchase or have already purchased Gold service. If you have it, the number is 1-866-876-3355. If not, you may be stuck talking to someone in India? Good luck, though!
We could have gold service. Hard to tell what we were purchasing since I couldn't understand him. I think that is intentional to sell you things you didn't plan to get.

I am glad some people have had good service and been able to get answers.

Thanks for your help.
We are just encountering this. We received our Dell yesterday and the modem isn't working correctly so my hubby called and it was a foreign person. They are trying to tell us that it is our internet provider giving us problems not the new modem. We can hook the old computer up and have no problems getting connected. The Dell guy is suppose to call this evening again. They better fix it because they don't want me to get involved. I won't be a happy camper.

Good luck Rhonda! I have tons of responses but no answers. They seem to think saying sorry and thanks for bringing this to our attention will solve the problem. My letter should be somewhere at their corp headquarters now and hoping I will get a call from someone that speaks and comprehends English. I am not a happy camper and have made them well aware but that doesn't seem to help. I plan to call and do some screaming today since I am home.
I really feel for the two of you. I went through this before, so I know what you are dealing with. I hope you guys get everything resolved!!

Aila :)
Actually, I've always had good service with Dell. The best technician I had was named Omar and I used to have his email address. I wish I still had it, I'd give it to you. I don't have trouble with the language barrier. You just have to really pay attention.

One time I did have a little difficulty with a 1394 card that I ordered and couldn't figure out how to install. The woman I was talking to didn't know how to help me and I actually figured it out myself while I was on hold.

Maybe you should ask to speak to a manager.
Today's adventure with Dell:
Called the number Emy listed but still ended up in India. Must go by the Xpress Service code #. Never heard of Gold Service. Wonder how you get it and how much. But doesn't that seem ridiculous that you need to pay more to speak to an American!

Anyway reached Tech Support and asked to speak to a Manager or Supervisor. I got to talk to him and he said Drive #3 was what I wanted and he would arrange for someone to call us within 24 hours to arrange to install the drive.

Not feeling confident I called the Parts number I got in one of the most recent emails and reached someone that could speak and comprehend English! :7 Could it be that I was speaking to a fellow US citizen???? Anyway - I was right! Drive #3 was still not the right drive. Drive #4 is on its way and I feel fairly confident that this is the right one.

Now to get it installed and return the others for credits. Maybe there is hope that this nightmare will be over!!!!
Wow, this is unfortunate for you. We have used Dell for a long time and I have never had an issue. We had to send my DH laptop back twice and each time the turn-around was just a couple of days and then they replaced the whole laptop. I was very impressed with their service. Hope this is resolved for you soon!

Well Dell called back last night but unfortunately hubby was on the phone so they left a message with a phone number. Hubby called and had to leave a message for them. We know the modem is bad because we called the internet company and they tried stuff on their end and also said the modem was bad. Dell did return the call but it was really late (our time 11:30pm) and we were in bed already. So Hubby is going to call today to see where he can return the equipment and hoping to get a new one quickly.

It is a bummer because this was our big christmas gift this year and it doesn't work properly and seems as if Dell is very cooperative with helping out. The saga continues....

Hope yours is a simpler fix. I never had anyone rude - always very nice and eager to help just not with the right product!
<Today's adventure with Dell:
Called the number Emy listed but still ended up in India. Must go by the Xpress Service code #. Never heard of Gold Service. Wonder how you get it and how much. But doesn't that seem ridiculous that you need to pay more to speak to an American!>

Yup, my relative said, even if you call that number, you will still end up with regular service if you don't have gold service. They must be able to tell by that # you said you entered.

Also, I know at my relative's location, they start pay at about $10/hour. I'm guessing the Indians only get maybe $1-3/hour. (Although, they probably can buy more with that there than we could here!) I know it still sucks though to have to pay more to get better service.

Hope the new drive works!

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