Dell - Anyone else have trouble with service?

I think you can go to the "I Hate Dell" message board and see what they tell you. I can't provide a link because my employer has the site blocked - not work related or something. (So, why am I able to post here? Hmmmm, interesting.)
Well the saga continues...

Hubby called Dell yesterday to find out where to send the computer back for a new one and the lady on the phone was pleasant and said it wouldn't take long she just had to do a couple of things and kept asking have you talked with our technical staff - well yes but it still doesn't work. She put him on hold a couple of times and when she came back one time she said our technical dept just tried called and got the answering machine. Well yeah, I am on the cell phone and at work. Guess they think we sit home all day or something. He was getting furious at this point and said he wanted a new computer to replace the broken one we have. She wasn't very receptive to this and after 45 minutes she finally said OK we will send one and send a box for the old one and we should have it within 3-5 days.So we will see. Now to see if she changed the delivery address like she was suppose to so it is delivered to hubby's work and not at the house since someone needs to sign for it.

It just seems like Dell does not want to replace broken parts, and they give you the runaround, and call the technical people. This is very frustrating. But hopefully it will be resolved next week.

>I think you can go to the "I Hate Dell" message board and see
>what they tell you. I can't provide a link because my
>employer has the site blocked - not work related or something.
> (So, why am I able to post here? Hmmmm, interesting.)

How do I find this I Hate Dell message board? }( No phone call as promised yestrday.

Rhonda - I can sympathize! They always says this will only take 10 minutes but is never shorter than 30 minutes. They put you on hold to check on something constantly. They are very nice but if they aren't helping or giving you wrong info, it is just as frustrating and infuriating! After this is resolved (if ever) I will tackle why are we paying for this Express Service that was extra when you will do anything to avoid calling because of the bigger headache and mess once you start dealing with them.

I see a follow-up letter to the CEO in my future! }( }( }(

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