Healthy Eating 1/14/05


Morning everyone,
4:10 CTX Upper Body

B - cottage cheese w/yogurt and english muffin
S - cheese, LF Triscuits
L - Chicken soup
S - BFL bar
D - ?????have absolutely no clue

Have a great weekend everyone
Hi everyone!

5:30am - Firm It Up

Porridge (as usual)
Oatakes w/ tahini
Avacado salad & rye bread
Asian fishcakes & salad
(and a glass of wine as a treat)

Have a great weekend,
O.KKKKK,have to,have to,have to,join this thread.
I lost about 5 lbs before christmas,early Dec actually.Kept it off all christmas and now I am starting to gain it back.I was at 125.And now I have made it up to 127.5.I need to get this under control before I end up gaining it all back.
Besides for that, I had my measurments taken for a wedding I am standing for so I can't gain any weight:-(
I just get so mad with myself b/c I love sweets and I really don't eat alot.
My day will go something like this:
Work out 10-12 (something like that)
English Muffin with egg/or oatmeal
orange/or a cookie with coffee
and dinner.
Nothing high fat.But in between all of this I will probably pick at something I made or whatever.But my Cals in the run of a day are no maore then 1500.
Rhonda-Sort of sounds like you are following the BFL plan? I sometimes feel bloated after I have eaten and I haven't eaten alot so I am thinking about cutting back on my carbs.
Anyway....enough whining,Im joining!

I am trying the follow BFL as closely as possible but I know there are things I am eating that are not authorized but I figure if I can keep it down like I am I should start seeing some weight loss. I am also trying to keep my "fat foods" to the weekends. Not totally pigging out but doing what BFL suggests.

Hi -

5:30 am PUB, minus ball work, plus Firm 5 day ab segment.

B - scrambled egg beaters with cheese, soy protein cereal with milk and blackberries, coffee, water
S - yogurt, nuts
L - chicken spinach salad
S - protein shake
D - chicken, veggies
S - BFL bar

Sticking pretty closely to BFL. We went to the movies last night and I didn't even take a bite of popcorn. Brought a BFL bar instead.

Have a good weekend, talk to you on Monday.
Morning!!! Today is cardio.

B: turkey burger & oatmeal w/splenda & cinnamon, coffee
S: ff cottage cheese w/pineapple chunks & mandarin oranges
L: baked chicken breast, green beans & black beans
S: BFL bar
D: steak or shrimp (not sure which one), pea pods, pasta
S: lean ham on 2 pcs whole wheat toast
Yey!!!!! TGIF!!!!!!!

2:00pm: KPC

B--oatmeal w/splenda & cinnamon, sliced strawberries w/dollop of ff yogurt, coffee
S--boiled egg
L--veggie burger w/1 slice high fiber bread & sf jello
S--pear w/raw almonds
D--grilled shrimp, baked eggplant, tossed salad w/vinaigerett
(chocolate-dipped strawberries for dessert!:p )

Have a great day!!!!
Good morning ladies!

Lori, i feel your pain about the gaining weight and needing to tighten the diet back up. I was down to 124 before christmas, then got back up to 130 after a trip to new orleans. Now i'm back at 127, with 3 lbs to go! Think i can lose it by next saturday for my Work Holiday Party?x(

b - 1 slice ww toast, banana, PB
l - Amy's organic burrito, carrots
s - cottage cheese, apple
d - ??? (hopefully i will resist HH!)

Hppy friday everyone!

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