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  1. F

    IMAX With All Floor Cardio!

    Such a great idea!! Because of my love of step (Cathe's step workouts in particular) I find myself having to make sure I'm doing different things. An IMAX w/ just floor cardio would be wonderful!!! :-)
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    Ideas for music for next series??

    Cathe, I love the music you have on your workouts. It's so I was wondering if on your next series you would consider using some of the Cure. The ones that are upbeat of course (such as "Just Like Heaven", "Friday I'm In Love") or even some U2 stuff. Just a thought. Thanks...
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    Please help me feel I've made a good choice

    Thanks so much!!! :-) :-) :-) Just wanted to say thankyou to everyone for all the great replies and reassurance. I'm so excited to get CTX (it's supposed to come tomorrow :D ) I've been telling everyone how wonderful it is and everyone just kind of looks at me like I'm a little crazy. :o :7...
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    Please help me feel I've made a good choice

    :-) :o :-) Hello, everyone!! I just went ahead with it and ordered the CTX series after a lot of thinking. I know this is what I wanted, but I just feel nervous like this is it for awhile. Okay I guess that's because my husband did tell me "This is it for a looong while" x( I know I feel...
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    Help?? CTX or P90X?

    Wow!! Thank you all so much for your opinions and advice. :-) It really did help...okay it helped me to actually really want both. :7 Thank you though it is very much appreciated, I was able to gain a little more insight on the P90X aspect, which I can now be assured is much more strength...
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    Help?? CTX or P90X?

    Okay, I'm asking for some much needed advice here. I have been hearing such great stuff about P90X, but I was also considering purchasing the CTX series. Which has always also gotten rave reviews. Now I'm stuck, I just can't decide which would be a wiser choice. I know I need to start...
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    Need Suggestions, Please

    Okay it's tough to narrow it down, I'm still working on adding more to my Cathe collection slowly, but I'd have to say I have Intense Moves (it was one of my first interval tapes) and since you're ready to kick it up a notch I would definately go for IMAX 2. As much as I love Intense Moves it...
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    Anyone watched Sharon Mann...

    Oh wow!! I'm so glad there's other people who feel the same way about Sharon Mann. I made the mistake of actually purchasing her DVD "The Works Body Sculpting." It's so awful!!x( :-( Really it's just segments from her show which I had never seen before pieced together. Such a waste of money...
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    What do you consider Cir.Max to be???

    Is it more cardio or strength? Okay, I know you wonderful people will have great advice regarding this, but I planned on doing a circuit workout today, but I feel pretty sore. Monday was an unplanned rest day so yesterday I did Intense Moves and then later Power Hour. Would it make sense...
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    So encouraging Molly, you are awesome!!:-) :D
  11. F

    What's the Difference??

    Okay, I've been wanting to start doing even more IT but especially HIIT. So I just read in a thread about doing IMAX2 Blast Mania and this would count towards HIIT. I've been trying to figure out regarding the premixs what's the difference between the blast mania and blast only premix? I tried...
  12. F

    What's the difference??

    Okay, I've been wanting to start doing even more IT but especially HIIT. So I just read in a thread about doing IMAX2 Blast Mania and this would count towards HIIT. I've been trying to figure out regarding the premixs what's the difference between the blast mania and blast only premix? I...
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    Husband finally "Gets" it......thank you Cathe

    :-) Hi Cathe, Just wanted to let you know I've always felt my husband never understood just how great exercise makes me feel. I'll always try to explain different things and he'll kind of just nod and smile. Well, the other day I was feeling kind of down and low and thought I couldn't...
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    Cathe, I need HELP!!!!!!

    Hello, I'm sorry your life is so crazy right now, I can understand how hard it must be to schedule workout times. Just a suggestion but maybe if you could use part of your lunch hour at work to get out and walk or jog (don't know if this is possible around your area) but this would be great...
  15. F

    This may be a dumb question......

    Thankyou A-Jock and Clare for your helpful answers to my question. After a lot of going back and forth I did end up going with Step Blast. I just love the parts I have on Timesaver and the thought of now being able to not have to stop and go back to the main menu to access another part of it...
  16. F

    This may be a dumb question....

    Hi Bobbi, Thanks for answering my question, I ended up going with Step Blast. I figured I can always get Step and Intervals later on. It does help to think I'll be getting a longer workout now w/ Step Blast too. Thanks again for your help!!:-)
  17. F

    Help! Which videos to buy??

    Thank you so much Cathe and everyone else for taking the time to give me your suggestions. There are just too many wonderful workouts to choose from :-) Thanks again so much.
  18. F

    This may be a dumb question......

    Okay this might be a dumb question, but I was trying to decide between CTX Step and Intervals or Step Blast. I already have the Timesaver so I have the warmup and first three combos of Step Blast. But I'm missing the blast part. What I have of it though is sooo much fun. All the posts I have...
  19. F

    This may be a dumb question....

    Okay this might be a dumb question, but I was trying to decide between CTX Step and Intervals or Step Blast. I already have the Timesaver so I have the warmup and first three combos of Step Blast. But I'm missing the blast part. :o What I have of it though is sooo much fun. All the posts I...
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    Help! Which videos to buy??

    Hi Lynda! Thanks so much for responding. I think workouts have really varied lately. I've been wanting to start a rotation, but I find it hard to find one or make substitutions with the few Cathe's that I have. Anyways, to answer your questions, I seem to constantly reach for the step...