Help?? CTX or P90X?


Active Member
Okay, I'm asking for some much needed advice here. I have been hearing such great stuff about P90X, but I was also considering purchasing the CTX series. Which has always also gotten rave reviews. Now I'm stuck, I just can't decide which would be a wiser choice. I know I need to start following some sort of a rotation, (I'm one of those people that just kind of plans it out day by day) but lately it's been hard trying to fit it all in. I want something to follow. So please if anyone can do a comparison if that's possible or just offer their opinion I would really appreciate it. Thanks again in advance. :)
I've never tried P90X, but from the reviews of it here that I have been reading, it seems that the cardio sessions are not very well rated while the weight training rocks. I think it depends what you are looking for and what level you are at. Do you want hard core lifting with a regimen based around push ups and chin ups (P90X)? Or do you want a medley of some of the best cardio routines around by the master herself, with two fabulous lower body and upper body split endurance workouts thrown in (CTX)? My vote is for CTX because creative cardio that won't bore me to tears matters to me whereas I have no ambitions to do a single chin up in my life and I can't do real push ups so I don't really care for P90X. Plus, it is prohibitively expensive for me right now, twice the cost of Cathe's CTX.

Decide what you want, what your goals are and then stick to your guns, regardless of hype: that's my motto where fitness materials are concerned.

As far as "having something to follow" is concerned, just go to the rotations forum and select any of the rotations Cathe has put together over more than a year and start following it, depending on your goals.

Hope this helps,

Actually when you do one of the P90X rotations, the cardio fits in perfectly and was designed to do so. Check out some of the threads explaining the cardio rotations on

P90X is a VERY advanced series and while you can make modifications of many of the workouts, its designed to be very tough, and yes its hardcore. I personally love it. I like CTX too, but it doesn't hold my interest like P90X does. I finally believe I've found the perfect system.

Its simply a matter of deciding if you're ready for a brutal, no frills, kick your rear, workout series like P90X.
LOL Mindi!!

P90X weights and CTX cardio IS the perfect system for me!!! Six days of Tony? Ugghh. But, you can "turn him off".:) If you are in great shape already, P90X would be great. Actually, it is great anyway, you just will need to modify for awhile. If you want a cardio concentration go with CTX. If you want to build tight muscle, go P90X. Personally, I would go P90X and then just buy a few of the cardio CTX's off of Ebay pretty cheap.

Depends on what you're looking for. More cardio? Then CTX fits the bill. I much prefer P90X because there is so much variety (13 different workouts--12 if you don't count Ab Ripper, which is included on all the weight workouts; intense weight training, plyometrics, stretch, yoga). It all fits together perfectly, like pieces in a puzzle. IMO, CTX is too much high impact step aerobics too many days a week (if you do it as set up). I'd like it much better if there were more variety in the cardio (yes,there is kickboxing--and a fun workout at that--and hi-lo, but lots of step).
Okay folks - please tell me more about P90X!!! I did some research on the BeachBody website and I was wondering if all that equipment is really necessary? I like the CTX workouts, but I don't find them that intense so I was wondering if this is more difficult? Are there other Cathe workouts that would be a better comparison in difficulty? Would my husband enjoy these workouts? I get so excited to find something new in the way of working out! $150 is alot of money so I would really like some good thorough info before I buy them. Thanks in advance!!!!!
I don't have P90X - yet - but I'm thinking that everybody who has bought it already owns ALL of Cathe's stuff! Cathe is great to grow with and I'm a huge fan. Most of the people who are excited about P90X have been doing Cathe for years and years. I only discovered her a year ago so I'm still in the honeymoon phase ;-) . You can't go wrong with CTX or ANY other Cathe workout. P90X may be great but so is Cathe. I vote to get in the swing with Cathe and then get P90X in six months or so. When you're a lean, mean machine! Lexy
The only equipment you really need are a set of dumbbells and a cushy surface (maybe some puzzle mats) to do plyo on. I started P90X by doing heavy 1-arm rows and pullovers instead of the pullups and it worked fine. Then I moved on to the door bands, which have a different feel to them, but are not really necessary.

P90X can definitely be more intense strength-wise than CTX. Its not a cardio-focused workout rotation, so that aspect is not as intense (but everything in the rotation fits together nicely, even though a workout like Kenpo X--kickboxing--may not be intense on its own).

$150 is a lot of money, but it's one of the best investments I've ever made (man, I sound like a broken record, don't I ....just part of my P90X love affair!). For that, you get 12 different workouts (5 strength workouts, a plyo workout, a yoga workout, a core synergistics (functional strength) workout, a cardio workout, a plyometrics workout, a kickboxing workout, a stretch workout, a tough core/ab workout) a detailed manual showing exercises and detailing rotations, and a detailed nutrition manual ( more like a big spiral-bound notebook) with recipes. If you don't count Ab Ripper (which is a 15-minute add-on that is also included on all the weight workouts), each workout is a little over $12 (and they are hour-long workouts, with Yoga X being 90 minutes), plus the manuals are free!

Jeesh...wish I got a commission from Beach BodY!
I already ordered it too!!! I did a search through Cathe's forums and videofitness and just couldn't pass it up! I think that my husband will really enjoy them too!! Thanks so much for the info - now I can't wait to get them!!!!
Wow!! Thank you all so much for your opinions and advice. :) It really did help...okay it helped me to actually really want both. :7 Thank you though it is very much appreciated, I was able to gain a little more insight on the P90X aspect, which I can now be assured is much more strength oriented. I'm still trying to work it through, I'll have to let you guys know what I decide. Thank you again!!:) :) :)
Hey Sara,

Just wanted to add that I do think that your husband would like doing the workouts because many of the sections of the workouts are very "sports-drill" oriented. Some of my favorite sections of the plyometrics workouts are the shooting hoops drills, and the baseball throw drill. I also like the one where you are acting like you are jumping through giant tires (don't know if that makes sense, but you'll see). I think the series is very user friendly to both men and women.

Good luck, I know you will like it.

Wow!!!!! I am so happy to hear there is finally somwthing new out there!!!!! I think I might buy this thing!!!!

Does anyone have a breakdown of what"s on the vids... how many sets of what???

Is the cardio tough? Do you burn out your muscles w/the wt tapes??? I am looking for something to kick my booty!!!!

I love Cathe dearly but have all her tapes and need something new!!
Don't know about a breakdown as of yet. The best thing to do if you have time is check out the site and click on the link to P90X. There also have been a few threads about P90X in the Open Discussion, so you mght be able to do a search. All of the workouts are intense. The Plyometrics is like doing Imax1 and Imax2..just the intervals and recoveries! There are weight lifting exercises I have never seen before and I've worked out a long time...:)...Carole
Thanks Carole. I am going to check more on video fitness. I am wtg on the site to come up right now in a different browser window. I think I already have my hubby talked into it;) He just worries as he knows I am so addicted to Cathe he hates when I waste my money on junk. Sounds like they are good though so I might just have to try them!

I think your hubby would like P90X...I don't think for a minute it is a waste of money. I have all of Cathe's workouts too. I keep trying with my hubby to workout a bit with me...:)...Carole
>Wow!!!!! I am so happy to hear there is finally somwthing new
>out there!!!!! I think I might buy this thing!!!!
>Does anyone have a breakdown of what"s on the vids... how many
>sets of what???
>Is the cardio tough? Do you burn out your muscles w/the wt
>tapes??? I am looking for something to kick my booty!!!!
>I love Cathe dearly but have all her tapes and need something

Here is a thread on that explains a little bit about the breakdowns. (Hope this works)

Edited to add: also, the main focus on these workouts is to work until failure, so you decide how many reps you want to do (8-10 for building or 12-15 for toning) then select the weight that will work your muscles to failure on those last three reps. They throw in a few exercises where Tony will say that everyone has to do 16 you select your weight accordingly. It's a gym setting and the exercisers are all doing their own thing, some are doing 8 reps with very heavy weights, some are doing 15 reps with lighter weights. It's kind of nice.
I've been doing P90X for 3 weeks. For me, P90X has been a much higher level of fitness for me than CTX. There is less cardio on the Classic rotation, but you can do a Lean rotation that has more cardio. I'm doing the Classic to start with. My strength has increased quite a bit. I'm using higher weights on just about everything. I can't blow off the cardio either. The Plyo tape is incredibly difficult for me.

Just for kicks, I did a Terminator workout today, Imax Extreme, and I found it to be tough, but I did the whole thing. I think the Terminator workouts are harder than P90X...for one thing they are so long! But P90X does 30 second and 1 minute intervals with built in breaks and the Imax Extreme workout only had one 30 second break. It just didn't let up!

I've loaned my CTX tapes to my sister for the month. I love CTX because it's such a good mix of cardio and weights, and I feel like I'm working everything if I do a week of it. It's easier than P90X though. Not that everything has to be *so* hard. There's something to be said for good tough well-rounded need to be a masochist. I'm telling myself this, not anybody else! I love a challenge.

Don't know if this is helpful, but it's my two cents.


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