Need Suggestions, Please


New Member
I have Power Max, Step Works, and Body Max. I know this is a hard question, but what do you recommend I try next? I'd like to focus on cardio first, although I know I'll be wanting them all eventually.

I'm a former Firmie (they're still okay for the strength training because I can always heavy up), but I've really been working on my cardio capacity and none of my other cardio workouts cut it anymore. I've been doing Gin Miller's Intense Moves every Saturday, and that has kicked my cardio capacity up enough that I really enjoy the Cathe tapes I have, and now I want more.

Could you also let me know how the intensity level compares to the workouts I have? I'd like to get something the same intensity or harder, but not any easier.

I really like the Step workouts, but want some floor ones, too. How do they compare??? I'm especially interested in the kick-boxing workouts.

Also, I'm not yet familiar with the acronyms, so could you give me the full name of the workout?

Thanks for your help!
StepBlast is new, fun and relatively tough. Or go with Imax2. You can't go wrong with that one. It's one of the tougher ones, and is still fun, new and has great premixes.
Cardio & Weights, Step Jump & Pump, Bootcamp. All of these are circuit workouts. I know you love doing cardio so you can have your cardio and some weights as well.:)

For pure cardio, the IMAX workouts and Maximum Intensity Cardio. For a bit of fun, Rhythmic Step and Step Blast.

I suggest you get the DVD's. It's easier to create your own routines once you get the hang of Cathe.:)

I think you are ready to try the Circuit Max and Cardio Kicks DVD combo. It will give you killer cardio, some moderate compound weight training, a great variety of cardio styles and choreography (Circuit Mac has six 6-minute long cardio segments, all of which are demanding, and which include hi-lo, kickbox, step-kickbox and step), an intro to Cathe kickboxing and it is pitched perfectly in terms of intensity for someone who loves Powermax and Step Works.

Give it a whirl!

Then for weight training, head straight to the Pyramids.......

I couldn't pick one, they all are good. But, if I were in your shoes, I would choose Cardio Kicks and Circuit Max. Great cardio with some weight work. The weight segments in CM is short, but good!
Okay it's tough to narrow it down, I'm still working on adding more to my Cathe collection slowly, but I'd have to say I have Intense Moves (it was one of my first interval tapes) and since you're ready to kick it up a notch I would definately go for IMAX 2. As much as I love Intense Moves it was getting to the point where I would start adding on intervals and actually doubling the amount of intervals. I needed something different, my body had just gotten to used to it. IMAX 2 is perfect. It's so different then IM and so much fun. (But tough) Also if you go for the DVD you get Cardio and Weights which has been such a life saver for me. There are those days every now and then where you just don't feel like a workout, but there is Cardio and Weights which is soo much fun. However, :) (okay I couldn't just suggest two}( ) there is also Step Blast which someone else recommended. I love, love, love this one. I always look forward to it and it of course has the challenge at the end which is great. Alright one more since you said you were interested in kick boxing, Cardio Kicks is wonderful. It's pretty challenging and there are great drills at the end, I always feel I've had a pretty through workout after. Okay, that's really really unless you're wanting more circuit workouts, because Bootcamp is like no other. Sorry I will stop now, you honestly will get a great workout with any Cathe. :)
If it is a pure floor cardio workout that you are looking for, my recommendation is Kick Punch and Crunch. It is an intense kickboxing type of workout that is intense and alot of fun.

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