Search results

  1. S

    Tomorrow is my day!!!

    Welcome Claudia! I'm also a long time lurker and recent poster. I'm 35 with no kids. Being up in northern California, I'm also scheduled for delivery tomorrow...I can hardly wait! I sometimes feel like the poster child for self-fullfilling prophecy, but don't worry - we'll send each other...
  2. S

    My BB DVDs are defective!!

    Hi Amy, Before you give up on those problem DVDs, see if there's any helpful information in the "DVD School" thread which is tacked to the top of the "Video & DVD Questions and Comments" Forum. Good luck!
  3. S

    "Loudness" of Step Company step?

    RE: Not loud to me! Thanks everyone for your input! I guess the "loudness" factor is mostly a matter of opinion. I just worry about bugging the neighbors (I live in a duplex now). Still, if the Step Company step is easier on my knees, that would be worth dealing with possibly grumpy neighbors...
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    "Loudness" of Step Company step?

    Hi, I've been using the Reebok step for my Cathe workouts the past couple of years, choosing it over the Step Co. Step after reading reviews that it was quieter (I was in an apartment). Now I'm thinking of switching to the Step Company Step, but just how loud is this step? I'm also...
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    Happy Thanksgiving! Wishing everyone a safe journey if traveling, and here's to many happy new memories with your loved ones! :D
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    I'm going to be teaching step for Community Ed!

    How fun! I wish I was fit enough to teach a step class (not that I ever wanted to teach one, I just want to be that fit :) ) With Cathe "by your side" I'm sure you will be great! Good luck!
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    Favorite Tear Jerker

    >Anyone cry at the end of Monsters, Inc.? Yup. ("Boo?"..."Kitty!"....Awww! ;( )
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    Favorite Tear Jerker

    I'm a huge cry baby at movies! I'll even cry from seeing some tv commercials, how bad is that? Some BIG tear-jerker movies for me: Beaches I am Sam The English Patient Schindler's List Somewhere in Time Braveheart I'm sure there are others...
  9. S

    Your first EVER exercise video?

    >I think my first exercise video was Susan Powter.:o Susan Powter? I think I'd be too scared to do a workout with her-LOL! Her personality seems so intimidating, like "Okay, get through these crunches or else I'm coming through your tv after you!" :o
  10. S

    Your first EVER exercise video?

    Hi all, I was thinking this morning about the history of my exercise habits and started chuckling over remembering the Jane Fonda workout video I used regularly in the early 80's, back in high school! She must've worn leg-warmers (or was that just the video cover?) and I also remember some...
  11. S

    I want to try Cathe but am scared!

    Hi! I used to do Firm tapes exclusively and all the talk on the forums a couple of years ago peaked my interest in Cathe, too. Cathe's workouts are faster paced than the Firm's and are higher impact as far as cardio, but I think several of her earlier workouts are good for transitioning...
  12. S

    Age Poll

    Susan, what an inspiration you are! I wish I could get my mother, who's in her 60s, to lift weights. I gave her the book Strong Women Stay Young a couple of years ago, but I don't even think she read it. I think the kickboxing is out of her realm at this point, but I know she could lift moderate...
  13. S

    Green Tea

    Bobbi, Thanks for the great link! I want to print some of this stuff out for my boyfriend to read. I'm forever trying to get him to eat more healthfully. He's so stubborn about food (and may I also add he is finishing off the majority of the leftover Halloween candy - good for me, not for him!).
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    Age Poll

    (Just thought I'd BUMP this up before letting it go, in case someone hasn't seen it yet. Thanks!)
  15. S

    Abs only - in the morning?

    I think Cathe has said you don't need to do abs every day, but I have done abs after every workout for a time with pretty good results. IMO, doing abs and nothing else would strengthen your abs, though depending on your body fat percentage I would think you may or may not be able to see the...
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    Green Tea

    I have not noticed any benefits, but I do enjoy drinking green tea when the weather is cold. I don't know if it has the same antioxidant properties, but has anyone ever had green tea ice cream? Yum, yum, yum!:9
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    Age Poll

    Joanne, Happy Birthday! I hope that when I turn 45 I'll be able to say the same, though I was super fit in my early 20's. Guess I'd better get steppin'!;)
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    Age Poll

    I hope this is a poll that won't offend anyone, but I have been curious lately of the age profile of all you inspiring Cathe followers. I myself am 35 (and a half) and I definitely had a slowing down of my metabolism at 30 - that's when the weight started creeping on regardless of my exercise...
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    CARDIO & WEIGHTS 2......

    Another vote for Cardio & Weights II! Cardio & Weights is one of my very favorites!
  20. S

    Why do we do this to ourselves?

    I saw a neat thing in the news this morning. A local dentist offered a dollar for every pound of Halloween candy brought in, and I think they ended up with over 50 pounds! I thought that was a neat way to promote healthy teeth. (Where will all that candy go? They said they were going to donate...