"Loudness" of Step Company step?



I've been using the Reebok step for my Cathe workouts the past couple of years, choosing it over the Step Co. Step after reading reviews that it was quieter (I was in an apartment). Now I'm thinking of switching to the Step Company Step, but just how loud is this step?

I'm also wondering if the Step Company Step will be easier on my knees than the Reebok. I read here that it has more "give," but is it enough of a difference to make the purchase worth it?

Any opinions will be appreciated, thanks! :)

If you search, there's another thread on this very topic with lots of people weighing in with their opinions both pro and con. I used the Reebok step for about 7 years, and switched to the original Club Step this year. For so many reasons, the Club Step is better: It's longer, more versatile to use with the topper, you can make the bench taller than the Reebock step for weight work (with more risers). It's definitely louder than the Reebok. At first it was a little disconcerting, but I've gotten used to it. I live on the first floor, though, so noise isn't so much an issue for me at this time. I do notice that it does have more give. The reason I switched is because I got the topper. There was nothing at all wrong with my Reebok step, and probably would have kept it longer had the topper not come out. Hope this helps!

To tell you the truth, I don't notice any noise from the Step Co. Step at all. I was surprised at the question. Maybe I just have my TV turned up so loud for motivation that I don't notice?!?

Certainly it has a nice amount of give: I can't imagine jumping onto a Reebok Step would be as acommodating to the joints.

I think it would be a very sound investment, you could justify it easily to any significant others, if money is an issue too!

RE: Not loud to me!

I don't find the Step Co. Step loud either. It may have more give than the Reebok step as you suggest, because it's longer, and I think there's more room between the risers. If that's the case, it would have more give in the middle.
RE: Not loud to me!

I live on the second floor of my apartment and I start working out at 4:45am so I worry about the "loudness" factor. What's helped for me is to put a towel on the step. It took a couple times to get used to but it works GREAT and it's cuts down on the noise. I use just a worn out older towel so it's not fluffy or anything but it absorbs a lot of the sound.

Try it out!

RE: Not loud to me!

Thanks, Janna!

Usually it's just me and no one is disturbed by my loud feet and most of the time it's difficult to hear the thumping over the sound of my weeping! You have heard the joke about what "SNM" REALLY stands for, haven't you? Oh, yeah, there stands Cathe, smiling and looking beautiful, but if you squint at your tv, it's easy to imagine a whip in that beautifully manicured hand!
http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/chicken.gif Chicks rule!
RE: Not loud to me!

Hi Janna,

I'm wondering if you put the towel on TOP of the step? Doesn't that make it hard to keep your footing? OR do you mean underneath it to buffer the sound. I'm sorry if this sounds like a weird question, but I have hardwood floors, so the step is definitely loud and I usually work out when my daughter is napping (in the next room!)-so noise can cut my workout short!! I'm interested in trying this, but I don't want to give myself a concussion or anything....DH has already had to rescue me from injury while stepping once before -it's embarrassing, really....

RE: Not loud to me!

Hi Tricia,

I put the towel right on top of the step. It doesn't interfer with stepping at all and you will be surprised how much it cuts down on the noise. I was desperate. When I moved into the apartments I quit working out with Cathe and got a gym pass because I thought it would be too loud but that was a mistake. So one morning I tried the towel and I was amazed. The towel I use covers the whole step and it's an older more worn towel too so it just lays nice and flat on my step. Sometimes when I'm being lazy and not picking my feet up the towel shifts and I have to move it back in place but it only encourages good form and nice high, less sloppy jumping.

Let me know how it goes if you decide to try it.

RE: Not loud to me!

Thanks everyone for your input! I guess the "loudness" factor is mostly a matter of opinion. I just worry about bugging the neighbors (I live in a duplex now). Still, if the Step Company step is easier on my knees, that would be worth dealing with possibly grumpy neighbors! The towel or sticky mat ideas sound interesting, too.

Hmmm, I think I've been convinced to make the purchase! (Well, at least to add it to my Christmas wish list, along with a Troy light barbell, some new Rykas, etc... ;) )
RE: Not loud to me!

Don't forget, the need to acommodate and compromise with our neighbours is something we all face. What I mean is, you musn't feel guilty about noise and let that deter you from your fitness schedule. After all, they must make noises too and that could be potentially disturbing to you. Have you tried going to meet them in friendly fashion and explaining to them that you like to work out at a particular time and you are sorry if this causes a disturbance, but you will stick to a certain time schedule and then they will know that is what you are doing and it will not last forever. If you go see them with some nice gift in hand, like some homemade muffins, this will sweeten the delivery of the news. I am sure you will be able to nip in the bud any potential unpleasantness by being nice to them before they get the chance to be grumpy to you!

Good luck. ( I would be worried about putting a towel over my step, particluarly for routines like Rythmic Step with all the shuffling down the board. I would land flat on my face. My hat is off to the lady who can do this and maintain balance!)

RE: Not loud to me!

Not to worry about the towel thing. I have been using it for a year now and there have been absolutely no problems. Trust me!!!
It works so well my neighbors downstairs don't hear me at all. I've asked them. All the towel does is absorb sound. It's great! Which makes me feel better about working out so early in the morning and not having to bother anyone in the apartment below.
Rhythmic Step is one of my favourites and the shuffling is no problem. Even Imax 2 on the ninth one where you do all the shuffling really fast there are no problems. As long as you don't drag your feet (which you shouldn't anyway) it works perfectly. Thanks for your concern.


I find mine a little bit loud, honestly. I wouldn't notice it at all except that I also live in an apartment and worry about disturbing my neighbours.

I put a thick textbook under my step to absorb some of the "squeak" from stepping. This works really well for me, but only because I don't use any risers (I'm short and not in stupendous shape yet, so 4" is plenty for me).

HTH! Willow

Non-smoker since June 02/02!!

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