I'm going to be teaching step for Community Ed!


Hi everybody:

I just got the OK from our Community Ed director that starting in mid-January I'm going to be teaching a step class a couple night a week. YIPPEE.....I used to do this a few years ago, but I've been too busy to start it up again. Well, I'm still busy, but sure miss teaching so I'm going to just do it!!! :)

I know that all that Cathe has taught me since then will come in handy for sure. :)

Wish me luck, Marcia :)
How fun! I wish I was fit enough to teach a step class (not that I ever wanted to teach one, I just want to be that fit :) )

With Cathe "by your side" I'm sure you will be great! Good luck!
:D Good for you Marcia! I wish I had enough confidence to teach a class. I did teach floorwork at the "Y" during a few of my classes I participated in and just about died doing it. I guess I am too nervous to do such a thing! I have a lot of respect for people who can teach classes. Good Luck and keep us posted!
Marcia!!! You go girl!! How fun!! I'm sure you'll do a wonderful job!!


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