Search results

  1. L

    SHould I do Mucle endurance and GSL on consec days?

    I am doing the Aug. 2004 rotation and it says to do PS legs tomorrow, but I don't have it so I was subbing w/GSL but my legs feel pretty worked after ME, should I still do GSL tomorrow?THANk you :)
  2. L

    What would be a good sub for PS legs?

    Hi everyone! I am doing the Aug 4 rotaion just wondering what would be a good sub for PS legs?THAnk you :)
  3. L

    I am soo tempted to buy P90X,any thoughts on it?

    I have been doing Cathe for awile now, and I LOVE her DVD's. But now I am getting the itch to try the P90x program.(THose darn infomercials) Will anyone please share there results and if you think it is worth it. I tried doing a search but for some reason it won't work. THAnk you :)
  4. L

    If I am trying to get pregnant should I sign up for Ms. Fit?

    My sister is trying to get pregnant but she wants to sign up for Ms. FIt to lose some weight. SHe has about 25% body fat so that shouldn't be an issue when it comes to conceiving. WHat is your opinion on this? THank you :)
  5. L

    August 2004 Rotation Check-In

    I did Bootacmp yesterday so I am strating w/ L&G tomorrow. I can't wait to see results from this!!!! You are all an inspiration!
  6. L

    I just signed up for Ms.Fit the elite physique

    Just to let you know, Karen Sessions is wonderful!!! SHe was extremely understanding with me, since I am also going to try to have another baby soon. I really think that once I get myself straightend out a little I will give it a go with her!!! I really like her and think she is really sweet...
  7. L

    I just signed up for Ms.Fit the elite physique

    Thank you all! I am still nursing a baby and with my ED problem this was probobly too much of a rash desicion. Hopefully, she will give me my money back since I just signed up today and have not heard from her yet. We will see!!! Thank you all again!!!!
  8. L

    I just signed up for Ms.Fit the elite physique

    Sarah, YOu are so awesome!!! Thank you so much!!! I really want to get over this ED and I really think a balanced program based on sound advice is what I need. Your words really hit home and I thank you for that!!! I just love the ladies on the Cathe board! Again thank you!!! I just didn't...
  9. L

    I just signed up for Ms.Fit the elite physique

    And now I am wondering if I should have or not. I am getting exercise "cold feet". I feel like I am great at working out but my diet is horrible due to my eating disorder. I figure in my mind that if I follow a balabnced program that I know is not causing me to gain a ton of weight that I should...
  10. L

    Is Bootcamp good for weightloss?

    I just did Bootcamp, and after not doing it for awile it was a nice change of pace, but I was wondering what is this workout used for?Is it primarily endurance ? CAn it be thrown into a split routine to mix things up or can it be part of a fatloss rotation?Sorry if this seems like a dumb...
  11. L

    My modified Cathe 12 wks to lose 20-30 lbs...what do you think?

    I saw that rotation when she posted it, it is a doozie!!! Good luck and please let us know how it goes, maybe I will try it sometime :) Take care :)
  12. L

    My modified Cathe 12 wks to lose 20-30 lbs...what do you think?

    That is a lot of cardio. Have you thought of alternating your cardio days w/ your PS series? Kind of like what P90X does? THat way you could do 3 days of interval cardio work and 2-3 days of strength training. Are you also looking to build muscle or increase flexibility? I would love to hear...
  13. L

    IS the Aug. 2004 rotation effective?

    We could do a daily if you wouuld like. I have to sub a couple of DVDs in there as I do not have the CTX series. I see on the 1st week that there is a PS legs in between 2 circuit weight workouts ,could I sub GSL for that one? THank you soo much for your motivation!!!! TAke care, Sheri :)...
  14. L

    IS the Aug. 2004 rotation effective?

    Connie that is awsome!!!! You are so inspiring me!!!! I wonder if anyone would want to do a check in with me? If anyone does please let me know!!! Take care :)
  15. L

    Question about protein

    I went ot LA weightloss, and I can tell you how that works. It is part of the "CArb craver" menu. Once in a while you can have a higher carb meal and sub it as a protein. It is basically all about calories, but the calories are so low that they have to be a little filling or she would be...
  16. L

    IS the Aug. 2004 rotation effective?

    I am getting ready to double tie my laces and start the Aug. 2004 challenge. I have 10 pounds of fat to lose and I am used to doing the heavy weight, spit routine w/ a little cardio thrown in there, but this rotation is more cardio and less weights and I am wondering if I am going to achieve any...
  17. L

    Is protein powder clean?

    For all you clean eating expets,is protein powder considered clean eating? THank you :)
  18. L

    Rebounder q:Is the Urban rebounder better?

    I am looking into getting a rebounder, should I get the Urban rebounder or will the one from Dicks be ok?THAnk you :)
  19. L

    DO I need CTX or Pure strength?

    I am looking at the August 2004 rotation, but I don't have the CTX or the Pure strength series DVDs yet. CAn I sub those with the Hardcore,Intensity series and Body blast? I wasn't sure if I need the other series or not although I am getting the burning desire to get em anyways. I guess I am...
  20. L

    Where is the best place to buy the high step?Also best protein powder?

    Does anyone have a site that might have a better price than CAthe on the high step?Also what is your favorite tasting protein powder?THAnk you :)