I just signed up for Ms.Fit the elite physique


And now I am wondering if I should have or not. I am getting exercise "cold feet". I feel like I am great at working out but my diet is horrible due to my eating disorder. I figure in my mind that if I follow a balabnced program that I know is not causing me to gain a ton of weight that I should be able to follow it easier than something like WW. Anyways, should I cancel or go through with it?THAnk you all :)
If you think you will continue with the eating disorder, cancel it. Unless you plan on following her exact and every word it is a waste of money. If you think you will follow her like Moses, then keep it...I know you would benifit.

So the question is not for us to answer, it is for YOU to answer. Decide how true you will be to the program and you have your answer.
YOu are so awesome!!! Thank you so much!!! I really want to get over this ED and I really think a balanced program based on sound advice is what I need. Your words really hit home and I thank you for that!!! I just love the ladies on the Cathe board! Again thank you!!! I just didn't know if it was really worth the money, but anything that will help me fight this(of course along w/CBT) is so worth it!!!
Actually, I totally disagree with the Ms. Fit thing. I dod not think it is an appropriate course of action for someone suffering an eating disorder. Unless Ms. Fit is a qualified nutritionist and psychiatrist. It doesn't matter who you to for diet advice, unless they are qualified t odeal with a psychiatric disorder, they are not qulaified to help you overcome athis disorder and the results cannot be predicted.

If you have any lingering effects of an eating disorder at all, the last thing you need is an unqualified person telling you to eat this, but not that.

What you do need is someone with psychiatric training to help you overcome your emotional response to food, to uncover the problems you have surounding food until you see that food is not the enemy. After that, you will have the knowledge and self-knowledge necessary to make appropriate dietary decisions for your best health.

I am not an opinionated idiot. I am a past eating disorder sufferer and I know how long they linger if untreated by a qualified professional. Mine lasted 15 years. Get real, professional help now. See mf. Fit later.

I'm going to agree a little with everyone here. I joined MSFit's program several weeks ago. Her plan is not one to assist you thru an eating disorder. In fact, i think the calories are rather restricted and the diet is not balanced nutritionally. It is geared toward making your body push out the fat by feeding it basically protein and little complex carbs. My very first weeks were nothing but chicken and sweet potatoes and fish. I'm a chronic cheater so this really isn't working for me. I have to also admit, you will not really learn anyting you already didn't know... good carb/bad carb, no sugar etc... She does not email you unless you email her, so if you are looking to be accountable, as i was, it only works if you are the person to persue it. I haven't heard from her since the last time i emailed her, however, she is prompt to respond. She will not email you weekly for stats, you have to just send them to her when you want to.

I don't think i would do it again if i could go back. I learned just as much in all my oxygen mags etc...

I don't mean to criticize her program, it does work and we've all seen it here. I am just making the statement that it really is in your hands, so i agree, you might be better off with your own nutritionist.

You can feel free to email me if you want any more info about the program.

Good luck,
Thank you all! I am still nursing a baby and with my ED problem this was probobly too much of a rash desicion. Hopefully, she will give me my money back since I just signed up today and have not heard from her yet. We will see!!!
Thank you all again!!!!
This was probably not the right thing to do if you have an eating disorder but Karen Sessions (Ms Fit) also suffered with an eating disorder herself and will probably be sympathetic to your situation. IMHO, since you are still nursing a baby the calories will be to restrictive.

While I do agree with Clare's advice regarding getting therapy, I disagree with the negativity I see on this thread. Some of you have gleaned your nutrition information from magazines and that has worked for you. Fantastic! Some of you are thin and trying to put on muscle. Some of us have gained weight and lost muscle. While I have not followed her plan to a T (making modifications as I go along) I have lost 2% body fat and as of this weeek lost a lb. My body is responding and I feel great! No, I don't think a chronic cheater would make it on this diet.

To the people who are slamming her advice, please remember that not everyone suffers from eating disorders. What is for you is not for everyone else. BTW, if you ever get a chance to go to her website you will notice how postitive and encouraging her members are. It's a very uplifting environment.
Just to let you know, Karen Sessions is wonderful!!! SHe was extremely understanding with me, since I am also going to try to have another baby soon. I really think that once I get myself straightend out a little I will give it a go with her!!! I really like her and think she is really sweet!!! I personally felt like she was looking out for my best intrest when I read her email. THis is just my opinion, but I also want to thank the wonderful women on this board, through your words and encouragemnet I have gotten a lot farther with recovery than with I had through theraoy, so I greatly thank you all for that!!!

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