August 2004 Rotation Check-In

I know for sure that 2 of us are doing this rotation- anyone else? Where are you in the rotation? How's it going? What was the best part of your workout today?

Connie :D
Today the original rotation calls for Kickbox (cardio only), which is Week 1 Day 6. I don't have that w/o, so I'm doing FitTV's version of KPC and LoMax.

This is the second time I'm doing this rotation, and I'm really enjoying it. I feel strong!!

I haven't done my workout yet I'll post the best part of it a bit later. ;)

Welcome, fellow Aug 04'ers!

I am on the last week of the rotation, but plan on doing this again for the whole summer. It will total 12 weeks. It is a great rotation for my schedule, and I have been seeing great results. I have been adding in some additional running also. So the rotation calls for cardio and ab hits. I have decided to do an hour run and some Ab Hits.

Laurie Mac
I did Bootacmp yesterday so I am strating w/ L&G tomorrow. I can't wait to see results from this!!!!
You are all an inspiration!

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