Search results

  1. Diane15

    opinion about MMA kickbox

    Personally I don’t think they are that much alike. MMA Kickbox is a lot easier intensity wise, IMO. I happen to really love Kick, Punch, & Crunch; it’s my favorite Cathe kickboxing workout. Perhaps you would really like MMA Kickbox, maybe if you explained what you didn’t like about KPC it might...
  2. Diane15

    Lurkers Invitation 2010

    Hi everbody. This evening I did my treadmill for 50 minutes. I almost didn't get that in. Cheryl, that is aggravating to be awakened from sleep. I woke up during the night and could not sleep for some time last night. It really messes up your whole day,doesn't it? Elle, I am sorry you had a...
  3. Diane15

    Lurkers Invitation 2010

    Hi everyone, just checking in real quickly. Today I got Disc 8 done & HiiT 30/30. I hope everyone had a productive day & accomplished what you wanted! Take care. Diane
  4. Diane15

    Lurkers Invitation 2010

    Hi to all fellow lurkers! I guess I'm not the only one who has been lurking here for years, it's nice to have company:). Maybe we can call ourselve The Long-Time Lurkers' Group, LOL. Janie, thanks for starting this & you go enjoy that ocean with your husband! Do you live near the coast? I'm out...
  5. Diane15

    Lurkers Invitation 2010

    Hi Janie & Eunice! I’m game to try a check-in. I have been a lurker here for years, am married & have 2 sons & a sweet chocolate lab. Currently I am doing the 6 ½ month STS rotation and am in Meso 1. Today I did disc 7 & then HiiT Pyramid. Now I’m tired, LOL! I have done MMA Kickbox once so...
  6. Diane15

    Are there any Cathletes in/near Glendale/Pasadena/Burbank, CA?

    Another Inland Empire resident here.:)
  7. Diane15

    STS Exercise #108 Deadlifts

    If memory serves me right, #108 shown in the book was used in Mesocycle 3. You're right, though, it says Disc 2 in the workbook. I just did Disc 2 today, & they use dumbbells for this exercise. Since it doesn't show up in the Workout Manager the worksheet shows NA under target weight. I would...
  8. Diane15

    Which are Most Knee Friendly?

    I would say the boxing & kickboxing ones are more low impact. I haven’t done Fusion yet, so can’t say on that. I’ve heard Step Moves is pretty low impact, but again, I haven’t done it yet so I don’t really know. I think Athletic Step could be easily modified for your knees. I must warn you...
  9. Diane15

    Happy Birthday to ME! (Shock Cardio just arrived)

    Happy birthday! Sorry you're sick, but maybe you can enjoy previewing them at least. Hope you feel better soon.
  10. Diane15

    New Workouts in Workout Manager!

    Thanks for adding the new workouts to the WM.:)
  11. Diane15

    Stability Balls

    How tall are you? The size of the ball you get depends on your height. I'm just over 5'1 so I have the 55 cm ball. I think if you are over somewhere around 5' 4 you want the next size up. Some of it depends on your body's proportions too, but generally you want to form a 90 degree angle with...
  12. Diane15

    Anyone else to MMA Boxing yet?

    I did this one today and really enjoyed it. The boxing was divided into 3 segments each consisting of punching drills followed by an upper body "blitz" & lower body "blitz." The punching combos were easy to learn & fun to do. I especially liked combination 3. This should be a nice workout for a...
  13. Diane15

    Got My DVDs!

    I didn't. Unless I'm not looking in the right spot?
  14. Diane15

    Got My DVDs!

    I'm sorry you haven't received them yet, I know how frustrating that can be. It's hard to be patient when everyone is getting theirs & all enthusiastic while you're still waiting. That's usually what I experience. It teaches patience!LOL Anyway, for those still waiting, hang in there! They'll...
  15. Diane15

    Got My DVDs!

    So were yours there? I think I read you're on the east coast, right? You guys usually always get yours right away, so I have to live vicariously through all of you easterners as well as those westerners who pay extra for overnight. I'm much too cheap to pay extra for shipping!:rolleyes:
  16. Diane15

    Just Completed Cardio Core Circuit!

    I think I'm going to really like this workout! It was definitely high intensity for me & got my HR up. I really liked the fact that there was no equipment needed except a mat. It would be a really good no-nonsense cardio add-on for weight days and it would be very easy to shorten. The warm-up...
  17. Diane15

    Got My DVDs!

    Just had to share that I got my DVDs & ordered USPS shipping all the way to southern California! This was way faster than UPS, which always takes 1 week to get here from NJ. I never received an email notice so I was completely surprised that they are here already! I think from now on, I'll be...
  18. Diane15

    Why no clips yet

    I just wanted to say that if IIRC, the series where people got upset about clips being shown was CTX. That series was the first SNM did DVD preorders as well as VHS. Those who ordered VHS received theirs well in advance of us DVD preorderers. So some were upset ( I wasn't one of them, BTW)...
  19. Diane15

    Was meso 3 disk 34 supposed to be 85% 1RM?

    If you have the STS user guide, you’ll see that actually week 3 of meso 3 is supposed to be your heaviest weight. The final week has you using the same weight as week 2 of meso 3, so that you are now lifting 8 reps like in the first week but at 5% heavier weights. So now you are supposed to have...
  20. Diane15


    I too just finished week 1 of Meso 3 yesterday, & I have to say that I am still loving this program! This is by far the best weight training program for home fitness I have ever purchased. I have finally been able to increase my weights for so many exercises & am lifting much heavier than ever...