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  1. L

    Anyone have a Bosu?

    Not yet - I was on vacation last week and I was thinking I would get it this weekend. I'll let you know if I like it.:+ Lisa
  2. L

    Anyone have a Bosu?

    I know what you mean - you really don't know if you're going to like something like this until you do it. I think I'm going to try to get the Seasun Zieger dvd first and then maybe one of the ones by Rob Glick. I will let you know how I like it! Lisa
  3. L

    Anyone have a Bosu?

    Okay, I'm ready to get one now - especially if Seasun has it on one of her videos, I really like her. Thanks for the guidance! Lisa
  4. L

    Anyone have a Bosu?

    I have been thinking about getting one just to add some variety but I want to research it first. There aren't too many videos - has anyone tried this and did you like it? Thanks, Lisa
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    Ok, I Need To Whine...

    Thank you - I hate spending money on videos and then being disappointed - which is why I usually end up sticking with Cathe! Lisa
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    Ok, I Need To Whine...

    Your results sound good to me - I've noticed some videos lately that use the ring - it might have been Mari Windsor. I will look more closely at those and also Shape and Fitness. Thanks! Lisa
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    Ok, I Need To Whine...

    Which Pilates videos do you like? Lisa
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    Way O/T, but need some feedback...

    Donna, I don't post a lot here, I mostly lurk, but you have always been a huge inspiration to me. I'm so sorry that happened to you, I can't imagine how you must feel. I hope it's some comfort to you to know that so many people you don't even know admire and respect and care about you, and I...
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    Need some advice from ya all...

    You know what they say about "living well is the best revenge" - I would just smile and say nothing ;-) (I'm happy for you!) Lisa
  10. L

    Does Anyone Remember.....?

    It is available on the Sephora website ( I had trouble finding it until I put my glasses on and realized it was Chanel and not Lancome! Lisa
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    Does Anyone Remember.....?

    I can't say for sure, but I'm almost sure the first ones were done barefoot (with leg warmers of course). But I do know that when I started Jazzercise in 1981 we did it barefoot! On a concrete floor covered by thin industrial carpeting. And I thought it was weird when they did start to get a...
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    Maribeth: Any input on knee surgery & recovery?

    Hi Maribeth - first let me thank you for the great information you provide and to tell you how much I enjoy your posts. I have the same dilemma as Gibbee. I have a lateral meniscus tear and will need it fixed eventually but I have been putting it off because of the same fear of backsliding. I...
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    Views On Donna Read

    Hi Anna - I have four Donna Read videos - CIA 9903, CIA 9701, CIA 2K06 and her new one Step Fever (which I haven't done yet). I like her - her choreography is very dancy, which I like but not everyone does so that depends on your preference. The other thing is her intensity is not real high...
  14. L

    Question for Honeybunch

    RE: feeling it in the glutes! Thanks so much everyone - this has been really helpful. I'm off to try again right now!
  15. L

    Question for Honeybunch

    I do change positions - I do all the different positions from the video. I also try to push with my heels. Maybe it just feels weird because this is so different from what I'm used to. Do you actually feel your glutes working when you're doing it? Did you get sore at all at first? Thanks!
  16. L

    Question for Honeybunch

    Hi - I hope you don't mind answering another question about the Bun and Thigh Rocker. I just got mine and have used it twice. I think I'm really going to like it, but I feel it mostly in my quads and I thought I would feel it more in my glutes. Does that mean I'm doing something wrong? I'm...
  17. L

    Revial Soy users?

    Kim, what is the address for the Revival website? I've been interested in this for a while too. Thanks, Lisa.
  18. L

    Thoughts while previewing........

    I have that exact thought during the biceps portion of Power Hour - about half way through when you do the crazy eights lower then upper then lower again - and Cathe says very seriously "If you felt like you could have gone longer there you can increase your weight"!!!! If it went any longer my...
  19. L

    FYI: Mindy Vids on Sale

    Stacy, what is the address for her website? And what is her choreography like - is it dancy or more athletic? Thanks! Lisa
  20. L

    ? for veteran runners or those knowledgeable

    Runner's world does have a web site - - with a lot of good information on getting started, getting the right shoes etc.