Maribeth: Any input on knee surgery & recovery?



If you wouldn't mind to answer, I have a question about knee surgery and training. I am faced with a dilemma. I had an MRI two years ago and another recently for pain under the knee cap (although this time it also radiates into the upper shin bone). The first MRI showed some chondromalacia, the second showed slightly more chondromalacia degradation AND a small tear in the posterior meniscus. So, off to the Ortho I went (a different one this time... the last one put me in a Breg J channel brace for prophylactic treatment along w/some PT).

This doctor said he recomended arthroscopy to look around and repair the meniscus (or trim it) and perhaps shave off any really rough tears on the back of my knee cap. Naturally I blanched at the thought of surgery. I mean, I was just coming off of a short 4 week rotation of pure strength, I had just received my black belt in taekwondo, and I was able to enjoy a great summer swimsuit season (thanks again, Cathe!).

SO... I told him I would think about it. He said that it really isn't a matter of 'if' I should have it, but more of a 'when' and that I would come to that conclusion in my own time. I naturally went on working out and started a 4 week rotation of S&H - and had virtually no pain - in fact, my knees are at their best with S&H it seems. Well, since then I'm into Power Hour and have had time to hit the gym for taekwondo 1-2 times a week - and the pain is back - and feels more sharp and crackly than before. So now I'm reconsidering the surgery. The thing is,... how long does it take to recover from a meniscus surgery (assuming he trims it and does not repair it -which I understand takes 6-8 months to recover from) in order to get back into life full swing? Do you have ANY idea? I have been reading conflicting reports on the net about recovery times and a return to sports. This dr. said that I could start rehab the day after surgery and be mostly mobile by day 5 (obviously not lifting a ton... yet... and knowing me I'll be chomping at the bit...). Is that true? Everything else I read says weeks or months. I know it depends on the person, the surgery, age, etc. I'm 36 and in generally good health. I lost 25 lbs. last fall and have managed to keep it off and slip from a size 14 to a 6/8 (sometimes 10 - depends on the manufacturer). I lift to Cathe 3-5 x a week - depending on the rotation I'm on. I'm pleased with my physique and have moved to focusing more on diet, so I'm horrified at taking even a few weeks off. What's worse is I know within the next year or two I will likely end up with a hysterectomy and, knowing what that entails, I'm fearful of backsliding.

I truly would appreciate any insight you can offer. I just want to be able to get back at it in a reasonable amount of time without losing too much tone. Thanks in advance!
I had arthroscopic surgery on both my knees last year. Both kneecaps have virtually no cartilage left on the backs and what was left was all roughed up. I had a bone spur on one side and a loose body on the other.

Well, my doc cleaned them out, did a lateral release--where they cut some of the fibers of the lateral retinaculum to allow the kneecap to track properly, and after three days, I was back in the gym--not doing impact aerobics, mind you, nor my typical strength training workout, but back to a workout, nonetheless.

It has been one of the best things I have ever done. And as your doc says it isn't a matter of if but when, the sooner the better. Had mine been done when I first started having pain, I would have articular cartilage on the backs of my patellae--because I waited, the damage is permanent.

If there is anything other than just shaving off the torn piece of the meniscus, you'll be out of commission for about 8-12 weeks while it heals. This doesn't mean you can't do anything, but you will have to protect the knee.

Take care and e-mail me if you have any questions! Good luck!
Hi Maribeth - first let me thank you for the great information you provide and to tell you how much I enjoy your posts. I have the same dilemma as Gibbee. I have a lateral meniscus tear and will need it fixed eventually but I have been putting it off because of the same fear of backsliding. I was wondering what you did when you went back to working out after your surgery during the time that you couldn't do your typical workout? I'm an OR nurse and I do knee scopes all the time. I work with four different orthopedic surgeons, have asked all of them how long I have to wait before working out again, and have gotten four different answers. I'm curious about what worked for you. Thanks!


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