Ok, I Need To Whine...


I'm soooooo sick of my inner thigh jiggle/dimples!!!! I have knee problems so cant do high impact or standing leg work and pilates, callenetics bores me to death. Is it really all diet related and I'm stressing too much over exercises I cant do????


Thank you ahead of time and sorry, needed to vent my frustration...
Did you say Pilates bores you to death? Pilates with a stability ball and ring has done more good for my inner thigh "mush" than anything I've tried in 10 years. This can work for you even if you have bad knees.
Just Do It! :)
We-e-e-e-l-l-l-l-l, I actually get my exercises from magazines, books AND videos. Some of my favorite exercises have come from Shape and Fitness magazines. I have several years of back issues. I like ballet moves (plies with lifted heels are really good), and pilates moves with a stability ball or the ring. I have given up weighted leg work entirely, except for using a medicine ball. I come up with my own routines after starting my class in January of this year. I've come down a whole pant size, lost 3+ inches around my hips, and have noticed considerably less inner thigh and above the knee area jiggle. Some of my standards, I must say, are some of the stuff Cathe does like the roll-out! That one NEVER gets easy!
Just Do It! :)
Your results sound good to me - I've noticed some videos lately that use the ring - it might have been Mari Windsor. I will look more closely at those and also Shape and Fitness. Thanks!

Don't bother with the Winsor Ball workout. I was very disappointed -it's not advanced enough for us Cathe-ites.
Just Do It! :)
Thank you - I hate spending money on videos and then being disappointed - which is why I usually end up sticking with Cathe!


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