Question for Honeybunch


Hi - I hope you don't mind answering another question about the Bun and Thigh Rocker. I just got mine and have used it twice. I think I'm really going to like it, but I feel it mostly in my quads and I thought I would feel it more in my glutes. Does that mean I'm doing something wrong? I'm wondering if I don't have it adjusted correctly for my body and my form is off. Any advice you have would be greatly appreciated!

Certainly check your form and foot position. Do you switch foot positions?
Also, Lisa...

If you want to feel it more in your glutes, push hard thru your heels, not the whole foot. This will definitely put the emphasis there! Just an idea. (I actually use the heel-push approach on even the plies and outer thigh moves.)

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
I do change positions - I do all the different positions from the video. I also try to push with my heels. Maybe it just feels weird because this is so different from what I'm used to. Do you actually feel your glutes working when you're doing it? Did you get sore at all at first? Thanks!
feeling it in the glutes!

Hi Lisa! It took me a couple of times to get my positioning right on my rocker! Proper form gets proper results! Make sure that you put the foot plate in correct positioning and adjust the length so that your squatting properly and knees are not going over the toes! Keep your back pressed against the backrest(make sure that's adjusted properly also) and put all your pressure into your heels! Make sure that when you go down that you don't touch the seat--only when taking a rest!(You can pull out the push pin on the seat to fold down--to go a lil deeper) You can do a steady pace or you can do a slow-slow-tempo!(Also you get different workout intensities when alternating blue bands and then using the black bands!) There are soo many variations to do on this! It can be a lowerbody program or an add on for extra leg work! It all depends on how you want to fit it in your week and what your goals are! You can do high rep with blue bands and then next time do heavy resistance with low reps at a slow tempo! I also recommend that if you want more of butt lift--do some floor work after rocking!Throw in some inner/outter thigh lifts,hamstringcurls,leg extensions and do butt lifts on each leg for 45secs with a straight leg then do pulses for 20 secs with bent knee!The rocker itself is great for leg shaping---Although,you'll start feeling the BTR work in different places of your lower body when using different foot positions and when using the power arc move! Have fun !Your friend in fitness~~Francine
RE: feeling it in the glutes!

Thanks so much everyone - this has been really helpful. I'm off to try again right now!

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