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  1. D

    Fitness vs thiness

    I find this subject very interesting from a personal standpoint. I worked with a lady who was rail thin and never worked out. We are the same age. She knew I was in to fitness and working out and one day out of the blue she said "If you workout how come you are not" .....voice trailing off to...
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    When was the last time you did Step Jam?

    Step Jam and Step Heat are my all time, bar none favorites. When I'm feeling incredibly lazy (like the last four months) I always rely on those to bring me back in to the fold. They are timeless.
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    Cry for Help!

    Eva... you could be my twin sister!!! I never weigh myself before eating and using the bathroom and then buck naked. That is the only really true weight. I love your diet suggestions - they are right on the money. I have always been a proponent of exercising to decrease appetite. It...
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    eye makeup

    Not Cathe... however, L'oreal Hydrofuge will not run. I promise.;(
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    Depression question

    Charlotte... I am clinically depressed with a chemical imbalance in my system. I am a huge proponent of lots of exercise to boost endorphins. If I stop for whatever reason, I have trouble sleeping, feel depressed in the morning and generally am not a pleasant person. I used to take Paxil...
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    My new sneakers... so disappointing!

    My husband had the same complaint about Nikes. We walk frequently but for some reason these shoes hurt his feet in the toe area. I love Ryka because they have a nice toe box that accompanies aerobic socks. I recycle them in to walking shoes after I feel there might be a slight breakdown...
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    Help! Having a Baby in 8 Weeks... Need to Cut Back on ...

    RE: Help! Having a Baby in 8 Weeks... Need to Cut Back... Congratulations to you and your family Mary Beth. I'm another tiny person (4'11") who can't carry much weight. In the long, long time ago past when I had my baby, much to my delight the weight came off relatively quickly. Yes, I had...
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    Do you have a weight range or just one number?

    >I have my body fat done every year and use that to estimate >my weight you people are all so weight >range at 19-25% is 175-181 and I'm 5'8"(not that tall). I >even had one non-execiser say she felt sorry for me because no >matter how much I worked out I would always...
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    sweet tooth

    >Yes, sometimes you just NEED something sweet!!!! I buy >berries, even if they are expensive and I put stevia on them. >(I buy raspberries, blueberries, strawberries and >boysenberries for this purpose) Somehow the cost makes it seem >even more like a special treat. (Ha, ha) They are good...
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    Too Much Cardio Weight Gain!!!

    I defer to Cathe as always on these type questions but I have some input. Aerobic training is good for cardio/vascular purposes. However, I continue to read that weight training is what we want to concentrate on for fat loss and muscle gain. If I am wrong, please jump in... I am always...
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    So, what's everyone up to this weekend?

    Hub and I are going to see Wild Hogs on Tuesday. I don't care what the reviews on it are - I think a little light entertainment is in order for us - then out to dinner This weekend, I have to take care of my Mom on Saturday and squeeze in a workout during the afternoon. Sunday, I...
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    Our employees are SO RIDICULOUS!!!!!!!!!!

    Government Employees, Unions and Management I see quite a bit of slurs, opinions, valid cases and stupidity here. I am recently retired from a Government job after 25 years. I was neither lazy or ever lax in the performance of my job. I frankly resent quite a bit about what is being said...
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    Our employees are SO RIDICULOUS!!!!!!!!!!

    Government Employees, Unions and Management I see quite a bit of slurs, opinions, valid cases and stupidity here. I am recently retired from a Government job after 25 years. I was neither lazy or ever lax in the performance of my job. I frankly resent quite a bit about what is being said...
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    Cut wine, to get more muscle growth?

    I'm glad you mentioned Smoking Loon wines. They are high quality and won't break your budget. Smoking Loon Chard is very good also. Hubs likes their Cabs. Toasted Head wines are also wonderful but a bit pricey for my wallet. I agree - cutting back offers up many benefits... a couple of...
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    Cut wine, to get more muscle growth?

    Tnena (sp?)... Just an after thought... I have been buying a lot of Bella Sera Pinot Grigio lately... maybe this is sign. It's crisp, fresh and light tasting. I find it is great with fish and salads. Just My humble opinion... I'm not wine expert. I know what my tastebuds like....
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    Pessimistic people

    Keep Cathe at the forefront of your goals. She is a true role model. If you were in shape before baby, you will probably be in shape after baby. I have another roll model for you... check in at Joyce Vedrals website and look at her before and after group of people. One in particular is...
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    Cut wine, to get more muscle growth?

    Whew... I was pretty nervous there for a minute. Hey, Pinot Grigio person!! I'm with you on that one. I have been slowly edging my way through different brands and haven't settled on one yet. I also love a good glass of Merlot. But as Cathe stated... moderation. Also, Cathe, thanks...
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    Cathe, you have a Wiki!

    >What's a Wiki? >Eva It's called a Wikipedia. It contains information about the person you Googled in or looked up some other way. It's a very informative tool
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    OM - we had a huge superbowl party yesterday and when half time arrived, I vacated the rec room and headed for the plasma in the living room. Whoa... My kids are very familiar with Prince music. My daughter and I attended a particular fitness class together on Saturdays way back when and the...
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    The Ultimate Guide Results

    Hello.... I think it would help if you would put these in order of intensity - 1-10. Would that be do able? It would help me a great deal.