The Ultimate Guide Results

SNM Videos

The Ultimate Guide Results have now been posted at:

We would like to thank everyone who paticipated in the survey. So far 314 customers have taken the time to fill out the form and your efforts are greatly appreciated. We hope the Ultimate Guide will help customers on future purchases of Cathe DVD's.

If you would still like to participate in the survey, please go to:

We will post updated results periodically.
I didn't particpate in the survey, but I do have a question. The upper body, lower body and ab workouts from the Basic Step/Body Fusion DVD are not listed. Is there a reason for that? They are listed separately on the DVD and I didn't think they were premixes?

Still love the Guide, it will definitely help when planning my workouts.


I think it would help if you would put these in order of intensity - 1-10. Would that be do able? It would help me a great deal.

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