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  1. K

    Power Hour Thoughts

    Thank you so much for your input Erica! I will definitely listen to my body!! :-) Kat
  2. K

    Can you have flat abs after a C-section?

    I know I'm not Cathe, but I can speak from "some" experience. I had a c-section with my daughter, and after I had her is when I first "really" discovered videos. I pretty much got back down to my regular size, great upper abs, but that lower pooch was just that. Since then I have had a few...
  3. K

    Power Hour Thoughts

    I am just getting back into working out after a long time off (well, I tried off and on for the past few years, but never ever committed to anything). I need to lose weight (approx. 60 lbs.) and was thinking once I got myself acclamated to working out this week doing other workouts, that I...
  4. K

    Starting to see results

    Hey KB!! Congratuations on starting to see results! Like you, hearing people's successes helps me out tremendously. I love hearing gradual successes such as yours along the way. Can I ask what your routine was for the past three weeks? What are your goals? Again, congrats. Kat
  5. K

    L.B.S. update

    That is wonderful news. Which level have you been working at? Congrats!!!
  6. K

    Happy Dance and Thanks!

    Hi everybody! I want to thank all of you for your support when I was down and out a few weeks ago. I'm happy to report that I have worked out consecutively for three days now, and I can't wait for my workout tonight. Grant it, I have only been doing Taebo Basic and the Firm's LBS, but I want...
  7. K

    Working Out and Weight Loss

    Hi everybody. Again, I want to thank everybody for your kind words of motivation and support. I tried doing Taebo the other morning, but I nearly coughed up not one, but both my lungs, so I decided that wasn't a great idea. I went to the Dr. last night and I have bronchitis, so I'm hoping now...
  8. K

    Working Out and Weight Loss

    RE: You Guys Are GREAT!! You guys are GREAT! I can't thank you enough for your words of encouragement, and boy do I need as much encouragement as possible. My body self-esteem is as low as it can possibly get and I just need to get out of this rut, and not just for a week, but for a LIFETIME...
  9. K

    Working Out and Weight Loss

    Hey Robin!!! I did post last week (and I thought early)on WW challenge, but I think it got overlooked!!! LOL. Anyhow, I have been struggling big time. I almost feel like I'm in a rut. I get gung-ho to workout while I'm at work, but at night when I get home I'm just wore out. I do think some...
  10. K

    Idea alert: Oprah and Cathe

    RE: Hi RBurke! Wow! Congrats on the weighloss. I, too, struggle with weightloss and it seems to get harder and harder with time. I literally obsess about it, yet nothing ever comes of it. Like you, I end up craving and bingeing. It is an awful boomerang effect. I will admit that I have had...
  11. K

    Working Out and Weight Loss

    Hi everybody. Well, I need as much advice as possible, from Cathe or anybody else. I need to lose 60 lbs., and although I was following WW, but after a really HORRIBLE month of events, I dropped out and now that I'm trying to get over my cold and the fall is here, I'm ready to start back full...
  12. K


    Yes, I would love the rotations. My email is: [email protected] thanks!!
  13. K

    Max Rotation

    What is the max rotation? I would love to try it. If someone could, could you email it to me? My email is: [email protected] Thanks!
  14. K

    PLEASE READ: Rotations Have Been Sent Out

    Can I get the rotations sent to me? My email address is: [email protected]. Thanks.
  15. K

    Weight Watchers and Cathe

    RE: What if you only have 10 pounds to lose & the check-in for Monday YES!!!!! I would definitely go to WW. If they see that your weight is below their height guidelines, they will tell you so. I commend you for wanting to do something about those ten pounds before they creep up to...
  16. K

    Weight Watchers and Cathe

    Here's what I'll do.......on Monday morning I'll go over to the Firm Challenges and Checkins and write something real quick. Do any of you know what entails a checkin? Do we check in daily? Maybe we can each post what our weekly goals are and support each other that way. For instance, I want...
  17. K

    Weight Watchers and Cathe

    Great!! Let's do it!! I also lurk and sometimes post at the Firm. Want to start our check-in starting tomorrow, Saturday, Sunday, Monday?!?!?! LOL. Just let me know what you are interested in doing. Should we post over at the Firm to see if anybody else is interested in checking in? Also...
  18. K

    Weight Watchers and Cathe

    I can't thank everybody enough for responding to this. It really motivates me to want to stick with my program and start exercising faithfully with Cathe!!! :-) I know we probably cannot do this on the Cathe forum, but would anybody be interested in starting some sort of a ww/cathe check-in...
  19. K

    Weight Watchers and Cathe

    Wow! First off, let me say congratulations on your weight losses! That is wonderful. Losing weight is a real challenge, and keeping it off is an even harder challenge. I have most Cathes and almost all the firms, and I'm hoping to get myself into the habit of exercising regularly (5-6 days...
  20. K

    Weight Watchers and Cathe

    Hi everybody! Well, I joined weight watchers again tonight for probably the dozenth (yea, I realize that is not a word) time of my life, and I really want this to be the last time I ever have to join! I want to make this for good! My question to you....are there any weight watchers out there...