Idea alert: Oprah and Cathe


Active Member
I've been thinking and since there is a thread that mentions both Cathe and Oprah I have to share my thoughts. I think Cathe would be a great guest for Oprah. I know Oprah would be shocked by Cathe's cultish following (myself included). But, more importantly, Cathe is a real woman. She is a mother, a professional and she is respected by so many people. I have just been trying to figure out a way to make the suggestion to the show. If Oprah only knew what she was missing here. Anyway...
I was just a thought.

P.S. I've lost 17 pounds since changing jobs in May. I know many of you responded to me over the past 2 years when I was so frustrated with my weight. I finally gave up dieting and restriction and counting because it wasn't working at all. It made me crave food all the time. I couldn't handle it anymore. I changed jobs and poof - it started coming off. Amazing what stress can do. I am now at a point where I want to stop loosing. I am doing a rotation with Slow and Heavy and am trying to gain mass. I feel great. I've lost inches too but I can't remember them to tell you. Thanks for all the support!

First, congrats on your weight loss! :):):)

As for the Oprah idea: I think a bunch of people from the Firm forum sent emails to her website a few months ago suggesting a show on video exercisers. The idea over there started out with suggesting a show on just the Firm, but other people chimed and and thought maybe the show could be broadened to cover all video exercisers (including us Cathe fans) and people who work out at home in general. Quite a few people said the sent emails but as far as I know nothing has come of it. There was some general consensus that Oprah, having gained a good bit of her weight back, may not be as interested in exercise and working out as she once was (though she did do show about yoga recently, featuring yoga videotape star Rodney Yee, yummy!). Her focus nowadays seems to be much more tuned in with spiritual/psychological development, the mind/body connection, and social issues.

All that said, I still think it's a great idea! Just not sure if it would fly with Oprah these days-especially after the events of Sept. 11.
Great suggestion! I, too, however, am not so sure Oprah would go with it since she pushes a lot of books with new twists on eating. Still looking for the magic bullet, I fear. I know Cathe would be great. Please, don't suggest inviting Denise Austin to the same show!;-)
Hi RBurke!

Good morning!

I just wanted to tell you how delighted I was to read this post - I have felt for you so many times, the frustration of not meeting your goals despite your obvious intense desire and discipline. Way to go girl! :) :-jumpy

Your story makes my day! Thanks so much for sharing.

RE: The best ideas go unnoticed . . .

I agree that an Oprah show profiling video exercise would be wonderful, and sadly I also agree with Atgood that Oprah's interest in the subject probably isn't there.

I think it's terribly ironic that Oprah's focus on "spiritual/psychological development, the mind/body connection, and social issues" seems to preclude physical exercise. One hour of good, intelligent exercise does more for me spiritually and psychologically that any 10 hours of therapy and AA meetings ever did; I totally achieve the "mind/body connection" when I learn or implement a new physical skill; and as far as social issues go, the increasingly out-of-shape America spells epidemic physical disorders (heart disease, diabetes, early bone loss, etc.) that are already now terribly destructive and only getting worse.

Oh well. That's why I log onto the Cathe forum rather than The Oprah show. By the way, I was a brief guest on Oprah once, back in 1996. That was the only Oprah show I ever watched in its entirety!


Why were you on the show?

By the way, you write so well... I've noticed it many times, but have never mentioned it.

RE: Annette's 15 seconds of fame

Hi, Wendyloo! Thanks for your kind words about my writing!

I was on the Oprah show back in the spring of 1996, when she was having an anniversary show for advice columnist Ann Landers, who was celebrating her 40th year in the sob sister biz. (BTW, I love Ann Landers!) I and several others across the country who'd had letters published in her column and lived to tell the tale were flown to Chicago, taken by limos bigger than my townhome to the Omni International Hotel in the heart of downtown, and the next day we taped the show, the second of three she was taping that day. I gotta tell you, it was surreal but awesome - Ann and Oprah, two of the most influential women in America, on the same dais right in front of me.

I think I was the comic relief of the show - my letter didn't ask for advice but instead challenged Ann for a response to a previous writer complaining that the "old geezers" in her office were coming on to her. Ann basically asked her, "What are you doing to encourage this?" and I basically suggested Ann was blaming the victim. Ann agreed with me! It must be noted that I forgot I'd written the letter after I mailed it off, and when I read it a few months later I thought, "Boy, this looks familiar!" Then I read my own signature "Annette in Minneapolis" and had a conniption right there in Calhoun Square Mall. Just like I had a conniption when the producers told me they liked the story and wanted me on the show.

I'm a very boring person who has really exciting things happen to her about once a decade. That was it for the '90's.

:) :) :) :) :)
RE: Annette's 15 seconds of fame

If I could ever get on Jeopardy, that would be the highlight of my life, so I can dig why being on Oprah was a great thrill.
RE: Hi RBurke!

Wow! Congrats on the weighloss. I, too, struggle with weightloss and it seems to get harder and harder with time. I literally obsess about it, yet nothing ever comes of it. Like you, I end up craving and bingeing. It is an awful boomerang effect. I will admit that I have had alot of stress in my life the past ten years or so, and now that I have been a divorced mom for a few years, you would think I would not have anymore stress or more time on my hands to do something about it. I don' least not for any length of time.

I posted today in the Video section asking for help. I sure hope to get some good feedback and advice.

Again, congratulations on your success. I hope to be in your shoes someday soon!! :)

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